18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.cancerresearchAustralian Cancer Research Foundationacrf.com.auView


All domain name registrations in the .cancerresearch TLD will be registered to and maintained by ACRF for its own exclusive use. ACRF will not distribute or transfer control or use of any registrations in the .cancerresearch TLD to any third party that is not an Affiliate, as that term is defined in clause 2.9(c) of the Registry Agreement. As such, ACRF will maintain complete control over .cancerresearch domain name registrations, as facilitated by the imposition of eligibility restrictions and internal policies and processes. ACRF has interpreted this question broadly and prepared this response taking into consideration social costs and other negative consequences facing consumers and Internet users who will access content through the .cancerresearch TLD; likewise, these are considered eliminated or minimised by the manner in which ACRF will operate the .cancerresearch TLD.


Multiple applications are not anticipated in the .cancerresearch TLD, as domain name registrations will be for controlled by ACRF for its exclusive use in the interests of the ACRF brand. Registrations will not be made commercially available and eligibility to register domain names will be limited to specifically authorised individuals under ACRF’s control. Thus, there are no competing interests and or opportunities for competing applications to be made. The decision-making authority as to which domain names will be registered and for which purposes will be not vested in a single individual; this will be addressed through internal processes regarding domain name registration, requiring approvals within established reporting lines and the use of usernames and passwords to register domain names. Compliance with these processes will ensure that multiple applications for the same name are not made.


Registrations will not be commercially available in the .cancerresearch TLD; cost benefits to registrants are therefore not applicable to the TLD.


Registrations will not be commercially available in the .cancerresearch TLD; contractual commitments regarding price escalation are therefore also not applicable to the TLD.


By imposing strict eligibility restrictions and internal processes regarding domain name registration and restricting the .cancerresearch TLD to uses that clearly support its mission⁄purpose and thus the ACRF business, it is anticipated that vulnerabilities to the registrant and the Internet public who access content through the .cancerresearch TLD can be eliminated. This will be safeguarded through internal policies and procedures which ensure that registrations are made by authorised representatives of ACRF using established reporting lines. Further, abusive registrations and use of registrations will be prevented by having in place and enforcing a robust anti-abuse policy; this policy is described in detail in the response to Question 28.

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