
20(c) Provide a description of the community-based purpose of the applied-for gTLD

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.eusPuntueus Fundazioapuntueus.orgView
The Basque linguistic and cultural community owns an strong identity based on a very wide historical, linguistic, cultural, social and political background. Euskara is the language of the Basque linguistic and cultural community, the base of its community, and Basque culture, its social expression.
Further, Euskara is the only pre-Roman language still alive in the Iberian Peninsula. Many linguists all over the world have struggled to track its real origin but no conclusion has gained a broad consensus so far, and, nowadays, Euskara is still considered an isolated language. Nevertheless, in spite of being a minority language with very specific characteristics, Euskara and its speakers have historically shown an strong commitment to adapt to the times and new challenges. In this sense, in contrast to its status as a minority language, the presence of Euskara obtained a very remarkable position number 38 in the ranking of languages on the Internet in 2003, according to studies carried out by Peter Gerrand. Vid. Gerrand, P. (2007). Estimating linguistic diversity on the Internet: A taxonomy to avoid pitfalls and paradoxes. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12(4), article 8.
The social expression of Euskara, through the Basque culture, has shown traditionally many forms. From the first book in Euskara published in 1545 ( ʹLinguae Vasconum Primitiaeʹ of Bernart Etxepare) to the literature in Euskara, the ʹbertsolaritzaʹ, Basque dances, Basque music or many other social expressions, Euskara has had an extensive way throughout history, so significant as innovative.
The Internet allows to create communities with different purposes. Thus, this fact opens the door to that social expression, in our case the Basque culture. However, although the contents on the Internet are becoming increasingly diverse, no doubt, language remains the main tool of communication on the Internet.
In this sense, on the Internet, multiculturalism lies at the highest possible level and, in such multicultural melting pot, the Basque linguistic and cultural community should have its own technological shelter. Therefore, .eus is the name that will represent the Basque linguistic and cultural community on the Internet.
This symbol will become a tool for the promotion of Basque culture and Euskara, and, in this sense, the .eus TLD will be an effective mechanism for linguistic standardization of Euskara worldwide. The .eus TLD, through the virtual space of the Internet, will assure an efficient promotion of Euskara, guaranteeing simultaneously its international recognition.
Similarly, the .eus TLD will reinforce and extend the multicultural nature of the Internet, since allowing linguistic and cultural communities to have their own doTLDmain, puts multiculturalism on the very heart of the Internet. TLD related to language and cultures strengthen and benefit not only those linguistic and cultural communities but also the Internet itself.
So that, in a few words: the objective of the .eus TLD is to assign a name, a symbol, to the presence of the Basque Language and Culture on the Internet, creating such a name for the Basque Culture Community on the Internet, in a feedback process that reinforces the Basque linguistic and cultural community.

c) i. Intended registrants in the TLD.

The intended registrants of the TLD could be differentiated in three main different groups: Individuals and entities with online activity living in those areas where Basque is an autoctonous language; the communities of the diaspora and the societies where they have been formed; and those willing to address and engage in online communications with the Basque linguistic and cultural community.

c) ii. Intended end-users of the TLD. 

The intended end-users are as varied as the people with a certain interest in the Basque linguistic and cultural community. But for taxonomy purposes, four main  targets could be identified: The general public living in those areas where Basque originated; the communities of the diaspora and the societies where they have been formed; the academic interest in the Basque language and culture; and those willing to be informed about the different aspects related to the Basque language and culture

c) iii. Related activities the applicant has carried out or intends to carry out in service of this purpose. 

All the activities developed so far by the Puntueus Elkartea have been focused on raising awareness in regard to the development of the .eus TLD space, and in gathering the support of representative Institutions from any sector of the Basque linguistic and cultural community. The explicit and decided support from a very significant part of  the representative entities of the community is proof enough of how these two objectives have been met, as well as of the overwhelming endorsement from the Basque community. 
The activities of the Puntueus Fundazioa from the delegation of the TLD onwards will be twofold: To foster the development of the .eus TLD space for the benefit of the Basque linguistic and cultural community, and to promote the development of the Basque linguistic and cultural information society, being both objectives clearly hand in hand with each other. 

c) iv. Explanation of how the purpose is of a lasting nature.

The purpose of the .eus TLD is indeed of a lasting nature. The name, as referred in 18 and in 20 b) and d), is a long established and widely used contraction of the name of the Basque language and of its linguistic and cultural community, that has had a centuries’ longstanding existence and continued presence, and a firm and vibrant community.
gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.medDocCheck AGdoccheck.comView
List of content
a- Introduction
b- Intended registrants
c- Intended end-users
d- Related activities
e- Lasting nature

a- Introduction
The community-based purpose of the applied for gTLD .med is to provide a namespace acting as the safe and secure home base for all topics relevant to the medical and healthcare community. Community members should consider the .med as a cooperation of reliable, skilled, trustworthy and most notably verified professionals sharing similar occupations and a professional attitude towards their work life. The gTLD should encourage the community and its members to play an active role in the exchange of information and knowledge and the organization of community issues. Ideally, this strengthens the bonds between the sole member and the higher goals and interests that aid and promote the community. Therefore, through centralizing und professionalizing the presentation of medical and healthcare websites, services, individuals and organizations, an identity is created that community members can feel gravitated towards. Above all, the .med gTLD encourages and improves the provision of a solution accessible for every internet user worldwide in terms of being provided with information and services on medical and healthcare topics. That is especially relevant since advanced industrial countries are marked by the impact of an aging society while developing as well as undeveloped countries are marked by population growth linked with a lack of basic medical and healthcare services. Among others, one challenge for the community arises to generate a global communications platform in order to exchange information and professional expertise in medical and healthcare topics.

b- Intended registrants
Consecutively, intended registrants for the gTLD .med are all community members. Please find an overview on intended registrant categories explained at question 20(a) and a detailed compilation of possible professions subsumed under all six registrant categories defined at question 18(a). Henceforth, it should be outlined what possible use cases intended registrants of the gTLD could inherit. First, .med should provide a namespace for all members of the medical and healthcare community for representing themselves, their businesses or occupations, and their day-to-day work. Possible webpages could range from, among others, introductions of doctor’s practices or hospitals, procedures that they are specialized at (i.e. radiology), or other information that is worth being published to an open or limited public. Second, community members could for example publish contributions to the development of their fields of expertise or suggestions for treatments diseases etc. Third, they should be able to use the .med namespace themselves for research and aggregation of useful information they can apply to their daily work or their field of expertise in general. Last, the secured namespace should encourage experts and practitioners to engage in communication and exchange of information. As access to such websites and services with .med domain is restricted and therefore a certain level of quality is guaranteed, it is expected that community members will experience as greater tendency to do so than today.

c- Intended end-users
Apart from the community members, who are intended registrants as well as beneficiaries, DocCheck AG expects all internet users to be another important group of important beneficiaries. Thus, end users of the gTLD .med will be all community members as well as all internet users (please refer to question 18(a) for more details). As end-user use cases have already been described for community members in the intended registrant section, it should now be concentrated on end-user use cases for internet users. First, ordinary (meaning: not directly related to the medical or healthcare profession) internet users are able to identify and evaluate the great variety of different medical and healthcare professions and their respective locations with practices, hospitals, and others. They can plan consultations ahead and inform themselves about special circumstances. Second, there is a growing tendency of people demanding information and knowledge about their diseases, treatments, and methodologies. People connected to the internet widely use it as a source for information and research, which is why a designated medical and healthcare namespace could function as a first point of contact and signpost for people inexperienced with medical and healthcare topics. Third, webpages and services could complement the doctor-patient-relationship by providing additional information and simplifying communication.

d- Related activities
Apart from the application for the new gTLD .med, DocCheck AG is providing a multitude of other services for the medical and healthcare community for over 15 years now. Almost all services are provided free of charge as complemental benefits for the free DocCheck portal membership. The magnitude of services provided are widely accepted and used throughout the medical and healthcare community and deliver added value to all members.

- DocCheck Single-Sign-On, providing one login for over 2,500 websites with content solely addressed to medical and healthcare professions
- DocCheck Newsletter addressing healthcare specialists worldwide,
- DocCheck Faces, the medical network service enabling communication among health care specialists,
- DocCheck Flexikon, an open medical lexicon which is updated and maintained by qualified users of the DocCheck portal.
- DocCheck TV, DocCheck Picture, DocCheck Shop
- Ask a colleague
- Likewise DocCheck Campus offers space on the Internet for medical students to find information concerning their studies and⁄or opportunities as well as eLearning offerings. The introduction of the gTLD .med would establish further space on the Internet to broaden that user experience and help young talent to enter the healthcare sector, and ordinary people as well as health care specialist to find a reliable information platform. Empowerment training concerning students

e- Lasting nature
As described earlier in the answers to these questions and question 18, the DocCheck network could be understood as a first step towards a cross-professional medical and healthcare umbrella association providing organizational and communicational as well as other services to the global community. This is especially important as it should be obvious that the community will in all probability remain intact as long as humanity lives for different reasons. As medical research develops further and further, pathogens and germs will mutate and develop as well. This is why mankind will have to deal with diseases for a very long time in the future and is therefore always dependable on specialist in the medical and healthcare profession. In this argument it is implicitly said that the state of research and therefore treatment methodologies will always develop and experience change and actualization. Additionally, two demographic trends intensify the argument. In industrialized countries aging societies and the demographic shift place new challenges on modern public healthcare systems. In developing countries, population growth and simultaneous lack of basic medical healthcare lead to a high children mortality rates, a spread of diseases and epidemic plagues as well as two-class system of healthcare division between the poor and the rich. Furthermore, even global population is growing and has for the first time ever reached the level of 7 bn. It can be said that trained medical and healthcare personnel is unevenly distributed throughout the world. This leads to flashpoints where currently only some organizations like Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders) deliver basic help. All these cases show that the community itself and the supporting goals and causes are needed more than ever on the globe.