18(a) Describe the mission/purpose of your proposed gTLD

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.votingValuetainment Corp.votingtool.deView

The proposed .votinggTLDwill be the trustworthy online space dedicated to carrying out votes, polls, surveys or hosting forums for the exchange of opinion. It will
- make it easier for users to find information about polls or forums
- provide for a safer and more secure surfing experience and reduce the risk of users being deceived by illegitimate offers, and so mitigate the risk of users becoming victims of abusive behaviour and malicious conduct.
- help leverage the potential of the Internet and its users to voice their opinion and exchange thoughts.

The applicant, Valuetainment AG, Switzerland, was founded in 2005 and has a lot of expertise in the area of conducting polls. The applicants offers the so called Votingtool (votingtool.com), which gives private and commercial customers the possibility to obtain the opinion of readers, viewers, customers, friends, employees, fans or other target groups. The subject of such polls may be political questions, products, movies, pictures, to name a few examples. At the time of drafting this text, the Votingtool is used by more than 30,000 customers. The experience in this business led to the idea of the .voting gTLD.
Current situation:
Today, Internet users are confronted with the a multitude of opportunities to participate in polls, surveys or give their opinion. Often, users are asked to provide personal data when participating in such activities.
However, the user often does not know
- to whom the information is provided;
- what is done with the information; and
- whether personal information such as an e-mail address will then be used for marketing purposes or even passed on to third parties.
Such uncertainty makes it
- difficult for those seeking the opinionsof Internet users to achieve favourable response rates and
- difficult for users to decide whether or not they should participate in such activities.
As a consequence,
- the Internet cannot be used in the best possible way with its virtually unlimited possibilities for participation of all users and
- users will not be eager to use all the opportunities they are offered to participate.

The proposed .voting gTLD will help overcome these shortcomings.

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