20(c) Provide a description of the community-based purpose of the applied-for gTLD
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .gmbh | TLDDOT GmbH | dotgmbh.de | View |
Eligible and intended registrants of .GMBH domain names are
- companies which are at the time of registration registered as with the legal form of a GmbH (including mbh, gGmbH, GesmbH and Ges.m.b.H.) in an official company register in Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Switzerland or any other country where the registration of a GmbH company may be allowed, and
- regulatory authorities and institutions in Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland that are involved in any proceedings regarding companies with the legal form of a GmbH, and
- registered associations and chambers representing GmbH companies and their interests
Intended users of .GMBH second-level domain names are members of the GMBH Community and Internet users worldwide which are looking for GmbH related information especially targeting Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Switzerland.
The applicant has carried out a set of activities to support the purpose of the .GMBH TLD. The most important activities included the consulting with the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) and the Austrian Business Chamber (WKO) in order to define eligible Registrants as well other policies regarding Registrant validation, reserved names and other topics. Both chambers have, on a daily basis, major tasks with the foundation, maintenance and deletion of GmbH companies.
The applicant spoke with many community members in the respective countries, discussed the concept for a .GMBH TLD, the benefits, usage and prices. Furthermore the applicant has conducted outreach regarding the benefit of the upcoming new GmbH namespace including
- speeches at public target group events, such as from the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, investment forums and at other occasions,
- publications together with industry associations and chambers about .GmbH,
- presentation of .GmbH in constituencies of industry associations and chambers,
- presentation of .GmbH in front of politicians,
- publically on its intuitively accessible website www.dotgmbh.de and on ICANN meetings,
- by press releases.
Other activities that are intended to serve the purpose of the .GMBH namespace included the definition of safeguards to avoid and mitigate domain grabbing, cybersquatting, speculation and other unlawful activities as well as policies against domain name abuse and an Eligibility Requirements Dispute Resolution Policy (ERDRP).
It is not expected that the legal form of a GmbH will disappear within the next decade in Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Switzerland. In opposite, the countries are doing everything to make the legal form or a GmbH more attractive against its competitor, the Limited (Ltd.), e.g. in Germany the requirements to found a GmbH have been modernized (Gesetz zur Modernisierung des GmbH-Rechts und zur Bekämpfung von Missbräuchen - MoMiG). By this the basis for the .GmbH business will even grow.
The .GMBH top-level domain and its purpose are of a long-lasting nature since digital marketing and distribution and individual digital addresses (domain names) have become an integral component of general business and individual and personal practices and thereby also for the .GMBH Community as a whole. It is foreseeable and anticipated that digital instruments and tools such as .GMBH domain names will play an ever increasing role for any society’s interaction within the next decade and beyond. The .GMBH top- level domain will thereby serve the GmbH Community and its members in a lasting nature and will fulfill its purpose of providing validated, meaningful and easily recognizable domain names.
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