18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.FLIRFLIR Systems, Inc.flir.comView

As a public company with an established and trusted brand, we are especially concerned with minimizing potential consumer vulnerabilities, especially as they relate to online activity, such as domain name abuse and the risks inherent in dealing with unauthorized representatives and counterfeiters. Our own TLD, affords us control over all aspects of the namespace, from registration use and policies, to security and safety, to abuse mitigation and control. We can finally assure our online visitors and customers the same level of safety, trust and reliability they expect from our products.

As mentioned previously, FLIR will deploy DNSSEC and will comply with all of the other policies and practices required by ICANN in the Registry Agreement and⁄or via any Consensus Policy. Also, as detailed before, FLIR will also comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to Internet security and the privacy of users’ confidential information, which include not only those provided by ICANN, but also those that apply to publicly traded companies.

What other steps will you take to minimize negative consequences⁄costs imposed upon consumers? Answers should address the following points:

i) How will multiple applications for a particular domain name be resolved, for example, by auction or on a first-come⁄first-serve basis?

As indicated above, all domain name registrations within the .FLIR space will be held by FLIR itself. As a single registrant model, and at our sole discretion, we may provide or allow second-level .FLIR domain names to authorized suppliers and distributors, appropriate corporate divisions, customers, employees, authorized FLIR sales agents, OEMs and distribution outlets, but the registrant of record for all domain names within the TLD space shall remain FLIR.

The sole registrant system envisioned here is by design a tightly controlled system, allowing a limited number of planned and hence organized registrations. These precautions will ensure that the .FLIR TLD starts up as and remains a safe and secure name space.

ii) Explain any cost benefits for registrants you intend to implement (e.g., advantageous pricing, introductory discounts, bulk registration discounts).

Given that .FLIR will be operated as a single registrant TLD, bulk discounts, advantageous pricing or other schemes are irrelevant and thus not necessary.

iii) Do you intend to make contractual commitments to registrants regarding the magnitude of price escalation?

Pricing and price escalation, and hence any commitments regarding price is also not applicable to the model that FLIR envisions for .FLIR TLD.

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