22 Describe proposed measures for protection of geographic names at the second and other levels in the applied-for gTLD

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One characteristic of the .frogans gTLD is that the OP3FT (the Applicant) will be the sole and unique registrant of domain names in the .frogans gTLD registry.

Another characteristic of the .frogans gTLD is that the OP3FT will not commercialize any domain names in the .frogans gTLD registry to third parties.

The measure proposed by the OP3FT for the protection of geographic names in the second and other levels in the .frogans gTLD is to forbid the registration of geographic names as domains in the second and other levels.

For implementing this measure:

- The OP3FT will integrate into its internal domain name registration procedure the rules and lists of reserved names specified in Specification 5 of the gTLD Registry Agreement;

- The OP3FTʹs internal domain name registration procedure will comply with the GAC Principles Regarding New gTLDs, dated March 28, 2007 (https:⁄⁄gacweb.icann.org⁄download⁄attachments⁄1540128⁄gTLD_principles_0.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1312358178000);

- The OP3FT will delete any domain name registration which has been determined to be a protected geographic name.

As the OP3FT will be the sole and unique registrant of domain names in the .frogans gTLD registry, there will be no procedure comparable to that implemented in the .info gTLD registry for allowing governments, distinct economies or public authorities to register reserved geographic domain names in the .frogans gTLD registry.

The OP3FTʹs internal domain name registration procedure is expanded further in the answers to questions 28 (Abuse Prevention and Mitigation) and 29 (Rights Protection Mechanisms) of this application.

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