24 Shared Registration System (SRS) Performance
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .uol | UBN INTERNET LTDA. | registro.br | View |
1. Introduction
Shared Registration System (SRS) is serviced through a NIC.br (Núcleo
de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR) proprietary implementation of
the EPP (Extensible Provisioning Protocol) standards. Itʹs based on
the software currently in use successfully for more than 5 years at a
2.8+ million domain names ccTLD (Country Code Top Level Domain)
2. Architecture
The plan for .UOL is to operate SRS in a clustered
environment, with the use of redundant load balancing hardware to
distribute load among multiple instances (initially 2 instances) of
EPP servers as shown in [Q24-diagram1].
3. High availability and performance
This architecture allows for continuous operation of the SRS in the
event of hardware failures or planned maintenance windows, while also
permitting easy service performance growth, by simply including
additional EPP server instances as needed.
In addition, the setup described in [Q24-diagram1] is replicated at a
cold standby secondary site, where service can be restored in up to 4
hours should a catastrophic event affect the primary site.
Past experience with the .br ccTLD Registry gives us confidence that
this initial setup can easily accommodate the amount of commands
estimated for the first 5+ years of operation, including the sunrise
period when there is an usual increase on registration demand.
Performance tests with 200 simultaneous clients reached an average of
400 domain registrations per second in an lab environment comprised of
EPP and database servers running on hosts with equivalent hardware
specifications planned for the production environment. This numbers
far exceed the expected load on regular operations.
During these performance tests, round-trip times (RTTs) of session,
query and transform commands averaged around 20 milliseconds on local
network. Even considering a scenario with RTTs of 500 milliseconds for
clients with very poor connectivity to our network, Service Level
Agreement (SLA) specified in the Registry Agreement can still be
easily honored. As a benchmark, RTTs for DNS queries sent from our
network to servers in the US West Coast is under 200 milliseconds, to
servers in Europe is around 210 milliseconds, and to servers in
Southeast Asia is around 320 milliseconds.
In order to minimize service disruptions caused by denial of service
attacks against our EPP servers, TCP connections to this service are
only allowed from previously registered IP addresses⁄ranges. TCP
connection attempts coming from unregistered addresses are silently
4. Data synchronization
All transform operations are written to a centralized transactional
database server, which is asynchronously replicated to several
read-only database (DB) servers. These DB servers are used for
read-only services such as RDDS (Registration Data Directory Services)
and periodic reports in order to distribute the the Registryʹs DB work
load, keeping the primary master database server busy only with
services that require insert, update or delete grants or services that
require up-to-date data to work properly.
Although asynchronous, synchronization between the primary master
database server and each read-only database server is continuous,
having shown a delay of milliseconds most of the time.
5. Resourcing plan
.UOL back-end registry will be fully outsourced to NIC.br.
The EPP component of the Registry System is built on current NIC.br
infrastructure and acquisition of new server hardware. This combined
hardware system will be used for all NIC.br new gTLDs operations and
is detailed in response to question 32.
Initial hardware and software configuration setup and service
maintenance for all NIC.br new gTLD operations will be trusted to the
personnel who currently run the .br Registry operations: network,
system and software engineer teams composed of 12 engineers, along
with NIC.br 24x7 Network Operations Center (NOC).
These setup and operational costs are distributed among all NIC.br new
gTLDs operations as detailed in each Financial Projections as
Operating (Technical Labor and Operation of SRS) and Capital (Hardware
and Software) Expenditures.
Similar gTLD applications: (4)
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | z | Detail | .globo | Globo Comunicação e Participações S.A | registro.br | -2.46 | Compare |
.rio | Empresa Municipal de Informática SA - IPLANRIO | registro.br | -2.46 | Compare |
.final | Núcleo de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR - NIC.br | registro.br | -2.3 | Compare |
.bom | Núcleo de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR - NIC.br | registro.br | -2.3 | Compare |