30(a) Security Policy: Summary of the security policy for the proposed registry
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .uol | UBN INTERNET LTDA. | registro.br | View |
A - Security Policy
1 - Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to establish management direction, procedural requirements, and technical guidance to ensure the appropriate protection of data, servers, applications, network access, personnel access and systems about outsourced registry services by NIC.br (Núcleo de Informação e Coordenação do Ponto BR)
2 - Scope
This policy overview applies to all employees, contractors, consultants, temporaries, volunteers and other workers at NIC.br, including those workers affiliated with third parties who access NIC.br computer networks. Throughout this policy, the word ʺworkerʺ will be used to collectively refer to all such individuals. The policy also applies to all computer and data communication systems owned by or administered by NIC.br
This policy must be extended to all NIC.br backup sites.
3 - Roles and Responsibilities
The Information Security manager is responsible for establishing, maintaining, implementing, administering, and interpreting organization-wide information systems security policies, standards, guidelines, and procedures.
The Information Security Departmentʹs mission is to evaluate information security vulnerabilities and implement technologies, procedures, and guidelines to ensure that appropriate level of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all information assets are maintained.
Users are responsible for complying with this and all other NIC.br policies defining computer and network security measures.
4 - System Access Control
All computers permanently or intermittently connected on NIC.br networks and contain non-public information must have password access controls and servers and network equipments must be access using encrypted channel, from network restricted and secure and must reject any type of connection from Internet Network instead any public service.
Users must choose fixed passwords that are difficult to guess, passwords must not be related to a userʹs bio or personal life and must not be a word found in the dictionary or some other part of speech. Passwords must not be stored in readable form in batch files, or in other locations where unauthorized persons might discover them. Passwords must not be written down and left in a place where unauthorized persons might discover them. Every user must have a single unique user ID and a personal secret password to access NIC.br multi-user computers and networks.
Users must not store clear-text authentication credentials on portable computers, personal digital assistants, or smart phones. Likewise, these security parameters should never be stored anywhere on these devices unless they are in encrypted form.
Users must be responsible for all activity performed with their personal user IDs and must not permit others to perform any activity with their user IDs, and they must not perform any activity with IDs belonging to other users.
Workers must not use an electronic mail account assigned to another individual to either send or receive messages.
Workers must not use NIC.br information systems to engage in hacking activities, but are not limited to gaining unauthorized access to any other information systems, damaging, altering, or disrupting the operations of any other information systems, and capturing or otherwise obtaining passwords, encryption keys, or any other access control mechanism that could permit unauthorized access. Workers who have been authorized to view information non-public must be permitted by Information Security Department.
When a worker leaves any position with NIC.br, computer-resident files must be promptly reviewed by his or her immediate manager to reassign the workerʹs duties and specifically delegate responsibility for the files formerly in the workerʹs possession.
5 - Data Backups
All files and messages stored on NIC.br systems are routinely copied to tape, disk, and other storage media and must be recoverable for potential examination at a later date by Systems Administrators and others designated by management and maintained on off-line data storage media wherever production computers are located.
Essential business information and software backups must be stored in an environmentally protected and access-controlled site that is a sufficient distance away from the originating facility.
Unless they have a closing mechanism that is triggered by a fire alarm, all areas where backup media is stored including, but not limited to, fireproof computer backup storage rooms, vaults, and cabinets must be kept fully closed when not in active use.
Users must not copy software provided by NIC.br to any storage media, transfer such software to another computer, or disclose such software to outside parties without advance permission from their supervisor. Ordinary backup copies are an authorized exception to this policy.
All media on which sensitive, valuable, or critical information is stored for periods longer than six months must not be subject to rapid degradation.
Secret information that is no longer needed for business activities must be immediately destroyed with methods specified by the Information Security Department. Information which is non-public, must be placed in a designated locked destruction container within NIC.br offices and never placed in trash bins, recycle bins, or other publicly-accessible locations and when non-public NIC.br information is erased from a disk, tape, or other reusable data storage media, it must be followed by a repeated overwrite operation to obliterate the sensitive information.
6 - Monitoring
Systems must be monitored and information security events must be recorded.
Operator logs and fault logging must be used to ensure information system problems are identified.
System monitoring must be used to check the effectiveness of controls adopted and to verify conformity to an access policy model.
Audit logs recording user activities, exceptions, all production application systems that handle sensitive NIC.br information and information security events should be produced and kept for an agreed period to assist in future investigations and access control monitoring.
All computer systems, servers and network equipment running NIC.br production application systems must include logs that record, at a minimum, user session activity including user IDs, successful or not logon date and time, logoff date and time, changes to critical application system files, changes to the privileges of users, and system start-ups and shut-downs. Users must be clearly informed about the actions that constitute security violations as well as informed that all such violations will be logged.
To prevent the overwriting of system logs or the expansion of these logs to the point where they consume all available disk space, a formal log rotation and archival storage process must be employed for all multi-user production servers.
Computerized logs containing security relevant events must be retained for an agreed period, during which time they must be secured such that they cannot be modified.
Procedures for monitoring use of information processing facilities should be established and the results of the monitoring activities reviewed regularly.
All user ID creation, deletion, privileged commands and privilege change activity performed by Systems Administrators and others with privileged user IDs must be securely logged.
Computer operations staff or information security staff must review records reflecting security relevant events on all production multi-user machines in a periodic and timely manner.
Tools for the monitoring or observation of computer user activities must not be used unless the involved users are notified that their work may be monitored or observed, exception involves use of the tools for investigations of suspected policy violations and⁄or criminal activity.
All multi-user computers connected to the NIC.br internal network must always have the current time accurately reflected in their internal clocks.
7 - Network Security
Management design NIC.br communications networks so that no single point of failure could cause network services to be unavailable, so that critical communications may immediately be sent through multiple long distance carriers over physically diverse routes and all carrier must be oversized.
Configurations and set-up parameters on all hosts attached to the NIC.br network must comply with in-house security policies and standards.
All connections between NIC.br internal networks and the Internet, or any other publicly-accessible computer network, must include a firewall and related access controls approved by the Information Security Department.
Remote management facilities for NIC.br firewalls must consistently employ session encryption, remote machine address restrictions, as well as a form of extended user authentication approved by the Information Security Manager and All NIC.br firewalls connecting to the Internet must be configured so that every Internet service is disabled by default, with only those services enabled that have been specifically approved by the Information Security Manager.
Firewall configuration updates must be documented and notified to Information Security Department.
Public Internet servers must be placed on sub nets, separate from internal NIC.br networks, and to which public traffic is restricted by routers and⁄or firewalls.
8 - Registry Updates
Registry updates must be saved to a database system and must be periodically distributed to the authoritative name servers. To ensure integrity of data on each of the name servers, all zones transfers must use TSIG (Transaction SIGnature), which relies on a shared secret between the two parts of the transfer.
Authoritative name servers must not accept any zone transfer nor notification that does not meet this requirement.
All authoritative name servers must work independently from one another. All zone transfers must be originated from one single hidden master server, where the zone is generated.
9 - Physical access
Access to every office, computer machine room, and other NIC.br work area containing sensitive information must be physically restricted to those people with a need to know. When not in use, sensitive information must always be protected from unauthorized disclosure and must be equipped with riot doors, fire doors, and other doors resistant to forcible entry, must be controlled by guards, receptionists, or other staff. During non-working hours areas containing sensitive information must lock-up all information.
All NIC.br data center facilities, power supply facilities, corridors, and entry points including, but not limited to, primary & secondary entrances, maintenance entrance, emergency exits, and loading docks must be monitored by security cameras.
Access points such as delivery and loading areas and other points where unauthorized persons may enter the premises must be controlled and, if possible, isolated from information processing facilities to avoid unauthorized access.
Security cameras used on NIC.br premises must be placed so that they do not capture fixed passwords, telephone numbers, credit card numbers, encryption keys, or any other fixed security parameters. All exceptions must be approved, in advance, by the Physical Security Manager.
When in NIC.br secure buildings or facilities, all persons must wear an identification badge on their outer garments so that both the picture and information on the badge are clearly visible to all people with whom the wearing converses and must present his or her badge to the badge reader before entering every controlled door within NIC.br premises.
The Security Department must maintain records of the persons currently and previously inside NIC.br buildings and securely retain this information for agreed period.
Visitors who do not need to perform maintenance on NIC.br equipment, or who do not absolutely need to be inside the Data Center or Information Systems Department, must not enter these areas.
The main computer center must be staffed at all times by technically-competent staff 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
Telephone closets, network router and hub rooms, voice mail system rooms, and similar areas containing communications equipment must be kept locked at all times and not accessed by visitors without an authorized technical staff escort to monitor all work being performed.
All multi-user production computer systems including, but not limited to, servers, firewalls, private branch exchange (PBX) systems, and voice mail systems must be physically located within a secure data center.
Local management must provide and adequately maintain fire detection and suppression, power conditioning, air conditioning, humidity control, and other computing environment protection systems in every NIC.br computer center.
NIC.br must segment its data processing centers into two distinct and physically isolated data centers, each able to handle all critical production information systems services. These data centers must not share the same local electric company substation or the same telephone company central office.
All NIC.br computer centers must be equipped with fire, water, and physical intrusion alarm systems that automatically alert those who can take immediate action.
10 - During Employment
Responsibility for information security on a day-to-day basis is every workerʹs duty. Specific responsibility for information security is NOT solely vested in the Information Security Department.
Users must not accept any form of assistance to improve the security of their computers without first having the provider of this assistance approved by the NIC.br Information Security Department. This means that users must not accept offers of free consulting services, must not download free security software via the Internet, and must not employ free security posture evaluation web pages, unless the specific provider of the assistance has been previously approved.
Sexual, ethnic, and racial harassment--including unwanted telephone calls, electronic mail, and internal mail--is strictly prohibited and is cause for disciplinary action including termination. Managers must make this policy clear to the workers in their group, as well as promptly investigate and rectify any alleged occurrences.
As a condition of a continued working relationship with NIC.br, all workers must read, understand, and behave in accordance with the organizational code of conduct.
11 - Network Access Control
All NIC.br internal data networks must be divided into security zones and Any wireless network must be isolated from registry network or any server used on registry process.
12 - Systems security
All software updates must be made first on development environment before being applied on production servers.
Security updates must be applied up to 48 hours after the release of the software update.
Secure coding principles and practices must be used for all software developed or maintained by NIC.br.
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