
18(a) Describe the mission/purpose of your proposed gTLD

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.gayUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.unitedtld.comView
Q18a, Char 3853

The mission and purpose of the .gay TLD is to establish an easily recognized and accessible namespace for the large and dynamic group of people and organizations who positively associate with this term.

The .gay TLD is proposed by United TLD Holdco Ltd. (“United TLD”), a well-funded company established by highly experienced domain industry executives for the express purpose of securing the rights to operate a portfolio of TLDs that increase choice, expression, affinity and relevance for millions of consumers, businesses and other organizations on the web.

As outlined in our response to Qs. 46, 47 and 48, United TLD has a large capital base available to fund start-up costs, acquire the rights to operate multiple TLDs and operate the registries in a world-class manner. Additionally, United TLD has prefunded a Continued Operations Instrument (COI) to protect future registrants.


United TLD team has a wealth of experience in the domain industry and has been a dedicated contributor to ICANN’s new TLD program for many years as an active participant to internet policy development and implementation, working on topics like rights protection mechanisms and trademark clearing house. United TLD is committed to operating .gay in a manner that promotes inclusiveness, while creating a safe environment for consumers and rights holders.

United TLD is implementing a broad array of protection mechanisms that we believe will make this TLD a safer place than existing TLDs, with fewer instances of abuse. These protections include eight innovative mechanisms that substantially exceed the protections specified in the TLD applicant guidebook. These mechanisms are:

1. Periodic audit of Whois data for accuracy;
2. Remediation of inaccurate Whois data, including takedown, if warranted;
3. A new Domain Protected Marks List (DPML) product for trademark protection;
4. A new Claims Plus product for trademark protection;
5. Terms of use that prohibit illegal or abusive activity;
6. Limitations on domain proxy and privacy service;
7. Published policies and procedures that define abusive activity; and
8. Proper resourcing for all of the functions above.

Our protection mechanisms also include fourteen new measures that were developed specifically by ICANN for the new TLD process. These are:

1. Controls to ensure proper access to domain management functions;
2. 24⁄7⁄365 abuse point of contact at registry;
3. Procedures for handling complaints of illegal or abusive activity, including remediation and takedown processes;
4. Thick Whois;
5. Use of the Trademark Clearinghouse;
6. A Sunrise process;
7. A Trademark Claims process;
8. Adherence to the Uniform Rapid Suspension system;
9. Adherence to the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy;
10. Adherence to the Post Delegation Dispute Resolution Policy;
11. Detailed security policies and procedures;
12. Strong security controls for access, threat analysis and audit;
13. Implementation DNSSEC;
14. Measures for the prevention of orphan glue records;

Due to the level of end-user trust potentially associated with this string, and consistent with the requirements of Question 30, United TLD will deploy these four additional protections:

1. To supplement our periodic audits, deeper and more extensive verification of Whois data accuracy, with associated remediation and takedown processes;
2. Exclusion of registrars with a history of poor compliance;
3. Regular monitoring by the registry of registered domains for pharming, phishing, spam, botnets and other forms of abuse, and remediation and takedown processes;
4. In addition to registry-based procedures, requirements that registrars have a 24⁄7⁄365 abuse contact, and remediation and takedown processes.
gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.democratUnited TLD Holdco Ltd.unitedtld.comView
Q18a, Char 4296

The term “democrat” has held a long and storied place in the history of government and politics. In the thousands of years since the Greek form of the word was coined to identify a particular form of egalitarian government, individual citizens, political parties, civic and student organizations, newspapers and even cities have adopted the name and its proud heritage. Global in scope, today a passionate group of millions of individuals and thousands of organizations identify with this word. The mission and purpose of the .democrat TLD is to establish an easily recognized and accessible namespace for this large and dynamic group.

The .democrat TLD is proposed by United TLD Holdco Ltd. (“United TLD”), a well-funded company established by highly experienced domain industry executives for the express purpose of securing the rights to operate a portfolio of TLDs that increase choice, expression, affinity and relevance for millions of consumers, businesses and other organizations on the web.

As outlined in our response to Qs. 46, 47 and 48, United TLD has a large capital base available to fund start-up costs, acquire the rights to operate multiple TLDs and operate the registries in a world-class manner. Additionally, United TLD has prefunded a Continued Operations Instrument (COI) to protect future registrants.


United TLD team has a wealth of experience in the domain industry and has been a dedicated contributor to ICANN’s new TLD program for many years as an active participant to internet policy development and implementation, working on topics like rights protection mechanisms and trademark clearing house. United TLD is committed to operating .democrat in a manner that promotes inclusiveness, while creating a safe environment for consumers and rights holders.

United TLD is implementing a broad array of protection mechanisms that we believe will make this TLD a safer place than existing TLDs, with fewer instances of abuse. These protections include eight innovative mechanisms that substantially exceed the protections specified in the TLD applicant guidebook. These mechanisms are:

1. Periodic audit of Whois data for accuracy;
2. Remediation of inaccurate Whois data, including takedown, if warranted;
3. A new Domain Protected Marks List (DPML) product for trademark protection;
4. A new Claims Plus product for trademark protection;
5. Terms of use that prohibit illegal or abusive activity;
6. Limitations on domain proxy and privacy service;
7. Published policies and procedures that define abusive activity; and
8. Proper resourcing for all of the functions above.

Our protection mechanisms also include fourteen new measures that were developed specifically by ICANN for the new TLD process. These are:

1. Controls to ensure proper access to domain management functions;
2. 24⁄7⁄365 abuse point of contact at registry;
3. Procedures for handling complaints of illegal or abusive activity, including remediation and takedown processes;
4. Thick Whois;
5. Use of the Trademark Clearinghouse;
6. A Sunrise process;
7. A Trademark Claims process;
8. Adherence to the Uniform Rapid Suspension system;
9. Adherence to the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy;
10. Adherence to the Post Delegation Dispute Resolution Policy;
11. Detailed security policies and procedures;
12. Strong security controls for access, threat analysis and audit;
13. Implementation DNSSEC;
14. Measures for the prevention of orphan glue records;

Due to the level of end-user trust potentially associated with this string, and consistent with the requirements of Question 30, United TLD will deploy these four additional protections:

1. To supplement our periodic audits, deeper and more extensive verification of Whois data accuracy, with associated remediation and takedown processes;
2. Exclusion of registrars with a history of poor compliance;
3. Regular monitoring by the registry of registered domains for pharming, phishing, spam, botnets and other forms of abuse, and remediation and takedown processes;
4. In addition to registry-based procedures, requirements that registrars have a 24⁄7⁄365 abuse contact, and remediation and takedown processes.