
18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.JEWELRYRichemont DNS Inc.valideus.comView
What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs (e.g. time or financial resource costs as well as various types of consumer vulnerabilities)? What other steps will you take to minimize negative consequences⁄costs imposed upon consumers?

As previously stated, the .Jewelry registry will be a standard, restricted registry closed to third parties for use only by pre-validated representatives of Richemont who are parties to an existing Prerequisite Agreement or appropriate affiliates of Richemont group companies. Social costs and negative consequences on domain name customers will therefore be minimised and possibly even eliminated. It is not intended that .Jewelry domains will be made available to anyone beyond Richemont or Richemont DNS. It could be that we will use .Jewelry domains to promote recognition of our affiliated network of authorized dealers in time but again Richemont DNS will be in control.

i. How will multiple applications for a particular domain be resolved, for example, by auction or on a first come first served basis?

We have no plans to sell .Jewelry domains. We are applying to protect and enhance our position as a leading creator of jewelry of the highest quality. There will be no market in .Jewelry domains. Therefore we will not receive multiple applications for a particular domain and so there will be no need for any resolution. We will control eligibility very strictly.

ii. Explain any cost benefits for registrants you intend to implement (e.g. advantageous pricing, introductory discounts, bulk registration discounts).

We plan to register all .Jewelry domain names to Richemont group companies or Richemont DNS. Although we anticipate that our affiliated network of authorized dealers will benefit from the .Jewelry registry in terms of heightened profile, we do not see the need to devise cost benefits for registrants because we will be the registrant.

iii. The Registry Agreement requires that registrars be offered the option to obtain initial domain name registrations for periods of one to ten years at the discretion of the registrar, but no greater than 10 years. Additionally the Registry Agreement requires advance written notice of price increases. Do you intend to make contractual commitments to registrants regarding the magnitude of price escalation?

While we will comply with all ICANN consensus policies, the term of registration is the choice of the registrant of a second level domain name, not the choice of a registrar. The Richemont DNS Domain Name Management Team will set the period of registration for .Jewelry domains. We are applying for .Jewelry to support Richemont’s strategic goals and to protect Richemont’s IP not to generate revenues from selling domains. Therefore there will be no need to make contractual commitments, nor to consider issues around pricing including price escalation, though we will comply with the provisions of Section 2.10 of the Registry Agreement.

Before launching this TLD, Richemont DNS will develop and publish its Charter, policies and guidelines, setting out full details of how the registry will implement its vision and purpose as set out in this answer. Richemont DNS, on behalf of Richemont, may adapt its policies and proposed use of the gTLD, in a manner consistent with the Purpose, to reflect changes in its business and the adoption of new gTLDs by the community.
gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.珠宝Richemont DNS Inc.valideus.comView
As previously stated, the .珠宝 registry will be a standard, restricted registry closed to third parties for use only by pre-validated representatives of Richemont who are parties to an existing Prerequisite Agreement or appropriate affiliates of Richemont group companies. Social costs and negative consequences on domain name customers will therefore be minimised and possibly even eliminated. It is not intended that .珠宝 domains will be made available to anyone beyond Richemont or Richemont DNS. It could be that we will use .珠宝 domains to promote recognition of our affiliated network of authorized dealers in time but again Richemont DNS will be in control.

i.We have no plans to sell .珠宝 domains. We are applying to protect and enhance our position as a leading creator of jewelry of the highest quality. There will be no market in .珠宝 domains. Therefore we will not receive multiple applications for a particular domain and so there will be no need for any resolution. We will control eligibility very strictly.

ii.We plan to register all .珠宝 domain names to Richemont group companies or Richemont DNS. Although we anticipate that our affiliated network of authorized dealers will benefit from the .珠宝 registry in terms of heightened profile, we do not see the need to devise cost benefits for registrants because we will be the registrant.

iii.While we will comply with all ICANN consensus policies, the term of registration is the choice of the registrant of a second level domain name, not the choice of a registrar. The Richemont DNS Domain Name Management Team will set the period of registration for .珠宝 domains. We are applying for .珠宝 to support Richemont’s strategic goals and to protect Richemont’s IP not to generate revenues from selling domains. Therefore there will be no need to make contractual commitments, nor to consider issues around pricing including price escalation, though we will comply with the provisions of Section 2.10 of the Registry Agreement.

Before launching this TLD, Richemont DNS will develop and publish its Charter, policies and guidelines, setting out full details of how the registry will implement its vision and purpose as set out in this answer. Richemont DNS, on behalf of Richemont, may adapt its policies and proposed use of the gTLD, in a manner consistent with the Purpose, to reflect changes in its business and the adoption of new gTLDs by the community.