18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.LECLERCA.C.D. LEC Association des Centres Distributeurs Edouard Leclercprodomaines.comView

Table of Contents

1 - Multiple applications
2 - Cost benefits for registrants
3 - Increase prices

1 - Multiple applications

Since the applicant decided to choose the model of single registrant, the risk of having multiple applications for the same domain name is reduced to a minimum.

However, A.C.D. Lec could receive several applications for the use of a domain name. In this case, the attribution of .LECLERC will be on a first come, first served basis.

2 - Cost benefits for registrants

A.C.D. Lec chose the single registrant model. Only this entity will be able to register domain names in .LECLERC. Community members will then be able to ask for the use and the delegation of domain names but they will remain A.C.D. Lec propriety.

For this reason, the applicant does not want to finance the new extension with the domain names users funds (the community members). .LECLERC registry will be entirely financed by on-hand equity and will not generate any income for A.C.D. Lec. Financial capacities are explained in the financial questions, in particular in question 48.

Thus, members wanting to use a .LECLERC domain name will not have any further cost to support.

As a registry, A.C.D. Lec plans to offer for free its domain names to selected registrars. A selling price of 0 EUR already exists for some TLDs such as the .MC, ccTLD of Monaco (see http:⁄⁄www.nic.mc⁄mcNicMain-us.html). The final registration costs for .LECLERC domain names for the A.C.D. Lec (as a registrant) will be low.

The registration in .LECLERC may be carried out for a period of 1 to 10 years.

3 - Increase prices

As explained above, the .LECLERC registry does not wish to ask for financial compensation to members of the community for the use of a .LECLERC domain name. Thus, the .LECLERC registry does not plan any price increases.

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