20(e) Provide a description of the applicant's intended registration policies in support of the community-based purpose of the applied-for gTLD
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .LECLERC | A.C.D. LEC Association des Centres Distributeurs Edouard Leclerc | prodomaines.com | View |
Table of Contents
1 - Eligibility of the registrants
2 - Domain names authorized at registration
3 - Content, use
4 - Enforcement policies
1 - Eligibility of the registrants
As detailed in Question 18, the only entity within the community authorized to register domain names in .LECLERC will be A.C.D. Lec. Other entities will be able to use domain name in .LECLERC but they will always belong to A.C.D. Lec.
The single registrant system has been chosen in order to reach more easily the goals planned for the extension, in particular for the identification of the members and its federative role for communication.
2 - Domain names authorized at registration
A.C.D. Lec will be authorized to register all the domain names that may be useful for the promotion of the brand and relevant for the community. Each domain name must comply with the values and basic principles of the “E.LECLERC Movement” and public decency. The fundamental principles are : members independance, price policy in aid of the consumers, solidarity and security within the movement, social mandate of the company,and protection of free-market economy.
The members and other entities of the community will be authorized to request the use of the domain name composed of the geographic location (see question 22 for more details) or business name.
Domain names in .LECLERC will have to be composed of at least 3 characters and maximum 63 characters.
The registration of domain names with accented characters (International Domain Names -IDN) will be authorized in .LECLERC. Non-ASCII characters must appear in the Latin-1 Character set (ISO-8859-1).
This character set includes:
* 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
* a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z
* à, á, â, ã, ä, å, æ
* ç
* è, é, ê, ë
* ì, í, î, ï
* ò, ó, ô, õ, ö
* ñ
* ù, ú, û, ü
* ý, ÿ
* ß
The “oe” character will be also accepted since it is used in the French language. The following three symbols and characters will, however, be removed: “þ, Đ, Ø.”
A.C.D. Lec reserves the right to withdraw the use of a domain name from a member or associate if the corresponding website threatens the brand image, the activity of the Movement or public decency. Specific measures will be set up if a domain name is registered with mal-intent. (see question 28).
3 - Content, use
A.C.D. Lec and the structuring entities of the community will use the majority of the domain names in .LECLERC referring to trademark. The use of other domain names will be delegated to the members and associates.
The websites visible on a domain name in .LECLERC must comply with the fundamental principles and values of the Movement detailed in Question 18 and 20-A.
A.C.D. Lec reserves the right to withdraw the use of a domain name from a member or associate if the corresponding website threatens the brand image, the activity of the Movement, or public decency. Specific measures will be set up if a domain name is registered with mal-intent. (see question 28).
4 - Enforcement policies
Because A.C.D. Lec is the “single registrant” of the NewgTLD .LECLERC, the risk of conflicts will be reduced to a minimum. A.C.D. Lec will delegate the use of domain names to the members and associates on a “first come, first served” basis.
To implement the policies described above, A.C.D. Lec intends to entrust the development of .LECLERC to a specific department named « GT Internet », which is already responsible for validating the domain name requests from some members, acting as a go-between with the registrars and verifying how domain names that refer to the LECLERC brand are used by community members.
This team is made up today of 10 people, divided into two groups:
* The first one is in charge of animating websites and enriching content (editorial and promotional).
* The second one is in charge of the website creation part, customer relationship, internal and external communication
It is this last group that today manages the names of domains and which tomorrow will continue this mission extended to NewTLD .Leclerc by instruction of A.C.D. Lec.
Creation of three positions to respond to the specific needs of the registry is anticipated. The three positions opened correspond to one position in charge of the project, one position as customer support and one technical position.
At the launch of the TLD, the three people will be involved in receiving the requests for the use of domain names from members and associates, to verify the membership of the applicant and to decide on the request. They will also have to verify that the domain names asked by the A.C.D. Lec on the sunrise period correspond effectively to a trademark and that they respect the rules established in Question 18. During the following years, the customer support will be the only one in charge of this task.
A.C.D. Lec will monitor the use of domain names randomly and reserves the right to withdraw the use of a domain name if the corresponding website threatens the image of the brand, the activity of the Movement, or public decency. Specific measures will be set up if a domain name is registered with mal-intent. (see question 28).
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