27 Registration Life Cycle
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .scb | The Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited (ʺSCBʺ) | scb.co.th | View |
Registration life cycle
Picture 27-1 Registration life cycle (file name Q27-Picture27-1-
The Registration will be done solely by our Company via API or Web Interface to a
selected ICANN accredited REGISTRAR. The Registration will not be charged. The
Registry not intended to implement Registry Grace Period or RGP in the EPP
Server. Registration is accomplished using the EPP domain Create command,
deletion is accomplished using the EPP domain Delete command, transfer is
accomplished using the EPP domain Transfer command, update is accomplished
using the EPP domain Update command and extension of a registration period is
accomplished using the EPP domain Renew command. The extension of a
registration period for expired domain is done automatically by the server with the
extension period of 1 year.
Picture 27-2 Registration life cycle state diagram (file name Q27-Picture27-2-
Registration life cycle state of domain names, upon the completion of the EPP
domain Create command Domain Object is created with either “ok” status (no
other status values) or “inactive” status (Delegation information has not been
associated with host object). The Status of Domain object can be set only by client
that sponsors a domain object and by the server on which the object resides. A
client can change the status of a domain object using the EPP using EPP Update
command. A client cannot alter status values set by the server. A server may
alter or override status values set by a client, subject to local server policies. The
status of an object may change as a result of either a client-initiated transform
command or an action performed by a server operator. Status values that can be
added or removed by a client are prefixed with “client”. Status values that can be
added or removed by a server are prefixed with “server”. Status values that do
not begin with either “client” or “server” are server-managed. The “ok” status
must not be combined with any other status. The following status
clientDeleteProhibited, clientRenewProhibited, clientTransferProhibited,
clientUpdateProhibited are used to lock an object from corresponding command.
The Transfer Pending Period is a specified number of calendar days following a
request from a registrar (registrar A) to transfer a domain in which the current
registrar of the domain (registrar B) may explicitly approve or reject the transfer
request. The current value of the Transfer Pending Period is five calendar days for
all registrars. The transfer will be finalized upon receipt of explicit approval or
rejection from the current registrar (registrar B). If the current registrar (registrar
B) does not explicitly approve or reject the request initiated by registrar A, the
registry will approve the request automatically after the end of the Transfer
Pending Period. When the requested transfer has been completed, the
pendingTransfer status value must be removed. All clients involved in the
transaction must be notified using a service message that the action has been
completed and that the status of the object has changed.
Resourcing plan
.scb does not intend to implement Registry Grace Period. The personnel resources
needed for these criteria are the person who responsible for EPP implementation
and operational.:
Refer to resourcing plan described in the response to Question 24 and 25, during
the initial implementation phase, four system engineers of ThailNameServer will
responsible for registry system setup, customization and implementation for .scb,
including the EPP implementation and integration. Two system administrators and
three technicians will responsible for the on-going operation and maintenance of
the registry system. Roles of the system administrators include EPP operational
and maintenance and roles of the technicians include
- 24x7 system and database monitoring; and
- 24x7 technical support point of contact for registrars, outsourced DNS
service provider, SCB and ICANN.
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