28 Abuse Prevention and Mitigation
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .scb | The Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited (ʺSCBʺ) | scb.co.th | View |
Domain names under .scb will be registered through SCB’s technical staff under SCB ownership. SCB
will be the registrant and all contacts of the domain names and will take full controls of the domain
names under .scb TLD. During the registration process, technical staff will check and verify that all
information and contacts are completed and accurate. Therefore, the Whois will be 100% accurate.
Resourcing Plan :
There will be two IT staff handling the registration front-end to check & verify all registration information
and being the abuse contact point to execute all duties as stated in the following Anti-abuse Policy.
Anti-abuse Policy Declaration :
Since .scb will be use internally, SCB will be the only registrant of all registered domain names, some
concerning topics regarding anti-abuse has been covered or doesn’t have any possibility to be occurred
including “Innocent Registrant Protection”.
Anti-abuse Policy :
To prevent and⁄or mitigate the effect of abuse, .scb prepared the “.scb Domain Name Anti-abuse Policy”
as the following : (This draft policy is subject to change and the effective date below will be updated
with the actual effective date)
.scb Domain Name Anti-abuse Policy
The following policy [.scb Domain Anti-abuse Policy] is announced in effect between .scb, Siam
Commercial Bank PCL. [SCB] and the Registry Operator, Thai Name Server Co., Ltd.
[ThaiNameServer], and the Registrar, DotArai Co., Ltd. [DotArai], and .scb Registrant.
Abusive use(s) of .scb domain names should not be tolerated. The nature of such abuses creates
security and stability issues for the registry, registrar and registrants, as well as for users of the Internet
in general. SCB defines abusive use of a domain as the wrong or excessive use of power, position or
ability, and includes, without limitation, the following:
Illegal or fraudulent actions;
Spam: The use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited bulk messages. The term
applies to e-mail spam and similar abuses such as instant messaging spam, mobile
messaging spam, and the spamming of Web sites and Internet forums. An example, for
purposes of illustration, would be the use of email in denial-of-service attacks;
Phishing: The use of counterfeit Web pages that are designed to trick recipients into divulging
sensitive data such as usernames, passwords, or financial data;
Pharming: The redirecting of unknowing users to fraudulent sites or services, typically through
DNS hijacking or poisoning;
Willful distribution of malware: The dissemination of software designed to infiltrate or
damage a computer system without the owner’s informed consent. Examples include, without
limitation, computer viruses, worms, keyloggers, and trojan horses.
Fast flux hosting: Use of fast-flux techniques to disguise the location of Web sites or other
Internet services, or to avoid detection and mitigation efforts, or to host illegal activities. Fastflux
techniques use DNS to frequently change the location on the Internet to which the domain
name of an Internet host or name server resolves. Fast flux hosting may be used only with
prior permission of SCB;
Botnet command and control: Services run on a domain name that are used to control a
collection of compromised computers or “zombies,” or to direct denial-of-service attacks
(DDoS attacks);
Distribution of child pornography; and
Illegal Access to Other Computers or Networks: Illegally accessing computers, accounts,
or networks belonging to another party, or attempting to penetrate security measures of
another individual’s system (often known as “hacking”). Also, any activity that might be used as
a precursor to an attempted system penetration (e.g., port scan, stealth scan, or other
information gathering activity).
SCB reserves the right to deny, cancel or transfer any registration or transaction, or place any domain
name(s) on registry lock, hold or similar status, that it deems necessary, in its discretion; (1) to protect
the integrity and stability of the registry; (2) to comply with any applicable laws, government rules or
requirements, requests of law enforcement, or any dispute resolution process; (3) to avoid any liability,
civil or criminal, on the part of SCB, as well as its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, and
employees; (4) per the terms of the registration agreement or (5) to correct mistakes made by SCB or
any Registrar in connection with a domain name registration. SCB also reserves the right to place upon
registry lock, hold or similar status a domain name during resolution of a dispute.
Abusive uses, as defined above, undertaken with respect to .scb domain names shall give rise to the
right of SCB to take such actions under the RRA in its sole discretion.
Why did SCB issue this policy?
This policy is addressing a significant potential harm to Internet users. Abuses that may be prevented
include identity theft, harm to children, and an erosion of trust in the Internet by users. SCB is enforcing
its terms of service to registrar to prevent abuse across the .scb domain for the benefit of all users.
What authority does SCB have to enforce the abuse policy?
The Domain Name Anti-abuse Policy is enacted under the clear, long standing, contractual authority of
How will this policy affect registrants?
It is the goal of SCB that only those who abuse the domain system and engage in illegal or fraudulent
activity will be affected by this policy. Ordinarily, there should be no change in your relationship with
your registrar or the operation of your .scb domain.
What if SCB makes a mistake and suspends an innocent domain?
While SCB is taking steps to ensure a mistake does not occur, we recognize that the rare false-positive
may happen. SCB will place domains suspected of abuse on hold and not immediately delete them.
This should ensure that in the extremely rare case that an innocent domain is suspended, that it can
quickly be corrected.
What procedures will SCB be using to identify abuse?
SCB has established a variety of methods for tracking domain abuse and for verifying that those
domains which are identified are in fact being used in an abusive manner. These methods may include
coordination with law enforcement, reports from security vendors, and internal investigation. In case
abuse is reported, SCB team gathers required information from audit logs and investigates the case. If
the team confirms the abuse case, then SCB informs the related government agencies, such as
ICANN, Thai Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT), Thai National Electronics
and Computer Technology (NECTEC), Thai CERT, US CERT and FBI. Also, SCB coordinate with police
to arrest the attackers. Once abuse is identified, SCB may notify and assist the registrar in resolving
the abusive activity. This policy is designed to assist the registrar by providing them with important
information for the betterment of the Internet as a whole.
How will SCB manage and remove orphan glue records from the zone when evidence in written
form that the glue is present in connection with malicious conduct is provided?
To prevent the malicious orphan glue records, SCB do not allow any orphan glue record in the system.
All the orphan records will be automatically remove by the detection script.
Will this policy deal with alleged violations of trademark or other intellectual property rights?
This policy is not a replacement for the UDRP. This policy is aimed at illegal and abusive use of domain
names and is not a substitute for current remedies to resolve intellectual property disputes involving
domain names and websites.
Abuse contact :
Any abuse report would be performed through a single security contact which is abuse(at)scb.
* The registrant is a .scb domain name holder. The registrant information and all contact information
will be verified and completed in registration process. To verified contact information, SCB will ask for
establishment documentation or identification card. In addition, the regular information update request
will be sent to registrants email annually. All contact information will be placed in the WHOIS** system.
** WHOIS is an Internet service that allows anyone to obtain registration and contact information about
domain name registrants. Although there are certain limitations on SCB’s commercial use of the
information, there are no effective means for protection of personal privacy. SCB holds this information
for .scb as other registries hold it for other generic TLDs. And like all generic TLDs, SCB currently is
required to make this information available through the WHOIS service in accordance with its
agreement with ICANN.
What procedures will SCB take to use the revised .scb Domain Name Anti-abuse Policy ?
In case of a new policy arose to reflect certain current circumstances and technologies, SCB will
announce them publicly on our registry website as well as on the registrar website one month prior the
effective date.
Authorization :
SCB would declare the right to perform any action stated in this policy and would be fully controlled by
the registry to access all domain functions in case of the abuse prevention or mitigation.
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