18(a) Describe the mission/purpose of your proposed gTLD

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.medHEXAP SAShexap.comView

For over 15 years, workgroups and commenters have been seeking ways to provide
reliable medical information on and, where allowed, offer genuine healthcare
products over the Internet, and this for the benefit of patients all over the
world. Indisputably, a lot of health-related information currently available on
the Internet is sometimes completely inaccurate, because it has been posted by
individuals who are not qualified or entitled to practice healthcare-related
services, like doctors, surgeons, life scientists, etc.

Up to now, no clear, structured and universally accepted methods have been found
in order to effectuate these goals.

HEXAPʹs mission and purpose for the .MED gTLD are threefold:

(1) federate certified and licensed practitioners in the health care sector
under a clear, common, and easy to remember identifier on the Internet;

(2) provide stakeholders within the health care sector with a platform on
which they can disseminate information in relation to medical topics, and
offer products and services to businesses, consumers and, more in
particular, patients;

(3) provide Internet users in general, looking for genuine and reliable
medical information, products and services with a clear and unambiguous
identifier which provides them access to such information.

HEXAP is a limited liability company that has been founded by health care
professionals. Bowing on its unparalleled experience in providing Internet-based
solutions for the health care sector, HEXAP intends the .MED extension to be a
community-based gTLD, for which it has obtained the supported from various
organizations representing many sectors, sub-sectors and branches of the health
care industry. This shows that there is a clear demand for a centralized
platform for quality health care information.

A list of organizations, companies and individuals that are endorsing this
initiative is detailed in our response to Question 20.

The missions of the .MED gTLD are the international transpositions of what HEXAP
founders have achieved these last years in collaboration with the French medical
Colleges with respect of their ethical codes.

Therefore, the .MED gTLD purports to be:

- an exclusive namespace where registrations are only open to licensed health
care professionals and with eligibility rules;

- a new zone protected by colleagues who validate the authenticity and
qualifications of registrants; and

- an application serving patientsʹ interests with unambiguous and verified
contact details of the licensed health care WHOIS service providing
professional details on registrants.

Similar gTLD applications: (0)

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