20(a) Provide the name and full description of the community that the applicant is committing to serve
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .med | HEXAP SAS | hexap.com | View |
The .MED gTLD is a new extension dedicated to the medical community. The
medical community is defined by all:
- Health care providers (practitioners, facilities);
- Boards, Councils, Ministries, Orders and Colleges;
- Schools and universities; and
- Academies, scientific organizations and professional associations.
The .MED application is for a gTLD created by health care professionals,
open to colleagues around the world for serving the best interests of the
patients. The .MED gTLD is a string understandable in more than 70
languages, including English, Spanish, French, Russian, Portuguese, German,
Italian, etc.
The .MED gTLD is a professional namespace where the medical community will
be able to publish information for peers and patients.
.MED is a comprehensive zone that includes all licensed professionals with
specific rules per country. These health professionals are not only limited
to physicians and doctors but include a wide although limited range of
health providers and stakeholders. Thus, a list of eligible registrants has
been determined for the .MED TLD, which takes into account regional
particularities, legal specifications and licensing procedures, and
considers different national regulations regarding some medical practices.
Specific restrictions will be implemented for a limited list of occupations
that are not recognized nor authorized by the relevant Council or competent
Ministry of the country for specific registrants eligible for .MED. Defined
in the .MED gTLD policies, these lists will be produced by HEXAPʹs Medical
Clearinghouse which communicates with the Registry Back-End Operator for
verifying and approving domain name creations, renewals and transfers.
The Medical Clearinghouse is supervised by HEXAPʹs scientific council, which
is consulted for providing guidelines with the help of relevant stakeholders
in matters of ethics, lack of local regulation or if a questionable domain
name registration occurs.
Members of the designed community are classified in two categories (full
list in attached document), further detailed below in our response to
Question 20 (c):
- practitioners: These qualified health and health associate professionals
are defined by the International Standard Classification of Occupations
(ISCO), 2008 revision 8 (ISCO-08), which forms part of the international
family of economic and social classifications of the United Nations and is
mapped by the World Health Organization [1]. All these licensed
professionals are regulated by health departments, ministries, boards,
councils and orders. Number of identified practitioners is evaluated to
45,225,207 [2]
- entities: This group is composed of licensed health care providers,
professional associations and health-related organizations:
* Facilities: hospitals, clinics, maternity hospitals, medical nursing
homes, geriatric cares facilities, dialysis centers, blood transfer and
blood donation centers, ambulances (no recent study has quantified
them; estimated at 230,000)
* Pharmaceutical industries
* Medical schools and universities (1,943 institutions recognized by the
World Health Organization [3], 2,218 by the Foundation for Advancement
of International Medical Education and Research[4])
* Scientific and academic publishers, public health journals (estimated at
26,262 [5])
* Academies, Boards, Orders, Colleges, Government-related councils and
public health administrations (over 640 identified administrations)
Professional associations and unions (estimated at 300,000)
The medical profession is not structured in a particular way, but consist of
many different organisations, institutions, etc. that focus on specific
practise areas. The .MED application conceived by HEXAP received the
greatest attention from a lot of stakeholders coming from various countries
and institutions. HEXAP is well aware that giving an endorsement to a third
party is a particular sensitive issue in the medical worlds, as well as
publishing the names of those who provided us with a letter of support.
Reference is made to the various institutions, hospitals, research
organizations, universities, companies and individuals who have endorsed our
application. Please see our response to Question 20 (b) for more information
about these entities.
[1] Sources and classification of health workforce statistics - World Health
Organization, http:⁄⁄www.who.int⁄hrh⁄statistics⁄workforce_statistics⁄en
[2] Global Health Observatory Data Repository - World Health Organization
[3] Avicenna Directories - World Health Organization, University of Copenhagen
[4] Mapping the Worldʹs Medical Schools, FAIMER
[5] National Library of Medicine Catalog -
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