20(c) Provide a description of the community-based purpose of the applied-for gTLD

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.medHEXAP SAShexap.comView


Eligible registrants include the following:

- practitioners: Qualified health and health associate professionals as
defined in Q20a. Must provide a license identification from the relevant
health Agency, Board, Council, Order or College:

* Generalist medical practitioners
* Specialist medical practitioners
* Nursing professionals
* Midwifery professionals
* Traditional and complementary medicine professionals
* Paramedical practitioners
* Dentists
* Pharmacists
* Environmental and occupational health and hygiene professionals
* Physiotherapists
* Dietitians and nutritionists
* Audiologists and speech therapists
* Optometrists and opthalmic opticians, orthoptists
* Chiropractors, Osteopaths

Alternative occupation names may apply to fit regional features.

- entities: This group is composed of licensed health care providers,
professional associations and health related organizations:

* Facilities: hospitals, clinics, maternity hospitals, medical nursing
homes, geriatric cares facilities, dialysis centers, blood transfer and
blood donation centers, ambulances, medical laboratories. Must provide a
Business ID and credentials from the relevant national or the federal
Health, Trade, Industry, Economic Development or Commerce Ministry or
Department, Agency or authority

* Pharmaceutical industries: must provide a Business ID and comprehensive
credentials from the relevant national or the federal Health, Trade,
Industry, Economic Development or Commerce Ministry or Department,
Agency or authority.

* Schools and universities: must be listed in the International Medical
Education Directory (IMED - http:⁄⁄www.faimer.org⁄resources⁄imed.html )
maintained by the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical
Education and Research (FAIMER - http:⁄⁄www.faimer.org⁄ ), or the
Avicenna Directory of medical schools maintained by the University of
Copenhagen ( http:⁄⁄avicenna.ku.dk⁄ ), else must provide a comprehensive
confirmation from the related health or education national agency or

* Medical Libraries: must provide a comprehensive accreditation.

* Scientific and academic publishers, public health journals: must provide
a valid ISO identifier such as International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
or International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) or International Standard
Audiovisual Number (ISAN).

* Academies, Boards, Orders, Colleges, Government related councils and
public health administrations: must provide official documents.

* Professional associations and unions: must provide a comprehensive

Intended end-users include any physical person who would like to obtain
access to or receive genuine information from a verified licensed
professional practitioner or entity active in the field of health care.


As it is explained further in our application, HEXAPʹs experience in
managing domain name platforms has been generated in the context of the
activities of PROMOPIXEL, of which HEXAP is a spin-off company, and in
particular in relation to PROMOPIXELʹs product called SMALLREGISTRY.

Since 2009, the SMALLREGISTRY platform allows members of the medical
profession in France to register domain names in following second level

- medecin.fr (for physicians);

- chirurgiens-dentistes.fr (for dentists); and

- pharmacien.fr (for pharmacists).

Given the above, the team that has recently established HEXAP is already
equipped to handle the anticipated technical environment and operational
aspects that have been contemplated in this application for the .MED gTLD.
Currently, the SMALLREGISTRY product already encompasses all functionalities
required for the .MED gTLD, in particular as regards:

- the operation of a so-called Medical Clearinghouse;

- the operation of a domain name management platform;

- verification of registrants;

- dealing with registrars;

- etc.

Given the fact that there is a clear and continuous need for individuals to
obtain genuine information, products and services in relation to diseases and
health care, one of the cornerstones of the offering of the .MED TLD is clearly
to establish a platform for fulfilling these needs in the near and distant
future. Although no guarantees are given by the Registry Operator as regards the
accuracy of information, or the effectiveness of products or services that are
offered, it will at least provide for a trusted platform for qualified
professionals and entities to communicate with individuals and patients.

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