gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .group | Tucows TLDs Inc. | | View |
The proposed registration life cycle for this TLD is similar to the life cycle requirements for current gTLDs. The registry adheres to all IETF EPP RFCs relevant to the domain life cycle. The proposed life cycle for the TLD is consistent with the technical, operational, and financial plans proposed for this TLD.
The following paragraphs and timeline describe the proposed life cycle of the domain as well as the criteria and procedures used to change the state.
The Registry will support the following registration states:
- Active: The registry sets this status. The domain can be modified by the registrar. The domain can be renewed. The domain will be included in the zone if the domain has been delegated to at least two nameservers.
- Registry Hold: The registry sets this status. The domain cannot be modified or deleted by the registrar. The registry must remove the Registry Hold status for the registrar to modify the domain. The domain can be renewed. The domain will not be included in the zone.
- Registrar Hold: The sponsoring registrar sets this status. The domain cannot be modified or deleted. The registrar must remove Registrar Hold status to modify the domain. The domain can be renewed. The domain will not be included in the zone.
- Suspend: The domain is suspended and no longer resolves. The domain cannot be transferred. The domain is still part of the zone file but the nameservers have been temporarily modified to ns1.suspended.«stringforcode».
- Exclude: The domain name is excluded from the zone file. It is still entered in the registry database but will not resolve nor display as “available”.
- Redemption Period: The registry sets this status when a registrar requests that the domain name be deleted from the registry and the domain has been registered for more than 5 calendar days (if the delete request is received within 5 days of initial domain registration it will instead be deleted immediately). The domain will not be included in the zone. The domain cannot be modified or purged; it can only be restored. Any other registrar requests to modify or otherwise update the domain will be rejected. The domain will be held in this status for a maximum of 30 calendar days.
- Pending Restore: The registry sets this status after a registrar requests restoration of a domain that is in Redemption Period status. The domain will be included in the zone. Registrar requests to modify or otherwise update the domain will be rejected. The domain will be held in this status while the registry waits for the registrar to provide required restoration documentation. If the registrar fails to provide documentation to the registry within 7 calendar days to confirm the restoration request, the domain will revert to Redemption Period status. The domain status will be set to Active only if the registrar provides documentation to the registry within 7 calendar days to confirm the restoration request.
- Pending Delete: The registry sets this status after a domain has been set in Redemption Period status and the domain has not been restored by the registrar. The domain will not be included in the zone. Once in this status all registrar requests to modify or otherwise update the domain will be rejected. The domain will be purged from the registry database after being in this status for 5 calendar days.
- Suspend and pending delete: The domain has been suspended and is pending deletion.
- Exclude and pending delete: The domain has been excluded from the zone and is pending deletion.
- Inactive: The domain is not actively resolving in the .GROUP zone. This status occurs when the nameservers associated with the domain are inaccurate or not working.
- Pending Transfer: A request has been made by the registrar to transfer the domain to another registrar. It remains in pending state until the transfer has been authenticated.
- Deleted: The domain has been deleted from the database, and will be made available again for registration.
- Server Lock: The nameservers are locked by the registrar to prevent any unauthorized changes.
- Registrar Lock (also known as “Client Lock”): The sponsoring registrar sets this status. The domain cannot be modified or deleted. The registrar must remove Registrar Lock status to modify the domain. The domain can be renewed. The domain will be included in the zone.
- Registry Lock: The registry sets this status. The domain cannot be modified or deleted by the registrar. The registry must remove the Registry Lock status for the registrar to modify the domain. The domain can be renewed. The domain will be included in the zone if the domain has been delegated to at least two nameservers.
The following process describes the typical registration life cycle and all intervening steps of a steady-state domain registration that may apply through the full life cycle:
- A domain name is available to be registered.
- A registration request for a one to ten year term is received at the registry, the domain is created, the domain status is “Active,” and the domain is added to the zone file. The domain may be locked.
- If the domain is renewed, the status remains “Active.”
- If the domain record is updated, the status remains “Active.”
- If the domain is transferred, the status remains “Active.”
- If the domain is deleted, the status is updated at the database as “deleted,” and the domain is removed from the zone file.
- A five-day “Add-Grace” period exists where names deleted during that Add-Grace period become available for re-registration.
- Once the domain expires, The “Auto-Renew Grace” period begins. It lasts 30 days from the date of the domain expiry. The domain may be in the zone file during this time, but the state is changed to “suspended.” The domain can be renewed and transferred during this time.
After the Auto-Renew Grace period is over, the “Redemption Grace” period begins. This is also known as the “Pending Delete-Restore” period. The domain is no longer in the zone (the website and email no longer function), but the record is still in the registry database. The Redemption Grace is a 30-day period. During this period, the registrant can “redeem” their domain name, thereby renewing it and making it active again. The domain cannot be transferred during this time.
If the domain is not redeemed within the 30 day Redemption Grace period, the “Pending Delete” period of 5 days begins. The domain is no longer in the zone and the website and email no longer function.
Finally, the domain is released from the registry database and made available for registration. The registration life cycle begins anew.
The following process describes the typical Domain Transfer process between Registrars:
- A request for the transfer of the domain is received at the registry.
- If the domain is active and not locked, and the correct authentication code is submitted, the domain is instantly transferred to the new registrar.
- If no authentication code is submitted, the domain goes into “Pending Transfer” status. The losing registrar must confirm the transfer out to the gaining registrar.
- If an incorrect authentication code is submitted, the transfer is denied.
- Once the transfer is complete the domain reverts to “Active” status.
The following process describes the typical process when a domain expires:
- When the domain has expired the status changes to “on-hold,” and the domain no longer resolves.
- During Auto-Renew Grace Period the domain may be renewed for the regular price; the domain cannot be transferred until it is renewed.
- During the Redemption Grace Period, the status is Pending-Delete-Restorable. The domain is no longer in the zone file. A redemption fee may be paid to re-gain the domain during the Redemption Grace Period.
- After the 30-day Redemption Grace Period, the domain can no longer be automatically restored; status is Pending-Delete.
- After five days at Pending-Delete status, the domain is dropped from the registry database and made available for registration once again.
Implementation of the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) process may alter the typical registration life cycle during Sunrise. Until the TMCH process is finalized, the registry will continue to support the historical Sunrise registration life cycle as follows:
- Application received at registry, domain is created, status is Inactive.
- Application approved by auditor, domain status is Pending.
- If application is unique, domain status is updated to Active and may be locked to prevent transfer, server update, renewal or deletion.
- If application is not unique, applicant wins collision auction, domain status is updated to Active and may be locked.
- If application is not unique and applicant loses collision auction, registration application is denied and record is archived.
The following process describes the typical Registration Life Cycle during Landrush:
- Application received at registry, domain is created, status is Inactive.
- If application is unique, domain status is updated to Active and may be locked.
- If application is not unique, applicant wins collision auction, domain status is updated to Active and may be locked.
- If application is not unique, applicant loses collision auction, application is denied and record is archived.
The following process describes the typical Registration Life Cycle during Steady State Domain Registration: Full Life Cycle
Domain name is available.
- A registration for a one- to ten-year term is received at the registry, the domain is created, the domain status is “Active,” and the domain is added to the zone file. The domain may be locked.
- If domain is renewed, status remains “Active.”
- If domain record is updated, status remains “Active.”
- If domain is transferred, status remains “Active.”
- If domain is deleted, status is updated at database as “deleted,” and domain is removed from the zone file.
- A five day Add-Grace Period exists where names deleted during Add-Grace become available for re-registration.
- Once the domain expires, The Auto-Renew Grace Period begins. It lasts 30 days from the domain expired date. The domain may be in the zone file during this time but the state is changed to “suspended.” The domain can be renewed and transferred during this time.
- After the Auto-Renew Grace Period is over, the Redemption Grace Period begins. This is also known as the Pending Delete-Restore period. The domain is no longer in the zone (the website and email no longer function), but the record is still in the registry database. The Redemption Grace is for 30 days. During this period, the registrant can “redeem” their domain name, renewing it and making it active again. The domain cannot be transferred during this time.
- If the domain is not redeemed, within the 30 day Redemption Grace Period, the Pending Delete period of 5 days begins. The domain is no longer in the zone and the website and email no longer function.
- Finally, the domain is released from the registry database and made available for registration. The registration life cycle begins anew.
The life cycle of a domain in steady-state (in other words, after the Sunrise and Landrush periods) is illustrated in the attachment “Q 27 Life Cycle Diagram” which captures definitions, explanations of trigger points, and transitions from state to state.
The registry platform, Espresso, has been built to meet the standard ICANN gTLD life cycle formats. Almost every domain name life cycle function is automated; EPP commands from the registrar to the registry to modify status such as pending transfer, delete, etc. require no personnel resources. The Sunrise validation will be automated with the implementation of the required Trademark Clearinghouse. The Database Administrator manages some life cycle elements such as exclusion and the manual approval of domain names that are on hold. The Compliance Administrator ensures that the Espresso Registration Life Cycle is in compliance with ICANN consensus policies, and IETF RFC requirements. The Development team ensure the life cycle process and fields are supported by the application and in the database. The Vice President for Policy intervenes when a domain name may contravene our Acceptable Use Policy or other policy. The registrar technical support staff assist the registrars with any life cycle issues.
Our registry functions are outsourced to Minds + Machines. Their staff resource allocation follows. All costs associated with the technical functioning of the registry are covered by Minds + Machines as per our contract with them. Please see the attachment to “Q 24 Staff” for complete descriptions of each staff position.
Title Startup Yr1 Yr2 Yr3
----- ------- --- --- ---
Compliance Administrator -- 5% 5% 5%
Registrar CS Tech 1 2% 2% 2% 2%
Registrar CS Tech 2 -- -- 2% 2%
Espresso Application Developer 5% 5% 5% 5%
Database Developer 5% 5% 5% 5%
Database Administrator -- 5% 5% 5%
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .latino | Top Level Domain Holdings Limited | | View |
The proposed registration life cycle for this TLD is similar to the life cycle requirements for current gTLDs. The registry adheres to all IETF EPP RFCs relevant to the domain life cycle. The proposed life cycle for the TLD is consistent with the technical, operational, and financial plans proposed for this TLD.
The following paragraphs and timeline describe the proposed life cycle of the domain as well as the criteria and procedures used to change the state.
The Registry will support the following registration states:
- Active: The registry sets this status. The domain can be modified by the registrar. The domain can be renewed. The domain will be included in the zone if the domain has been delegated to at least two nameservers.
- Registry Hold: The registry sets this status. The domain cannot be modified or deleted by the registrar. The registry must remove the Registry Hold status for the registrar to modify the domain. The domain can be renewed. The domain will not be included in the zone.
- Registrar Hold: The sponsoring registrar sets this status. The domain cannot be modified or deleted. The registrar must remove Registrar Hold status to modify the domain. The domain can be renewed. The domain will not be included in the zone.
- Suspend: The domain is suspended and no longer resolves. The domain cannot be transferred. The domain is still part of the zone file but the nameservers have been temporarily modified to
- Exclude: The domain name is excluded from the zone file. It is still entered in the registry database but will not resolve nor display as “available”.
- Redemption Period: The registry sets this status when a registrar requests that the domain name be deleted from the registry and the domain has been registered for more than 5 calendar days (if the delete request is received within 5 days of initial domain registration it will instead be deleted immediately). The domain will not be included in the zone. The domain cannot be modified or purged; it can only be restored. Any other registrar requests to modify or otherwise update the domain will be rejected. The domain will be held in this status for a maximum of 30 calendar days.
- Pending Restore: The registry sets this status after a registrar requests restoration of a domain that is in Redemption Period status. The domain will be included in the zone. Registrar requests to modify or otherwise update the domain will be rejected. The domain will be held in this status while the registry waits for the registrar to provide required restoration documentation. If the registrar fails to provide documentation to the registry within 7 calendar days to confirm the restoration request, the domain will revert to Redemption Period status. The domain status will be set to Active only if the registrar provides documentation to the registry within 7 calendar days to confirm the restoration request.
- Pending Delete: The registry sets this status after a domain has been set in Redemption Period status and the domain has not been restored by the registrar. The domain will not be included in the zone. Once in this status all registrar requests to modify or otherwise update the domain will be rejected. The domain will be purged from the registry database after being in this status for 5 calendar days.
- Suspend and pending delete: The domain has been suspended and is pending deletion.
- Exclude and pending delete: The domain has been excluded from the zone and is pending deletion.
- Inactive: The domain is not actively resolving in the .LATINO zone. This status occurs when the nameservers associated with the domain are inaccurate or not working.
- Pending Transfer: A request has been made by the registrar to transfer the domain to another registrar. It remains in pending state until the transfer has been authenticated.
- Deleted: The domain has been deleted from the database, and will be made available again for registration.
- Server Lock: The nameservers are locked by the registrar to prevent any unauthorized changes.
- Registrar Lock (also known as “Client Lock”): The sponsoring registrar sets this status. The domain cannot be modified or deleted. The registrar must remove Registrar Lock status to modify the domain. The domain can be renewed. The domain will be included in the zone.
- Registry Lock: The registry sets this status. The domain cannot be modified or deleted by the registrar. The registry must remove the Registry Lock status for the registrar to modify the domain. The domain can be renewed. The domain will be included in the zone if the domain has been delegated to at least two nameservers.
The following process describes the typical registration life cycle and all intervening steps of a steady-state domain registration that may apply through the full life cycle:
- A domain name is available to be registered.
- A registration request for a one to ten year term is received at the registry, the domain is created, the domain status is “Active,” and the domain is added to the zone file. The domain may be locked.
- If the domain is renewed, the status remains “Active.”
- If the domain record is updated, the status remains “Active.”
- If the domain is transferred, the status remains “Active.”
- If the domain is deleted, the status is updated at the database as “deleted,” and the domain is removed from the zone file.
- A five-day “Add-Grace” period exists where names deleted during that Add-Grace period become available for re-registration.
- Once the domain expires, The “Auto-Renew Grace” period begins. It lasts 30 days from the date of the domain expiry. The domain may be in the zone file during this time, but the state is changed to “suspended.” The domain can be renewed and transferred during this time.
After the Auto-Renew Grace period is over, the “Redemption Grace” period begins. This is also known as the “Pending Delete-Restore” period. The domain is no longer in the zone (the website and email no longer function), but the record is still in the registry database. The Redemption Grace is a 30-day period. During this period, the registrant can “redeem” their domain name, thereby renewing it and making it active again. The domain cannot be transferred during this time.
If the domain is not redeemed within the 30 day Redemption Grace period, the “Pending Delete” period of 5 days begins. The domain is no longer in the zone and the website and email no longer function.
Finally, the domain is released from the registry database and made available for registration. The registration life cycle begins anew.
The following process describes the typical Domain Transfer process between Registrars:
- A request for the transfer of the domain is received at the registry.
- If the domain is active and not locked, and the correct authentication code is submitted, the domain is instantly transferred to the new registrar.
- If no authentication code is submitted, the domain goes into “Pending Transfer” status. The losing registrar must confirm the transfer out to the gaining registrar.
- If an incorrect authentication code is submitted, the transfer is denied.
- Once the transfer is complete the domain reverts to “Active” status.
The following process describes the typical process when a domain expires:
- When the domain has expired the status changes to “on-hold,” and the domain no longer resolves.
- During Auto-Renew Grace Period the domain may be renewed for the regular price; the domain cannot be transferred until it is renewed.
- During the Redemption Grace Period, the status is Pending-Delete-Restorable. The domain is no longer in the zone file. A redemption fee may be paid to re-gain the domain during the Redemption Grace Period.
- After the 30-day Redemption Grace Period, the domain can no longer be automatically restored; status is Pending-Delete.
- After five days at Pending-Delete status, the domain is dropped from the registry database and made available for registration once again.
Implementation of the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) process may alter the typical registration life cycle during Sunrise. Until the TMCH process is finalized, the registry will continue to support the historical Sunrise registration life cycle as follows:
- Application received at registry, domain is created, status is Inactive.
- Application approved by auditor, domain status is Pending.
- If application is unique, domain status is updated to Active and may be locked to prevent transfer, server update, renewal or deletion.
- If application is not unique, applicant wins collision auction, domain status is updated to Active and may be locked.
- If application is not unique and applicant loses collision auction, registration application is denied and record is archived.
The following process describes the typical Registration Life Cycle during Landrush:
- Application received at registry, domain is created, status is Inactive.
- If application is unique, domain status is updated to Active and may be locked.
- If application is not unique, applicant wins collision auction, domain status is updated to Active and may be locked.
- If application is not unique, applicant loses collision auction, application is denied and record is archived.
The following process describes the typical Registration Life Cycle during Steady State Domain Registration: Full Life Cycle
Domain name is available.
- A registration for a one- to ten-year term is received at the registry, the domain is created, the domain status is “Active,” and the domain is added to the zone file. The domain may be locked.
- If domain is renewed, status remains “Active.”
- If domain record is updated, status remains “Active.”
- If domain is transferred, status remains “Active.”
- If domain is deleted, status is updated at database as “deleted,” and domain is removed from the zone file.
- A five day Add-Grace Period exists where names deleted during Add-Grace become available for re-registration.
- Once the domain expires, The Auto-Renew Grace Period begins. It lasts 30 days from the domain expired date. The domain may be in the zone file during this time but the state is changed to “suspended.” The domain can be renewed and transferred during this time.
- After the Auto-Renew Grace Period is over, the Redemption Grace Period begins. This is also known as the Pending Delete-Restore period. The domain is no longer in the zone (the website and email no longer function), but the record is still in the registry database. The Redemption Grace is for 30 days. During this period, the registrant can “redeem” their domain name, renewing it and making it active again. The domain cannot be transferred during this time.
- If the domain is not redeemed, within the 30 day Redemption Grace Period, the Pending Delete period of 5 days begins. The domain is no longer in the zone and the website and email no longer function.
- Finally, the domain is released from the registry database and made available for registration. The registration life cycle begins anew.
The life cycle of a domain in steady-state (in other words, after the Sunrise and Landrush periods) is illustrated in the attachment “Q 27 Life Cycle Diagram” which captures definitions, explanations of trigger points, and transitions from state to state.
The registry platform, Espresso, has been built to meet the standard ICANN gTLD life cycle formats. Almost every domain name life cycle function is automated; EPP commands from the registrar to the registry to modify status such as pending transfer, delete, etc. require no personnel resources. The Sunrise validation will be automated with the implementation of the required Trademark Clearinghouse. The Database Administrator manages some life cycle elements such as exclusion and the manual approval of domain names that are on hold. The Compliance Administrator ensures that the Espresso Registration Life Cycle is in compliance with ICANN consensus policies, and IETF RFC requirements. The Development team ensure the life cycle process and fields are supported by the application and in the database. The Vice President for Policy intervenes when a domain name may contravene our Acceptable Use Policy or other policy. The registrar technical support staff assist the registrars with any life cycle issues.
Our registry functions are outsourced to Minds + Machines. Their staff resource allocation follows. All costs associated with the technical functioning of the registry are covered by Minds + Machines as per our contract with them. Please see the attachment to “Q 24 Staff” for complete descriptions of each staff position.
Compliance Administrator
Registrar Cust Svc - Tech 1
Registrar Cust Svc - Tech 2
Espresso Application Developer
Database Developer
Database Administrator