18(a) Describe the mission/purpose of your proposed gTLD
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .skolkovo | Fund for Development of the Center for Elaboration and Commercialization of New Technologies | cctld.ru | View |
The innovation center “Skolkovo” was established under the initiative of President Dmitry Medvedev and the Government of Russian Federation to encourage innovation processes in Russia, attract crème de la crème of the research, engineer, education and business communities and engage them in generation of competitive science-intensive development projects in a most innovative urban environment.
ʺSkolkovoʺ is a unique R&D center focusing on science-intensive and innovation technologies. Located in Russia, Skolkovo is set to grow as a critical link in the global chain of its peers.
Presently, Skolkovo has become home to the most advanced global corporate players, a range of audacious innovation projects and rigorous technological research.
Though a fresh start, projects developed under the aegis of Skolkovo have already been incorporated in the RF Governmentʹs and corporate initiatives.
The applied-for gTLD .SKOLKOVO will become an e-platform for the above initiatives and projects. It will likewise serve as an addressing vehicle for the global and domestic R&D and innovation community.
The Applicant is confident that .SKOLKOVO will emerge as an integral part of the projectʹs virtual infrastructure and a unique business card for a full-fledged system promoting an intense scientific exchange, design, development and implementation of innovative products and technologies.
Mission of the TLD .SKOLKOVO is a two-fold one and comprises the global component and the local one:
1) The global component of the mission is to establish an unambiguously identified on-line representative office to the Skolkovo Innovation Center as a unique Russian innovation powerhouse and a part of an ever-widening network of similar centers;
2) The local component of the mission is to promote domestically the SICʹs innovative fundamental features, such as championing cutting-edge research and vigorous development, fostering a vibrant and diverse multinational community, unleashing the maximum human potential, and boasting the modern-day environment and green living standards.
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