18(a) Describe the mission/purpose of your proposed gTLD

Prototypical answer:

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.rioEmpresa Municipal de Informática SA - IPLANRIOregistro.brView

Rio is the nickname given to Rio de Janeiro. The international press, including media groups such as Time, The Economist, La Nación and The Washington Post, adopted it and helped to spread the name Rio all over the world.
For such a long time Rio was known only for its beaches, carnival, samba, soccer and beautiful people, but now Rio is having a unique social, economic and infrastructure development and gaining recognition in national and international sceneries.
The investments made for the Worldcup and the Olimpic Games and the idea of integrating the favelas to the city are transforming Rio in a modern metropolis, and consequently creating infrastructure and bringing investments opportunities for global and local companies.
This great attention that the world is giving to Rio creates the perfect timing to create a generic top level domain which represents the city. The intention for .rio is to be the public policies’ official channel of the Rio city.
In addition, the city’s irresistible charm and the spirit of joy that made Rio famous all around the globe and you will find a perfect combination for a successful new generic top level domain.
.rio domain will be a Rio city’s patrimony and its digital identity on the internet.

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