18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.ABCAmerican Broadcasting Companies, Inc.disney.comView

In launching the ʺ.ABCʺ gTLD, American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. (ʺABCʺ) will ensure that all applicable policies and procedures as outlined by ICANN for the prevention and mitigation of domain name abuse, as well as protection for trademark rights will be implemented and followed. As part of a company with a large portfolio of trademarks, ABC is as concerned with these issues as any other company and will ensure that there are no violations in this area.

ʺ.ABCʺ will be a closed gTLD. Since registrations will be restricted to ABC, there will be no third party registrations, no trademark infringement, no domain name conflicts or auctions, no 3rd party cost benefits or discounts, and no concerns or issues with price increases to the registrant.

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