18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .verisign | VeriSign, Inc. | verisign.com | View |
The .verisign gTLD will be used by Verisign alone and not as a gTLD for others to utilize. For
this reason, there will be no application process for using the .verisign gTLD, apart from an
internal process for running our digital marketing and web presence activities. Although
Verisign does not anticipate allowing non-affiliated third parties to register for domain names,
in the event that registrations by non-affiliated third parties are allowed, conflicts between
multiple applications will be resolved based upon compliance with any applicable registrations
The .verisign gTLD will be closely controlled by Verisign and used to:
Promote our brand message:
* Verisign’s trusted stewardship within the Internet community
* Continued investment in Internet technologies and infrastructure
* Products and services from a trusted name in intelligence and availability
Educate the market:
* An industry example to show other brands how they can leverage a new gTLD
for their own purposes and thereby expand the Internet universe
Demonstrate thought leadership:
* The .verisign gTLD will also be a trusted destination for promoting thought
leadership, education, and information about the Internet. Potential topics and
resources could range from a history of the Internet and possible trends for the
future to curriculum for educators and public services audiences.
* Although Verisign does not currently intend to offer registrations to non-affiliated
third parties, if third parties are offered registrations, Verisign will consider
offering contractual commitments consistent with current market practices.
In Summary
We will leverage the .verisign gTLD as the online anchor for our brand identity as the trusted
provider of Internet infrastructure services for the networked world.
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gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | z | Detail |