18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .hamburg | Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH | dothamburg.de | View |
All available .HAMBURG domain names will be registerable on a ”first-come, first-served” basis, except of reserved names which may be allocated on a ”first-come, first-served” basis or via other mechanisms. All allocation mechanisms shall be in accordance with the community-based purpose of .HAMBURG. The reserved names in Phase 1 (see #18b iv) have special allocation mechanisms as described as follows:
- Reservation of names for the local authorities and their departments. These names will be released by the Registry upon request of the City of Hamburg and can be registered by appointed community members.
- Reservation of names for defined interest groups of the Hamburg community in accordance with the purpose of the .HAMBURG top-level domain. These names will be released by the Registry in an allocation procedure according to German law.
- Reservation of names for the technical operation, the namespace management, marketing and purpose of the .HAMBURG top-level domain as defined in #18a. These names will be released by the Registry for its own use or in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
- Reservation of premium names for fixed prices. These names will be released by the Registry for a fixed price on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Reservation of names in accordance with the ICANN specification 5. These domain names may be released based on ICANN defined procedures and than be registered by eligible registrants.
- Disputed Domain Names - The Registry may set aside during regular operations domain names that are being reviewed under dispute resolution procedures. These domain names may become available for registration after the dispute is concluded.
As of today dotHAMBURG will, in its own discretion and depending on the development of the .HAMBURG namespace, decide to implement cost benefits, if appropriate. Our prices are based on our outreach to the registrar community, especially in Germany, which will lead to fair and reasonable wholesale prices.
.HAMBURG domain names will be available through ICANN accredited registrars who will be provided non-discriminatory access to registry services.
Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH reserves the right to reduce pricing for promotional purposes in a manner available to all accredited registrars. Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH reserves the right to work with ICANN to initiate an increase in the wholesale price of domains if required. Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH will comply with the rules specified by ICANN in the “Draft New gTLD registry Agreement” to provide reasonable notice to the registrars of any approved price increase.
Similar gTLD applications: (1)
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | z | Detail | .berlin | dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG | dotberlin.de | -1.19 | Compare |