27 Registration Life Cycle

Prototypical answer:

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.广东Guangzhou YU Wei Information Technology Co., Ltd.zodiac-corp.comView

27. Registration Lifecycle

In accordance with the status of Redemption Grace Period (RGP) and Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) defined in RFC 3915 and RFC 5731 and considering the characteristics of ʺ.STRINGʺ business, the applicant has defined the registration lifecycle and the procedure of status transfer for ʺ.STRINGʺ TLD.

The applicant selects the Back-End Service Provider to be the provider of technology and operation services for ʺ.STRINGʺ registry. Through the self-deployed ʺBack-End Registry Service Platformʺ, the Back-End Service Provider provides the entrusted services for ʺ.STRINGʺ TLD.

ʺBack-End Registry Service Platformʺ is deployed and operated by the Back-End Service Provider to support services for all new gTLD registries who have the entrusted requirements such as ʺ.STRINGʺ. The platform is designed to support at least 2 million domain names. ʺBack-End Registry Service Platformʺ that is deployed, maintained and operated by the technicians from the Back-End Service Provider, provides registry with all information systems required for five critical functions (including resources such as IDC, software, hardware and bandwidth etc.).

The applicant will designate specialists to carry out technical coordination, and supervise the work of the Back-End Service Provider. Meanwhile they will be in duty to manage key associated with services described above and authorize the Back-End Service Provider to arrange personnel to manage use of the key. By far, all human resources, funds and equipment necessary for implementing and maintaining registration lifecycle have been put in place by the applicant and the Back-End Service Provider respectively.

27.1 Domain Name Registration Lifecycle

ʺ.STRINGʺ domain name registration lifecycle includes the following 9 main periods: verification period, add grace period, transfer restriction period, normal period, auto renew grace period, redemption grace period and pending delete period, transfer grace period and renew grace period.

Registration lifecycle is illustrated as follows:

Please see Figure 1 in the attachment of Q27_Attachment_Figure.

Each period of registration lifecycle is detailed in the following table:

Please see Table 1 in the attachment of Q27_Attachment_Table.

27.2 Registration Status and Change Procedures

27.2.1 Registration Status

According to RFC 3915, the registration lifecycle of ʺ.STRINGʺ includes the following 7 statuses of RGP:

(1) addPeriod

(2) autoRenewPeriod

(3) transferPeriod

(4) renewPeriod

(5) redemptionPeriod

(6) pendingDelete

(7) pendingRestore

According to RFC 5731, the EPP status includes the following 11 statuses:

(1) OK

(2) inactive

(3) pendingCreate

(4) pendingDelete

(5) pendingUpdate

(6) pendingTransfer

(7) serverHold

(8) serverTransferProhibited

(9) serverRenewProhibited

(10) serverUpdateProhibited

(11) serverDeleteProhibited
The above RGP and EPP statuses are set by the registry, in which serverTransferProhibited, serverRenewProhibited, serverUpdateProhibited and serverDeleteProhibited are set and managed by BOSS of the SRS system according to the specific needs. What are discussed here are only the statuses and change procedures set by the registry but do not involve the following 5 statuses set by the registrar: clientDeleteProhibited, clientHold, clientRenewProhibited, clientTransferProhibited and clientUpdateProhibited.
PendingRenew is not available in our SRS: the applicant judges whether renewal is successful according to the financial balance without wait.
Various registration statuses in the domain name registration lifecycle may be changed in accordance with certain standards. Change procedures are illustrated as follows: please see Figure 2 in the attachment of Q27_Attachment_Table.

27.2.2 Registration Status Change Procedures Verification Period and Add Grace Period

After the registrar files an application to the applicant, the domain name enters into a 5-day verification and add grace period, during which update, renew, and delete operations can be performed by the registrar.

Listed in the following table are events that are likely to happen in the verification and add grace period as well as changes of EPP and RGP statuses resulting from such events.

Please see Table 2 in the attachment of Q27_Attachment_Table. Transfer Restriction Period

There is an overlap of 5 days between the transfer restriction period and the verification and add grace period. During the transfer restriction period, transfer operations are prohibited while update, delete and renew operations are permitted.

Listed in the following table are events that are likely to happen in the transfer restriction period as well as changes of EPP and RGP statuses resulting from such events.

Please see Table 3 in the attachment of Q27_Attachment_Table. Normal Period

The normal period starts from the 61st day after the registration date and ends on the expiry date, during which transfer, update, delete and renew operations are permitted.

Listed in the following table are events that are likely to happen in the normal period as well as changes of EPP and RGP statuses resulting from such events.

Please see Table 4 in the attachment of Q27_Attachment_Table. Auto Renew Grace Period

When a domain name expires, it will enter into a 45-day auto renew period. If there is sufficient remaining deposit, there will be an automatic renewal of one more year, during which transfer, update, renew and delete operations are permitted.

Listed in the following table are events that are likely to happen in the auto renew grace period as well as changes of EPP and RGP statuses resulting from such events.

Please see Table 5 in the attachment of Q27_Attachment_Table. Redemption Grace Period

Redemption grace period is 15 days, during which restore operations can be carried out to redeem a domain name.

Listed in the following table are events that are likely to happen in the redemption grace period as well as changes of EPP and RGP statuses resulting from such events.

Please see Table 6 in the attachment of Q27_Attachment_Table. Pending Delete Period

The pending delete period is 5 days, during which all requests from the registrar for domain name operations will be rejected.

Listed in the following table are events that are likely to happen in the pending delete period as well as changes of EPP and RGP statuses resulting from such events.

Please see Table 7 in the attachment of Q27_Attachment_Table. Change of Status Resulting from Abuse of a Domain Name or Fraudulent Activities

Within the transfer restriction period, the normal period or the auto renew grace period, if there is any abuse of domain names or any fraudulent activity, the serverHold status will be set for such domain names.

Please see Table 8 in the attachment of Q27_Attachment_Table.

27.3 Resource Allocation

27.3.1 Human Resources

To fulfill the service commitments concerning registration lifecycle of ʺ.STRINGʺ, the human resources provided by ʺ.STRINGʺ are as follows: ʺ.STRINGʺ TLD registry adopts the human resources that are for ʺBack-End Registry Service Platformʺ use, which equips with 2 software engineers who are responsible for the formulation and modification of registration lifecycle; the applicant will designate 2 technical personnel to communicate such technical issues with the Back-End Service Provider and supervise the work of the Back-End Service Provider. Refer to the answer to Question 31 for more details.

27.3.2 Funds

To fulfill the service commitments concerning registration lifecycle of ʺ.STRINGʺ, funds for human resources and outsourcing funds of technical platform of the applicant have been put in place.Refer to the answer to Question 46 for the sources and uses of these funds; Funds for human resources, equipment procurement and maintenance of the Back-End Service Provider, the applicantʹs entrusted party of technology and operation, have been put in place.

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