20(a) Provide the name and full description of the community that the applicant is committing to serve

Prototypical answer:

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.广东Xinhua News Agency Guangdong Branch 新华通讯社广东分社tld.asiaView

Members of the 广东 (Guangdong) Community
- Individuals, businesses and organisations residing in Guangdong.

The community is well organized and represented by a multitude of community based organizations.
The community is clearly delineated from the general internet users at large. Many of the community organisations are well established such as the Guangdong Youth Federation (http:⁄⁄www.gdqinglian.org), Guangdong Students Union, Children’s Palace Guangdong, etc.

Other related entities that is not primarily a part of the Guangdong community but has a nexus with the community:

- Individuals and businesses from the Cantonese language community: Cantonese is one of the main languages of the Guangdong province. In fact, the Chinese name for “Cantonese” is “Guang Dong Dialect (广东话)”. The Cantonese community is very active around the world, and associates with “Guangdong” (primarily in its Chinese form “广东”. This is evidenced by the popular culture especially Kung Fu movies from Hong Kong.

- Individuals and businesses expanding into the Guangdong market: as one of the first areas to undergo economic reform in China, Guangdong represents a gateway to the China market for the world. Many businesses around the world has established beachheads in Guangdong and remains closely connected to the area.

With a population of over 100 million, a GDP of over US$800 Billion, and established since AD 226, the community is sizable and has considerable longevity.

1. Community

The Guangdong community represents cohesion in geography, language and culture. There is a clear awareness and recognition of the Guangdong community among the members of the community as well as an association from those having a nexus.

2. Delineation

There is a clear delineation of the members of the community from the Internet community at large. The members of the Guangdong Community are businesses, organizations and individuals who reside in Guangdong.

3. Pre-Existing

“‘Guang’ itself means ʺexpanseʺ or ʺvastʺ, and has been associated with the region since the creation of Guang Prefecture in AD 226. ʺGuangdongʺ and neighbouring Guangxi literally mean ʺexpanse eastʺ and ʺexpanse westʺ. Together, Guangdong and Guangxi are called the ʺDual-Guangsʺ (兩廣 liăng guăng).” (Wikipedia)

4. Organized

Guangdong is not only a thriving geographic region, the community is well organized with a multitude of organisations. The following are just some of the organisations that the Registry intends to reach out to and serve:

广东省工商业联合会(总商会) (www.gdgcc.com⁄)
广东省商业联合会 (www.ggcc.org.cn⁄)
广东省侨联 (www.gdql.org⁄)
广东省侨联青年委员会 (www.gdqq.org⁄)
广东省发展和改革委员会 (www.gddpc.gov.cn)
广东省旅游局 (www.visitgd.com⁄)
广东省工商局 (www.gdgs.gov.cn⁄)
广东省教育厅 (www.gdhed.edu.cn⁄)
广东省国土资源厅网站 (www.gdlr.gov.cn)
广东省民政厅 (www.gdmz.gov.cn⁄)
广东省人力资源和社会保障厅 (www.gdrst.gov.cn⁄)
广东省地方税务局 (www.gdltax.gov.cn)
广东环境保护公众网 (www.gdepb.gov.cn⁄)
广东省博物馆 (www.gdmuseum.com⁄)
广东省对外贸易经济合作厅 (www.gddoftec.gov.cn)
广东省体育局 (www.gdsports.net⁄)
广东省教育考试院 (www.eeagd.edu.cn⁄)
广东省食品药品监督管理局 (www.gdda.gov.cn)
广东省知识产权局 (www.gdipo.gov.cn⁄)
广东省人事考试局 (www.gdkszx.com.cn⁄)
广东省国家税务局 (www.gd-n-tax.gov.cn⁄)
广东省科学技术厅 (www.gdstc.gov.cn⁄)
广东人大网 (www.rd.gd.cn)
广东省社会科学院 (www.gdass.gov.cn⁄)
广东省社会保险基金管理局 (www.gdsi.gov.cn⁄)
广东省安全生产监督管理局 (www.gdsafety.gov.cn)
广东省海洋与渔业局 (www.gdofa.gov.cn⁄)

廣東省林產工業公司 (www.gdfpi.com⁄aboutus.htm)
广东省中医院 (www.gdhtcm.com)
广东省摄影家协会 (www.gdphoto.cn⁄)
广东省立中山图书馆 (www.zslib.com.cn⁄)
广东女性E家园网站 (www.gdwomen.org.cn)

廣東省海外聯誼會 (http:⁄⁄www.a-zip.com)
香港廣東客屬社團聯合總會 (http:⁄⁄www.hkhakka.com⁄ksst.html)
香港廣東客屬社團聯合總會 (www.hkhakka.com⁄hwbd_02.htm)

5. Extension

The primary community resides in the geographical location of Guangdong. Many others associate closely with the community by spoken language and by their nexus relationship.

6. Size

“Guangdong officially became the most populous province in January 2005.Official statistics had traditionally placed Guangdong as the 4th most populous province of China with about 80 million people (also, Sichuan, traditionally the most populous province, was divided into Sichuan and Chongqing in 1997) but recently released information suggests that there are an additional 30 million migrants who reside in Guangdong for at least six months every year, making it the most populous province with a population of more than 110 million.[21] The massive influx of migrants from other provinces, dubbed the ʺfloating populationʺ, is due to Guangdongʹs booming economy and high demand for labor.

Guangdong is also the ancestral home of large numbers of overseas Chinese. Most of the railroad laborers in Canada, Western United States and Panama in the 19th century came from Guangdong. Many people from the region also travelled to the US ⁄ California during the gold rush of 1849, and also to Australia during its gold rush a decade or so later. Emigration in recent years has slowed with economic prosperity, but this province is still a major source of immigrants to North America and elsewhere in the world.” (Wikipedia)

7. Longevity

The community has been associated with the name since AD 226 and is a long lasting and non-transient nature.

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