16 Describe the applicant's efforts to ensure that there are no known operational or rendering problems concerning the applied-for gTLD string
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .art | Dadotart, Inc. | deviantart.com | View |
Q16 - Operational or Rendering Considerations with Regard to the gTLD String
The .ART Registry (and CORE Internet Council of Registrars as its technical provider) ensured that there are no known operational or rendering problems concerning the applied-for gTLD string ʺARTʺ.
Since the gTLD string ʺARTʺ is an ASCII-only string, it is safe to assume that, just like with existing ASCII-only TLD strings like .com, .net or .de, no operational or rendering problems may be expected. In particular, the name consists only of ASCII characters that are already used for existing top level domains; all the characters in the name are even used in the leftmost position of existing TLD labels. In order to confirm this, CORE Internet Council of Registrars conducted a thorough research regarding whether operational or rendering issues occurred for any existing ASCII-only top level domain in the past. The results of this research confirmed the assumption.
Since the registry does not support right-to-left scripts on the second level, bi-directional issues (like the ones described at http:⁄⁄stupid.domain.name⁄node⁄683) will not occur.
Moreover, the gTLD string exclusively uses characters from a single alphabet, does not contain digits or hyphens, and it contains characters that are not subject to homograph issues, which means there is no potential for confusion with regard to the rendering of other TLD strings.
Finally, CORE Internet Council of Registrars set up a testing environment for the .ART TLD using the CORE Registration System, including an EPP SRS, Whois and DNS servers, in order to conduct a series of tests involving typical use cases (like web site operation and e-mail messaging) for a TLD. The tests revealed no operational or rendering issues with any popular software (web browsers, e-mail clients) or operating systems.
Similar gTLD applications: (37)
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | z | Detail | .barcelona | Municipi de Barcelona | josoc.cat | -3.15 | Compare |
.eus | Puntueus Fundazioa | puntueus.org | -3.15 | Compare |
.movistar | Telefónica S.A. | interdomain.org | -3.15 | Compare |
.eurovision | European Broadcasting Union (EBU) | ebu.ch | -3.15 | Compare |
.seat | SEAT, S.A. (Sociedad Unipersonal) | abril.cat | -3.15 | Compare |
.lacaixa | CAIXA DʹESTALVIS I PENSIONS DE BARCELONA | abril.cat | -3.15 | Compare |
.mango | PUNTO FA S.L. | ubilibet.com | -3.15 | Compare |
.bcn | Municipi de Barcelona | josoc.cat | -3.15 | Compare |
.quebec | PointQuébec Inc | pointquebec.org | -3.15 | Compare |
.radio | European Broadcasting Union (EBU) | ebu.ch | -3.14 | Compare |
.scot | Dot Scot Registry Limited | corenic.org | -2.96 | Compare |
.swiss | Swiss Confederation | bakom.admin.ch | -2.92 | Compare |
.madrid | Comunidad de Madrid | madrid.org | -2.91 | Compare |
.sport | SportAccord | sportaccord.com | -2.91 | Compare |
.erni | ERNI Group Holding AG | erni.ch | -2.91 | Compare |
.catalonia | Generalitat de Catalunya | domini.cat | -2.91 | Compare |
.terra | Telefónica S.A. | interdomain.org | -2.91 | Compare |
.telefonica | Telefónica S.A. | interdomain.org | -2.91 | Compare |
.gal | Asociación puntoGAL | puntogal.org | -2.91 | Compare |
.man | MAN SE | knipp.de | -2.56 | Compare |
.bauhaus | Werkhaus GmbH | knipp.de | -2.53 | Compare |
.ifm | ifm electronic gmbh | knipp.de | -2.53 | Compare |
.nrw | Minds + Machines GmbH | gmail.com | -2.3 | Compare |
.koeln | NetCologne Gesellschaft für Telekommunikation mbH | netcologne.de | -2.29 | Compare |
.cologne | NetCologne Gesellschaft für Telekommunikation mbH | netcologne.de | -2.29 | Compare |
.ruhr | regiodot GmbH & Co. KG | dotzon.com | -2.29 | Compare |
.mma | MMA IARD | afnic.fr | -2.14 | Compare |
.SAP | SAP AG | knipp.de | -1.75 | Compare |
.онлайн | CORE Association | axone.ch | -1.71 | Compare |
.сайт | CORE Association | axone.ch | -1.71 | Compare |
.ovh | OVH SAS | corp.ovh.com | -1.66 | Compare |
.bzh | Association www.bzh | afnic.fr | -1.62 | Compare |
.AQUITAINE | Région d’Aquitaine | tic.aquitaine.fr | -1.61 | Compare |
.PARIS | City of Paris | afnic.fr | -1.53 | Compare |
.LECLERC | A.C.D. LEC Association des Centres Distributeurs Edouard Leclerc | prodomaines.com | -1.5 | Compare |
.frogans | OP3FT | op3ft.org | -1.47 | Compare |
.corsica | Collectivité Territoriale de Corse | gmail.com | -1.3 | Compare |