20(d) Explain the relationship between the applied-for gTLD string and the community identified in 20(a)

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.artDadotart, Inc.deviantart.comView

The .ART gTLD serves the Art community.

The TLD string “art” matches the name of the community, Art, in the generally accepted sense of the word, in French and English and in many other internationally-used languages it is seen as “arte”, a form to which the string “Art” is readily identified.

Membership to sub-communities within the arts, e.g. the music or actors’ community, does in no way affect their identification with the art community at large.

The string, ART, is of long-standing and is not used in any significant way beyond the community. Minor English uses include the phrase “term of art” or the word “artless”. But these uses are minimal and easily distinguishable from the word Art as a single noun. By contrast, the term “art” can be used with the meaning of an occupation requiring skillful use of the hands (synonym to handcraft), or a subtle or imaginative ability in inventing, devising, or executing something (skillfulness, masterfulness, artistry, cleverness, craft). This figurative use of the word “art” does not in any sense interfere with its main meaning.

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