
18(b) How do you expect that your proposed gTLD will benefit registrants, Internet users, and others?

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.audiAUDI Aktiengesellschaftindeca.deView


The .AUDI top-level-domain and its .AUDI domain names are dedicated and thereby specialized to create content, facilitate communication, information and distribution in connection with the brand AUDI between all parties involved in the business of AUDI Aktiengesellschaft worldwide.


The most important service level of the .AUDI top-level-domain is the certainty for Internet users that all .AUDI domain names are exclusively registered and maintained by a trusted source, the AUDI Aktiengesellschaft. They will understand that only Audi Aktiengesellschaft can register a domain name and all domain names which end on .AUDI are owned by AUDI Aktiengesellschaft and not by someone who just pretends to be AUDI. Aim is that Internet users worldwide will be aware that domain names branded by the famous brand extension .AUDI are a hoard of security, stability and reliability. This will lead to awareness among Internet users that .AUDI is a trusted namespace on the Internet. Thus it will become a symbol of quality for Internet users worldwide.


The .AUDI top-level-domain will be a namespace with support of the whole company, ranging from the manufacturing, design, administrative, human resources and sales to the marketing department and including the whole management team. It is the aim that such a secure namespace will quickly gain a substantial reputation among the global Internet community and AUDI customers.



The .AUDI top-level domain will enhance competition in the global domain name business by introducing a dedicated namespace for the brand AUDI. Thus, the global car manufacturer industry faces the challenge to offer customers a secure, reliable and trustworthy namespace like AUDI does with .AUDI. Customers will have the expectation that big global car manufacturer brands will have an own namespace on the internet.


The .AUDI top-level domain and its .AUDI domain names are clearly differentiated to existing top-level domains, especially due to their descriptive, distinctive and branded nature which has a clear meaning and value to the targeted audience. Today Internet users cannot be sure that domain names incorporating AUDI under one of the existing TLDs really belong to AUDI or to someone else who is not affiliated with AUDI and merely tries to use this brand for his own purposes. Furthermore, only content which is issued by AUDI Aktiengesellschaft and its Community will be displayed under .AUDI domain names which differentiates AUDI from all other car manufacturers who will not own their respective brand as a top-level domain.


The .AUDI top-level-domain and its .AUDI domain names are innovative due to the new category of TLDs which brands like AUDI are creating: “All domain names with the ending .AUDI belong to AUDI”. The novelty is the creation of real trust and reliability for Internet users due to the fact that all .AUDI domain names are exclusively registered and maintained by a trustworthy source, the AUDI Aktiengesellschaft. Together with other brand top-level domain registries AUDI will work on creating awareness on this new namespace “category”.

Reaching out to customers in their original scripts with Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) in a consistent manner will be innovative. As of today not all domain names of AUDI follow a consistent syntax. The introduction of worldwide consistent domain names including all major European scripts (among others in French, Turkish and Danish), Arabic and Asian scripts among others will lead to an innovative and uniform way of communicating the AUDI brand worldwide.


Improved search rankings

Today users do not know whether to search for or, or, or even With a .AUDI top-level domain the user will experience a much more intuitive and uniform way of finding AUDI content on the Internet. They can either type in the exact domain name or use search engines to find the respective content. We expect that typing in the exact domain name will increase since many big companies are expected to operate their .brand. This will be supported by the search algorithms of big search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. The ranking algorithms results in their search engine incorporate, among many other elements, the top-level as well as the second-level in relation to the search. Therefore it is to be expected that search engines will incorporate the .brand top-level domain as being a relevant part of the search.

This effect has been forecasted by major IT researchers, among them Forrester: According to Forrester Research (Oct 2011) „Search engines will give authority to dot-brand TLDs. Search engines make their money from advertising, and search traffic comes from providing the most relevant, authoritative results to a user’s query. Since companies that get TLDs will have gone through a rigorous 8-12 month validation process, Google, Bing, and Yahoo will adjust their algorithms to give authority to these TLDs.“

Umbrella brand strategy

With a .AUDI top-level domain AUDI will be able to setup an umbrella brand strategy with .AUDI acting as the umbrella and all AUDI product names and trademarks underneath on the second level. Users will then be able to connect the company name with the products even via domain names.

Enhanced trust and reliability

AUDI Aktiengesellschaft is expecting that such a shift in search engine rankings will also positively affect the search engine positioning of the AUDI brand and the respective websites under .AUDI.
With the .AUDI top-level domain the AUDI Aktiengesellschaft is expecting to deliver enhanced consumer trust and reliability in the digital space based on content and services under domain names with the extension .AUDI since there will be only one authoritative entity able to register domain names – the AUDI Aktiengesellschaft.

Intuitive Access

It is planned that intuitive domain name categories such as,,, will deliver due to their descriptive nature a much more intuitive access to the resources of AUDI for customers, business partners, employees and other stakeholders. Instead of clicking through the hierarchies of a website or searching on websites users will have a whole new level of direct access to the relevant content they have been searching for.


Beyond the provisions of the New gTLD Agreement the following policies are imposed:

General Policy

The Policy sets out the rules and regulations concerning the registration of domain names for second-level domains under .AUDI. In relation to registrants the policy is incorporated by reference in the registration agreement and in relation to the registrars by the Registry-Registrar Agreement (RAA). Further policies, such as sunrise policies, trademark claims service policy, eligibility requirement policies and other policies are described in separate documents published on registry operators website and will be implemented. The top-level domain is intended to serve the needs of its community in terms of differentiating, protecting and expanding the brand, promoting the brand to the public and creating added value for the brand by enhanced consumer trust and reliability in the digital space.

In the following description, words beginning with capital letters will be defined in the Policies.

.AUDI Registration Policies Description

.AUDI is a community TLD as described in response to #20. The AUDI community members are the AUDI Aktiengesellschaft and its affiliated companies globally in which the AUDI Aktiengesellschaft holds a majority interest. The following description of the .AUDI policies contains a shortened excerpt of the intended policies:

1 Object and Scope
Description of the general object and scope of the TLD in accordance with response to #18 a.
The general Registration Policy sets out the rules and regulations concerning the registration of Domain Names for second level domain names under .AUDI.

2 Purpose
This section will describe the purpose of the TLD in accordance with the response to #18 a.

3 Allocation Phases
The roll-out of the TLD is anticipated to feature the following phases:
- Reservation of reserved names as detailed below
- Sunrise Period — the required period for trademark owners to secure their domain names before availability to all eligible registrants. This phase will feature applications for domain strings, verification of trademarks via Trademark Clearinghouse and a trademark verification agent.
- General Availability period — real-time registrations for eligible registrants. Trademark Claims Service will be in use for the first 60 days after General Availability applications open.

4 Priority Principle
Within each allocation phase a specific Domain Name shall be allocated for use to the eligible Applicant whose request has been received first by the Registry in the technically correct manner and complies with all applicable requirements.

5 Registrant Eligibility
Only Registry Operator shall be eligible to register Domain Names. Registry Operator verifies all domain name registrations upon registration and renewal.

6 Content and Use Restrictions
Domain Names are intended to be used for domain name based services (e.g. HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, email, website) in connection with products, services, activities and organizations of the AUDI Community.
With regard to the community character of the .AUDI TLD Domain Names shall, within six months following the date of registration and thereafter throughout the term of registration, be used either for a website displaying content strongly related to the Community (in particular the products or services offered by community members) or in any other corresponding manner (e. g. e-mail for Community members) having a similarly strong relation to the Community, its members or its purposes.
Domain names used as contemplated above may resolve directly to the relevant website or be forwarded or redirected to another domain name displaying content relevant to the Domain Name.
Registry Operator will not sell, distribute or transfer control or use of any registrations in the TLD to any third party other than an Affiliate of Registry Operator.

7 Name Selection Policies and Restrictions

Name Selection: With regard to the community character of the .AUDI Domain Names must have a strong connection with products, services, activities, members or organizations of the AUDI Community. Domain Names shall comprise

- the names of Community members,

- trademarks, service marks, names or designations used for products and ⁄ or services offered by Community members, and⁄or

- strings, which in connection with the Top Level Domain create a nexus, an association or relation to trademarks of community members comprising the string AUDI or to the Community, its members, activities or purposes.

Domain names can only be registered on the second level. Upper and lower case characters do not differentiate domains. Domain names have a minimum of one and a maximum of 63 characters, must neither begin with, nor end with a hyphen, must not include a space and must not contain hyphens in the third and fourth positions (except for A-Labels of IDN).

Details for IDN, in particular supported languages and ⁄ or scripts, codepoints, characters, variant and script mixing regulations are intended to be subject to separate IDN-Policies. Any requisite IDN-related policies required for the operation of this TLD will be introduced as required and in conjunction with other relevant ICANN policies. Please refer to response to #44 for further details.

8 Verification of Eligibility

Registry Operator verifies domain name registrations upon initial registration and renewal. Verification of eligibility will be effected by Review by Registry Operator, which may occur prior to or after registration of the Domain Name.

9 Proxy and Privacy
This section describes the requirements for proxy or privacy services.
Proxy or Privacy Services are not permissible.

10 Rights in Domain Names
The registration of a Domain Name by Registrant shall not give any rights in the Domain Name that survive the termination of the registration in relation to Registry Operator. Registrant is granted the revocable and terminable right to use the Domain Name in accordance with the applicable policies for the .AUDI TLD.

11 Reserved Names
Applicant intends to reserve all names required in accordance with the gTLD Agreement, in particular Specification 5 thereto. The list of reserved names will be published publicly before the Sunrise period begins.

12 Enforcement
In case of policy violations (including violation of eligibility criteria or community related restrictions) the following Enforcement Procedures apply:
* Notification of Policy Violation
Registry Operator maintains an email address as point of contact for information about potential violations of the Policy. If Registry Operator receives such notification or is informed otherwise of a potential violation of the Policy it will undertake the necessary steps to evaluate complaints and to ascertain any Policy violations.
* Interim Measures
During the notice period, Registry Operator may - without establishing any obligation to do so or liability to any other party - suspend, cancel, delete or otherwise alter or amend the respective Domain Name registration as deemed appropriate to reduce the effect of the Policy violation.
* Opportunity to Correct or Respond
If reasonable, Registry Operator notifies the parties involved in the alleged Policy violation and gives them the opportunity to remedy the violation or to respond to the allegations. Registrant and the Registrar of record for the Domain Name shall be copied on all such requests and notices where reasonably practical and appropriate. Notice periods should be oriented to the following scheme:
(1) If the registration data appears to be incorrect or incomplete, Registrant shall be given a thirty (30) days’ notice period to correct such data
(2) In other cases of a Policy violation the infringer shall be given a fifteen (15) days’ notice period to comply with the relevant Policy
(3) If the violation constitutes an imminent threat to third parties` rights, the stability of the domain name system or the registry or if the violation cannot be remedied a notice period may be inappropriate.
* Decision of Registry Operator
Registry Operator decides whether a particular issue is of concern. If Registry Operator concludes that the Registration or use of the Domain Name violates the Policy Registry Operator may take the appropriate measures, in particular the measures specified in Section
If Registry Operator receives no or merely insufficient response within the notice period Registry Operator may revoke the Domain Name registration without any further notice.
Decisions of the Registry Operator are subject to the right of the concerned party to judicial review at the competent courts.

13 Dispute Resolution
Registry Operator is committed to ensure the compliance of Registrations with the conditions set forth in this policy and to protect the intellectual property of third parties. The Dispute Resolution Policies include Uniform Domain Name Dispute Policy (UDRP), Uniform Rapid Suspension (URS), Trademark Post Delegation Dispute Resolution Policy (Trademark PDDRP), Registry Restrictions Dispute Resolution Policy (RRDRP) and an Eligibility Requirements Dispute Resolution Policy (ERDRP). The ERDRP will give third parties the opportunity to challenge registrations that do not fulfil the eligibility requirements as specified above. The only remedy under ERDRP shall be cancellation of the domain name. Please refer to response to #29 for further details on rights protection mechanisms.

14 Reservation of Rights, Revocation
This section describes the general rights of the Registry to handle non-fulfillment of the eligibility requirements and other breaches of policies or laws. Registry Operator shall have the right to reject, suspend, cancel, revoke or transfer any application for or registration of a Domain Name if it deems necessary in its sole discretion to enforce (1) this Policy, including its eligibility criteria, name selection policies or restrictions and use restrictions, in particular decisions under the enforcement regulations as described above (2) the Abuse Policy and⁄or (3) other applicable Policies.

15 Role of Registrars
This section describes the cooperation with ICANN accredited registrars in general. Applicants for a Domain Name must select a Registrar that is accredited by Registry Operator who will interact with the Domain Name Registry System on behalf of the Applicant. Registrars are bound by the Registry-Registrar Agreement, incorporating this Policy. A List of the registrars offering the registration of Domain Names is provided on the Website of Registry Operator.
In addition the registration of domain names in the .AUDI TLD will follow the standard practices, procedures and policies Afilias currently has in place. This includes in particular
- domain registration polices (for example, grace periods, transfer policies, etc.) as defined in response #27;
- abuse prevention tools and policies, for example, measures to promote WHOIS accuracy and efforts to reduce phishing and pharming as detailed in our response #28.


The WHOIS data of all .AUDI domains will be visible to the public, although a captcha module may prevents from automated inquiries. Bulk access to WHOIS data will not be allowed according to ICANN specifications. In addition AUDI will establish an abuse point of contact. The .AUDI TLD will not offer or allow privacy of confidential information of registrants.


The AUDI Aktiengesellschaft invests a multi-million EURO budget in the global promotion of its brand including communicating domain names on nearly all promotional materials.

In the future after the approval of .AUDI the marketing activities will be used also for the promotion of domain names with the extension .AUDI in order to create a quick uptake in awareness of the new .AUDI domain names worldwide.
gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.lamborghiniAutomobili Lamborghini S.p.A.indeca.deView


The .LAMBORGHINI top-level-domain and its .LAMBORGHINI domain names are dedicated and thereby specialized exclusively to create content and information in connection with the brand LAMBORGHINI. The .LAMBORGHINI domain names shall facilitate communication about products, dealers, the company and events between all parties interested and involved in the business of Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. worldwide.


The main service level of the .LAMBORGHINI top-level domain is the certainty for Internet users that all .LAMBORGHINI domain names are exclusively registered and maintained by a trusted source, Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. They will understand that only Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. can register a domain name and all domain names which end on .LAMBORGHINI are maintained by Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. and not by someone else who just pretends to be Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. or an related party. Aim is that Internet users worldwide will be aware that domain names branded by the famous brand extension LAMBORGHINI are a hoard of security, stability and reliability. This will lead to awareness among Internet users that .LAMBORGHINI is a trusted namespace on the Internet and .LAMBORGHINI will become a symbol of quality for Internet users worldwide like their cars are.


The .LAMBORGHINI top-level domain will be a namespace with support from the company and affiliates as well as employees, ranging from the manufacturing, design, administrative, human resources and sales to the marketing department and including the whole management team. It is the aim that such a secure namespace will quickly gain a substantial reputation among the global Internet community and LAMBORGHINI customers in particular.



The .LAMBORGHINI top-level domain will enhance competition in the global domain name business by introducing a dedicated namespace for the car industry brand LAMBORGHINI. Thus, the global car manufacturer industry faces the challenge to offer customers, prospects and interested Internet users a secure, reliable and trustworthy namespace like LAMBORGHINI does with .LAMBORGHINI. Customers will have the expectation that highly exclusive car manufacturer brands will have an own namespace on the internet.


The .LAMBORGHINI top-level domain and its .LAMBORGHINI domain names are clearly differentiated to existing top-level domains, especially due to their descriptive and branded nature which has a clear meaning and value to the targeted audience. Today Internet users cannot be sure that domain names incorporating LAMBORGHINI under one of the existing TLDs really belong to Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. or to someone else who is not affiliated or related with Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. and merely tries to use the LAMBORGHINI brand for his own purposes. Furthermore, only content which is issued by Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. will be displayed under .LAMBORGHINI domain names which differentiates LAMBORGHINI from all other car manufacturers who may not own their respective brand as a top-level domain.


The .LAMBORGHINI top-level-domain and its .LAMBORGHINI domain names are innovative due to the new category of TLDs which brands like LAMBORGHINI are creating: “Domain names with the ending .LAMBORGHINI exclusively belong to LAMBORGHINI”. The novelty is the creation of real trust and reliability for Internet users due to the fact that all .LAMBORGHINI domain names are exclusively registered and maintained by a trustworthy source, Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. Together with other brand top-level domain registries LAMBORGHINI will work on creating awareness on this new namespace “category”.

Reaching out to customers in their original scripts with Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) in a consistent manner will be innovative. As of today not all domain names of Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. follow a consistent syntax. The introduction of worldwide consistent domain names including all major European scripts (among others in French, Turkish and Danish), Arabic and Asian scripts among others will lead to an innovative and uniform way of communicating the LAMBORGHINI brand worldwide.


Improved search rankings

Today users do not know whether to search for,,, or With a .LAMBORGHINI top-level domain the user will experience a much more intuitive and uniform way of finding LAMBORGHINI content on the Internet. They can either type in the exact domain name or use search engines to find the respective content. We expect that typing in the exact domain name will increase since many big companies are expected to operate their .brand TLD. Furthermore this is expected to be supported by the algorithms of big search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. As of today ranking results in search engines incorporate, among many other elements, the top-level as well as the second-level in relation to the search. Therefore it is to be expected that search engines will incorporate the .brand top-level domain as being a relevant part of the search. This effect has been forecasted by major IT researchers, among them Forrester: According to Forrester Research (Oct 2011) „Search engines will give authority to dot-brand TLDs”. Search engines make their money from advertising, and search traffic comes from providing the most relevant, authoritative results to a user’s query. Since companies that get TLDs will have gone through a rigorous 8-12 month validation process, Google, Bing, and Yahoo will adjust their algorithms to give authority to these TLDs.“

Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. is expecting that such a shift in search engine rankings will also positively affect the search engine positioning of the LAMBORGHINI brand and the respective websites under .LAMBORGHINI.

Umbrella brand strategy

With a .LAMBORGHINI top-level domain LAMBORGHINI will be able to setup an umbrella brand strategy with .LAMBORGHINI acting as the umbrella and all LAMBORGHINI product names and trademarks underneath on the second level. Users will then be able to connect the company name with the products even via domain names, for instance through, murcié and

Enhanced trust and reliability

With the .LAMBORGHINI top-level domain Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. is expecting to deliver enhanced consumer trust and reliability in the digital space based on content and services under domain names with the extension .LAMBORGHINI since there will be only one authoritative entity able to register domain names – Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A.

Intuitive Access

It is planned that intuitive domain name categories such as,,, will deliver due to their descriptive nature a much more intuitive access to the resources of LAMBORGHINI for customers, business partners, employees and other stakeholders. Instead of clicking through the hierarchies of a website or searching on websites for the respective content users will have a new level of direct access to the content they have been searching for.


Beyond the provisions of the New gTLD Agreement the following policies are imposed:

General Policy: The Policy sets out the rules and regulations concerning the registration of domain names for second-level domains under .LAMBORGHINI. In relation to registrants the policy is incorporated by reference in the registration agreement and in relation to the registrars by the Registry-Registrar Agreement (RAA). Further policies, such as sunrise policies, sunrise dispute resolution policy, a trademark claims service policy or an eligibility requirement dispute resolution policy will be implemented.

LAMBORGHINI is a community TLD as described in response to #20. Community members are Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. and its affiliated companies (“the LAMBORGHINI community”)

The following description of the .LAMBORGHINI policies contains a shortened excerpt of the intended policies. In the following description, words beginning with capital letters will be defined in the Policies:

1 Object and Scope

Description of the general object and scope of the TLD in accordance with response to #18 a.

The general Registration Policy sets out the rules and regulations concerning the registration of Domain Names for second level domain names under .LAMBORGHINI

2 Purpose

This section will describe the purpose of the TLD in accordance with the response to #18 a.

3 Allocation Phases

The roll-out of the TLD is anticipated to feature the following phases:

- Sunrise Period — the required period for trademark owners to secure their domains before availability to all eligible registrants. This phase will feature applications for domain names, verification of trademarks via Trademark Clearinghouse and a trademark verification agent.

- General Availability period — real-time registrations for eligible registrants. Trademark Claims Service will be in use for the first 60 days after General Availability applications open.

4 Priority Principle

Within each allocation phase a specific Domain Name shall be allocated for use to the eligible Applicant whose request has been received first by the Registry in the technically correct manner and complies with all applicable requirements.

5 Registrant Eligibility

Only Lamborghini shall be eligible to register Domain Names. Lamborghini verifies all domain name registrations upon registration and renewal.

6 Content and Use Restrictions

Domain Names are intended to be used for domain name based services (e.g. HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, email, website) in connection with products, services, activities and organizations of the LAMBORGHINI Community.

With regard to the community character of the .LAMBORGHINI TLD Domain Names shall, within six months following the date of registration and thereafter throughout the term of registration, be used either for a website displaying content strongly related to the Community (in particular the products or services offered by community members) or in any other corresponding manner (e. g. e-mail for Community members) having a similarly strong relation to the Community, its members or its purposes.

Domain names used as contemplated above may resolve directly to the relevant website or be forwarded or redirected to another domain name displaying content relevant to the Domain Name.

Registry Operator will not sell, distribute or transfer control or use of any registrations in the TLD to any third party other than an Affiliate of Registry Operator.

7 Name Selection Policies and Restrictions

Name Selection: With regard to the community character of the .LAMBORGHINI TLD Domain Names must have a strong connection with products, services, activities, members or organizations of the LAMBORGHINI Community. Domain Names shall comprise

- the names of Community members,

- trademarks, service marks, names or designations used for products and ⁄ or services offered by Community members, and⁄or

- strings, which in connection with the Top Level Domain create a nexus, an association or relation to trademarks of community members comprising the string LAMBORGHINI or to the Community, its members, activities or purposes.

Domain names can only be registered on the second level. Upper and lower case characters do not differentiate domains. Domain names have a minimum of one and a maximum of 63 characters, must neither begin with, nor end with a hyphen, must not include a space and must not contain hyphens in the third and fourth positions (except for A-Labels of IDN).

Details for IDN, in particular supported languages and ⁄ or scripts, codepoints, characters, variant and script mixing regulations are intended to be subject to separate IDN-Policies. Any requisite IDN-related policies required for the operation of this TLD will be introduced as required and in conjunction with other relevant ICANN policies. Please refer to response to #44 for further details.

8 Verification of Eligibility

Registry Operator verifies domain name registrations upon initial registration and renewal. Verification of eligibility will be effected by Review by Registry Operator, which may occur prior to or after registration of the Domain Name.

9 Proxy and Privacy

This section describes the requirements for proxy or privacy services.

Proxy or Privacy Services are not permissible.

10 Rights in Domain Names

The registration of a Domain Name by Registrant shall not give any rights in the Domain Name that survive the termination of the registration in relation to Registry Operator. Registrant is granted the revocable and terminable right to use the Domain Name in accordance with the applicable policies for the TLD .LAMBORGHINI.

11 Reserved Names

Applicant intends to reserve all names required in accordance with the gTLD Agreement, in particular Specification 5 thereto. The list of reserved names will be published publicly before the Sunrise period begins.

12 Enforcement

In case of policy violations (including violation of eligibility criteria or community related restrictions) the following Enforcement Procedures apply:

* Notification of Policy Violation

Registry Operator maintains an email address as point of contact for information about potential violations of the Policy. If Registry Operator receives such notification or is informed otherwise of a potential violation of the Policy it will undertake the necessary steps to evaluate complaints and to ascertain any Policy violations.

* Interim Measures

During the notice period, Registry Operator may - without establishing any obligation to do so or liability to any other party - suspend, cancel, delete or otherwise alter or amend the respective Domain Name registration as deemed appropriate to reduce the effect of the Policy violation.

* Opportunity to Correct or Respond

If reasonable, Registry Operator notifies the parties involved in the alleged Policy violation and gives them the opportunity to remedy the violation or to respond to the allegations. Registrant and the Registrar of record for the Domain Name shall be copied on all such requests and notices where reasonably practical and appropriate. Notice periods should be oriented to the following scheme:

(1) If the registration data appears to be incorrect or incomplete, Registrant shall be given a thirty (30) days’ notice period to correct such data

(2) In other cases of a Policy violation the infringer shall be given a fifteen (15) days’ notice period to comply with the relevant Policy

(3) If the violation constitutes an imminent threat to third parties` rights, the stability of the domain name system or the registry or if the violation cannot be remedied a notice period may be inappropriate.

* Decision of Registry Operator

Registry Operator decides whether a particular issue is of concern. If Registry Operator concludes that the Registration or use of the Domain Name violates the Policy Registry Operator may take the appropriate measures, in particular the measures specified in Section 14.

If Registry Operator receives no or merely insufficient response within the notice period Registry Operator may revoke the Domain Name registration without any further notice.

Decisions of the Registry Operator are subject to the right of the concerned party to judicial review at the competent courts.

13 Dispute Resolution

Registry Operator is committed to ensure the compliance of Registrations with the conditions set forth in this policy and to protect the intellectual property of third parties. The Dispute Resolution Policies include Uniform Domain Name Dispute Policy (UDRP), Uniform Rapid Suspension (URS), Trademark Post Delegation Dispute Resolution Policy (Trademark PDDRP), Registry Restrictions Dispute Resolution Policy (RRDRP) and an Eligibility Requirements Dispute Resolution Policy (ERDRP). The ERDRP will give third parties the opportunity to challenge registrations that do not fulfill the eligibility requirements as specified above. The only remedy under ERDRP shall be cancellation of the domain name. Please refer to response to #29 for further details on rights protection mechanisms.

14 Reservation of Rights, Revocation

This section describes the general rights of the Registry to handle non-fulfillment of the eligibility requirements and other breaches of policies or laws. Registry Operator shall have the right to reject, suspend, cancel, revoke or transfer any application for or registration of a Domain Name if it deems necessary in its sole discretion to enforce (1) this Policy, including its eligibility criteria, name selection policies or restrictions and use restrictions, in particular decisions under the enforcement regulations as described above (2) the Abuse Policy and⁄or (3) other applicable Policies.

15 Role of Registrars

This section describes the cooperation with ICANN accredited registrars in general. Applicants for a Domain Name must select a Registrar that is accredited by Registry Operator who will interact with the Domain Name Registry System on behalf of the Applicant. Registrars are bound by the Registry-Registrar Agreement, incorporating this Policy. A List of the registrars offering the registration of Domain Names is provided on the Website of Registry Operator.

In addition the registration of domain names in .LAMBORGHINI will follow the standard practices, procedures and policies Afilias currently has in place. This includes in particular

- domain registration policies (for example, grace periods, transfer policies, etc.) as defined in response #27.
- abuse prevention tools and policies, for example, measures to promote WHOIS accuracy and efforts to reduce phishing and pharming as detailed in our response #28.


The WHOIS data of all .LAMBORGHINI domains will be visible to the public, although a captcha module may prevent automated inquiries. Bulk access to WHOIS data will not be allowed according to ICANN specifications. In addition Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. will establish an abuse point of contact. The .LAMBORGHINI TLD will not offer or allow privacy of confidential information of registrants.

Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. invests a multi-million EURO budget annually in the global promotion of its products, brands and services which means that domain names are included on nearly all promotional materials.

In the future after the approval of .LAMBORGHINI this marketing power will be also used for the promotion of domain names with the extension .LAMBORGHINI in a huge variety of off- and online communication channels in order to create a quick uptake in awareness of the new .LAMBORGHINI domain names worldwide.