20(a) Provide the name and full description of the community that the applicant is committing to serve

Prototypical answer:

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.audiAUDI Aktiengesellschaftindeca.deView

The AUDI community derives from the car manufacturer AUDI Aktiengesellschaft. The AUDI community members are AUDI Aktiengesellschaft and its affiliated companies globally in which AUDI Aktiengesellschaft holds a majority interest as published in the annual report.

The community is organized⁄structured by all measures of a very large and stockmarket listed company including Supervisory Board, Management Board, annual shareholder meeting, annual reports and others.

* Size of the community defined by Community Membership and Geographic extent *

The AUDI community is spread around the globe with over 75 community members located in the countries including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Korea, Japan, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, United Arabic Emirates, United States.

The AUDI Aktiengesellschaft and thereby the community has been founded according to the company register on 16 April 1884. The duration of the Company is not restricted to a certain period, but of a long-lasting nature. The object of the company is the development, production and sale of motor vehicles as well as vehicles and engines of all kinds, the accessories thereof and all machines, tools and other technical articles.

According to the latest ranking of Interbrand from 2011 the brand AUDI is listed on position 59 on the list of the “World´s Most Valuable Brands”.

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