16 Describe the applicant's efforts to ensure that there are no known operational or rendering problems concerning the applied-for gTLD string

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.電訊盈科PCCW Enterprises Limitedtld.asiaView

The Registry anticipates the introduction of this TLD without operational or rendering problems other than general Universal TLD Acceptance issues.

The Registry worked closely with DotAsia Organisation in the assessment of operational and⁄or rendering issues pertaining this TLD. DotAsia is experienced with IDN technologies and policy implementation for TLDs. Based on historical records of DotAsia and its ccTLD members, including CNNIC, TWNIC, HKIRC, SGNIC, there have not been operational and rendering problems for IDN TLDs.

The TLD was reviewed and tested to determine that no additional operational, rendering or other general usability issues exist. Furthermore, the IDN tables and variant handling mechanisms have been time tested with the decade long implementation of Chinese IDN in China. The string was also tested utilizing the string similarity assessment methodologies against any existing TLDs, ISO3166 strings as well as IDN ccTLDs. The Registry, along with its partners believes that the TLD string will be a trusted and secure extension for Internet addresses.

Understanding the nature of the protocol implementation for IDNs, some known operational, usability and rendering problems are to be expected:

1. Application Support: While the IDN resolves properly, not all applications are IDN-aware and some applications (such as browsers) consider A-Label leakage as a feature rather than a bug. Users may find it confusing when the A-Label is presented. Other applications, such as online forms, databases, spam filters, etc. may not accept U-Label strings. DotAsia and KNET is committed to support the work in reaching out to application providers for their full compliance on IDN to mitigate against these issues.

2. Universal Acceptance of TLDs: Certain applications and network devices contain TLD filters that may refer to set lists or restrictive algorithms causing new TLDs to be regarded as mal-formed domains. DotAsia and KNET participates in the community wide initiatives to promote Universal Acceptance.

3. IDN in Email Addresses: The EAI (Email Address Internationalization) efforts are ongoing and not all email software providers have implemented support for IDN TLDs.

In addition to known presentation⁄display and application compliance issues, Chinese characters are often typed utilizing multiple keystrokes on a standard ASCII based keyboard. The following includes the keystrokes for 3 of the most common input methods for Chinese:

Jyutping: din6 seon3 jing4 fo1

MBWU: (LWU: 电)

FJNB: (JNV: 电)

None of the input methods (for either the applied for TLD or the IDN Variant TLD) or the A-Label (xn--fzys8d69uvgm) of the applied for the string “電訊盈科” combine to form a string coinciding with any meaningful string.

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