18(a) Describe the mission/purpose of your proposed gTLD

Prototypical answer:

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.boxNS1 Limitedtld.asiaView

.box is about the making the Internet (the cloud) personal.

Personal computers (PC) fundamentally changed the way we approached and view work as well as organize our life. The Internet profoundly changed the way we communicate and consume information. An important commonality of the two is how open, accessible technology enabled the decentralized empowerment of users. Before the PC, the industry was dominated by mainframes; before the Internet, proprietary networks competed for technical supremacy. Today, the “big brothers” are driving users towards massive online databases, i.e. cloud computing, albeit distributed technically is centralized in administration.

The .box TLD aspires to be a namespace promoting the use of personalized cloud technologies to connect personal devices, such as desktop PCs, laptops, mobile, tablets, etc., to form one’s own personal cloud without being tied to proprietary centralized clouds. While dedicated to personal cloud, .box is for the businesses too. We believe, much like PCs have changed the workplace, personal cloud technologies will support workplace development as well.

The vision of the .box Registry is to promote a decentralized empowerment of users by bringing the full capabilities of a user centric Internet to personalized devices.

The mission and purposes of the Registry are:

1. To operate an economically viable TLD registry in a secure and stable infrastructure with high performance, high scalability and high availability;

2. To promote the use of the .box TLD in support of the decentralized spirit of the Internet by supporting technologies that allow users to leverage their own devices for a personal network; and,

3. To be a socially responsible TLD registry with a high level of integrity in the protection of rights of others, privacy and consumer confidence in the development of the .box TLD.

The .box Registry believes that the name “box” is versatile and can be used by persons and businesses for activities such as setting up their own devices on their .box domain as storage that is accessible by other devices (storage box), accessing their home TV (set top box), or even home appliances (ice box) and other machines (juke box, music box, etc.)

In addition, to its mission and vision, as a new gTLD, the Registry believes in its responsibility as a responsible industry participant to advance competition, enhance consumer trust and promote consumer choice with the development of the TLD:

A. Advance Constructive Competition

The .box TLD brings a new dimension of personal domains to promote competition among TLDs as well as competition among domain registrars and resellers in targeting the personal domain market. In the past, the general market approach for personal domains drives towards vanity domains or the establishment of your personalized identity online. The .box TLD is about connecting users with their own network of connected devices, e.g. interconnectivity between one’s cell phone, laptop, tablet, home computers, etc.

B. Enhance Consumer Trust

The .box TLD is about supporting the prosumer movement by providing a namespace to support more technically sophisticated users to utilize domain names in managing and accessing their own network of connected devices. By promoting the concept and advocating the development of user friendly technologies in support of such capabilities, the Registry believes in enhancing the media and Internet literacy of Internet users. In turn, the Registry believes that with more technically aware users, that would in itself drive better consumer trust to the Internet including the DNS.

Furthermore, this could raise the awareness of more Internet users about Internet governance issues, and allow the community to engage with them for their participation in the international discussions, including at ICANN. This would also help drive consumer trust in the system by bringing them to and making them aware of their ability to participate in policy discussions about the Internet.

C. Promote Consumer Choice

The .box vision counters the prevailing concept of the centralized cloud by promoting consumer choice of utilizing their own devices to establish their own personal cloud. Besides promoting choice of TLD and domain names, the .box TLD believes in bringing the choice of operating one’s own personal network rather than depending on managed cloud services.

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