
22 Describe proposed measures for protection of geographic names at the second and other levels in the applied-for gTLD

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.designSTARTING DOTjwgroupe.comView
As requested by ICANN and the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC), Starting Dot will reserve, within its proposed .design gTLD, names formed with the following labels from initial registration:

a. Two-character labels. All two characters labels will be initially reserved. The reservation of a two-character label string may be released if Starting Dot reached an agreement with the relevant government or country code manager. Starting Dot may also propose release of these reservations if measures have been implemented to avoid confusion with corresponding country codes.

b. Country and Territory Names. The country and territory names contained in the following internationally recognized lists:

i) The short form in English of all country and territory names contained on the ISO 3166- 1 list, as updated from time to time, including the European Union, which is exceptionally reserved on the ISO 3166-1 list, and its scope extended in August 1999 to any application needing to represent the name European Union;
ii) The United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names, Technical Reference Manual for the Standardization of Geographical Names, Part III Names of Countries of the World; and
iii) The list of United Nations member states in 6 official United Nations languages prepared by the Working Group on Country Names of the United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names.

Starting Dot may only release these reservations if it has reached an agreement with the corresponding government or if the release proposal has been subjected to GAC’s review and has received ICANN’s approval.

Given the fact that with the .design gTLD, Starting Dot is reaching out to the international architectural scene, it has a vested interest in giving its registrants and Internet users a clear and predictable naming scheme in the .design gTLD. Since various stakeholders may be looking for certain architectural achievements on the basis of their geographic location or destination, Starting Dot will control registration of domain names that contain geographic names other than the ones listed in Specification 5 of Registry Operator Agreement:

i) Codes for the names of the principal subdivisions (e.g. provinces or states) of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1 contained on the ISO 3166-2 list, in English, French, German and Spanish, will also be reserved from initial registration within the .design gTLD. Local governments will be given the opportunity to register these subdivision names during the Landrush period. In case a local government falls into the eligibility criteria defined in the .design domain registration policies, it will be allowed to actually use the domain name, otherwise the domain name will only be blocked. Starting Dot will inform corresponding local governments of this opportunity, via email, 3 month prior to the launch of the Landrush period. If a local government fails to register its subdivision names, Starting Dot will release these names for registration under the .design gTLD.

ii) Starting Dot will also design a specific dispute resolution procedure to address situations in which there is objectively clear abuse of names with national or geographic significance at the second level of the new .design gTLD.
In any case the registration, delegation and use of domain names corresponding to geographic names will at all times be done in the best interest of the country, region or city, including their respective interests concerning tourism, architecture and art, and in order to directly and indirectly promote their activities, products and services in the geographic locations of which the name has been registered.
gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.bioSTARTING DOTjwgroupe.comView
As requested by ICANN and the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC), Starting Dot will reserve, within its proposed .bio gTLD, names formed with the following labels from initial registration:

a. Two-character labels. All two characters labels will be initially reserved. The reservation of a two-character label string may be released if Starting Dot reached an agreement with the relevant government or country code manager. Starting Dot may also propose release of these reservations if measures have been implemented to avoid confusion with corresponding country codes.

b. Country and Territory Names. The country and territory names contained in the following internationally recognized lists:

i) The short form in English of all country and territory names contained on the ISO 3166- 1 list, as updated from time to time, including the European Union, which is exceptionally reserved on the ISO 3166-1 list, and its scope extended in August 1999 to any application needing to represent the name European Union;
ii) The United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names, Technical Reference Manual for the Standardization of Geographical Names, Part III Names of Countries of the World; and
iii) The list of United Nations member states in 6 official United Nations languages prepared by the Working Group on Country Names of the United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names.

Starting Dot may only release these reservations if it has reached an agreement with the corresponding government or if the release proposal has been subjected to GAC’s review and has received ICANN’s approval.

Given the fact that with the .bio gTLD, Starting Dot is reaching out to the international architectural scene, it has a vested interest in giving its registrants and Internet users a clear and predictable naming scheme in the .bio gTLD. Since various stakeholders may be looking for certain architectural achievements on the basis of their geographic location or destination, Starting Dot will control registration of domain names that contain geographic names other than the ones listed in Specification 5 of Registry Operator Agreement:

i) Codes for the names of the principal subdivisions (e.g. provinces or states) of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1 contained on the ISO 3166-2 list, in English, French, German and Spanish, will also be reserved from initial registration within the .bio gTLD. Local governments will be given the opportunity to register these subdivision names during the Landrush period. In case a local government falls into the eligibility criteria defined in the .bio domain registration policies, it will be allowed to actually use the domain name, otherwise the domain name will only be blocked. Starting Dot will inform corresponding local governments of this opportunity, via email, 3 month prior to the launch of the Landrush period. If a local government fails to register its subdivision names, Starting Dot will release these names for registration under the .bio gTLD.

ii) Starting Dot will also design a specific dispute resolution procedure to address situations in which there is objectively clear abuse of names with national or geographic significance at the second level of the new .bio gTLD.
In any case the registration, delegation and use of domain names corresponding to geographic names will at all times be done in the best interest of the country, region or city, including their respective interests concerning tourism, architecture and art, and in order to directly and indirectly promote their activities, products and services in the geographic locations of which the name has been registered.