18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.IBMInternational Business Machines Corporationus.ibm.comView

IBM’s proposed operating rules limit registration of .IBM domain names to IBM’s Domain Name Administrator and will only accept registration requests from IBM Users. Because registration is closed, IBM Users know that a .IBM URL signifies a URL authorized by IBM. Thus, IBM Users will be protected by having access to a trusted online environment. As such, IBM sees no IBM User or consumer vulnerability.

i) How will multiple applications for a particular domain be resolved, for example, by auction of on a first-come⁄first-serve basis?

IBM does not currently envision competing external applications for a particular domain name as domain names will be registered only to IBM Corporation at this time. In the event that internal competing requests arise, IBM currently has several procedures in place in regard to domain name requests involving the ibm.com domain (including as set forth in response to question 18(b)(iv) and below), and these procedures will remain consistent with administration of the .IBM TLD.
A Requester must follow the approved procedures. Since the procedures incorporate several checks and levels of approval, multiple requests by IBM Users for overlapping nomenclature can be resolved during the approval process. The use of the IBM naming tool provides a further safeguard against attempts to register domain names containing words or phrases listed on IBM’s list of Protected Words and Trademark Words.
An authorized IBM User requesting registration of a domain name in the .IBM TLD (“Requestor “) may submit a request through the following procedure:
• A Requester contacts its IBM sponsor with a request for a .IBM domain name.
• The IBM sponsor contacts Business Unit Senior Marketing Manager (“Marketing”) presenting a business case for the external .IBM domain name.
• The IBM sponsor submits a request for pre-approval of the external .IBM domain name through an internal IBM Naming Tool for Business Unit Branding (“Branding”) and Business Unit Intellectual Property Legal (“IP Legal”) approval. All requests for an external .IBM domain name must follow the IBM Corporate Naming Guidelines. Since there are over 17,000 IBM named products and services, the naming process attempts to eliminate redundancy and inconsistency; increase cost efficiency; reduce customer and internal confusion; protect the company from legal risk; and build brand equity into making IBM ʺeasy to do business withʺ. Some of the naming considerations highlighted in the IBM Corporate Naming Guidelines include the following:
a. How would you describe what you are naming? Outline the naming objectives.
b. Is this a new name, renaming or consolidation of products and services?
c. Who is the target audience?
d. Who are the key competitors?
e. What is the key message to be communicated i.e., capability, benefit, differentiation?
f. How will the name be supported and funded in the marketplace?
g. Is trademark registration desired?
h. In what countries will the product be marketed?
• Upon approval of Marketing, Branding, IP Legal and the Corporate Webmaster, the Technical Contact configures the servers and the Administrative Contact registers the domain name and confirms registration with the IBM Sponsor.
• The IBM Sponsor contacts the Requester with confirmation or denial of the requested external .IBM domain name.

ii) Explain any cost benefits for registrants you intend to implement (e.g., advantageous pricing, introductory discounts, bulk registration discounts).

This is not applicable to .IBM. IBM will not use the TLD to sell domain names or host third party websites however in certain instances URLs under the TLD may point to content on third party servers. There will be no registrants of the .IBM TLD other than the IBM Corporation. The .IBM TLD will be a closed registry.

iii) Note that the Registry Agreement requires that registrars be offered the option to obtain initial domain name registrations for periods of one to ten years at the discretion of the registrar, but no greater than ten years. Additionally, the Registry Agreement requires advance written notice of price increases. Do you intend to make contractual commitments to registrants regarding the magnitude of price escalation? If so, please describe your plans.

This is not applicable to .IBM. IBM will not use the TLD to sell domain names or host third party websites however in certain instances URLs under the TLD may point to content on third party servers. There will be no registrants of the .IBM TLD other than the IBM Corporation. The .IBM TLD will be a closed registry

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