18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.bzhAssociation www.bzhafnic.frView

Table of Contents

1 - What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs (e.g., time or financial resource costs, as well as various types of consumer

vulnerabilities)? What other steps will you take to minimize negative consequences⁄costs imposed upon consumers?
1.1 - How will multiple applications for a particular domain name be resolved, for example, by auction or on a first-come⁄first serve basis?
1.2 - Explain any cost benefits for registrants you intend to implement (e.g., advantageous pricing, introductory discounts, bulk registration discounts).
1.3 - Note that the Registry Agreement requires that registrars be offered the option to obtain initial domain name registrations for periods of one to ten years

at the discretion of the registrar, but no greater than ten years. Additionally, the Registry Agreement requires advance written notice of price increases. Do you

intend to make contractual commitments to registrants regarding the magnitude of price escalation? If so, please describe your plans.

1 - What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs (e.g., time or financial resource costs, as well as various types of consumer

vulnerabilities)? What other steps will you take to minimize negative consequences⁄costs imposed upon consumers?

1.1 - How will multiple applications for a particular domain name be resolved, for example, by auction or on a first-come⁄first serve basis?

The first-come, first-served principle will not be applied during the phases of pre-launch or launch phases. Any possible dispute will be resolved by an agreement

between registrants involved during the pre-launch phase.

During the sunrise phase, the priorities defined should solve most of multiple applications. Where priorities cannot provide a resolution, the following procedures

will be applied (in this order): agreement between registrants, random selection, mediation, arbitration, auction.

An agreement between registrants means that one registrant will keep the domain name while the other or others will withdraw their application (and get a refund


Random selection is optional: the contenders must unanimously accept to use the procedure.

In case of disagreement, mediation then arbitrage would then be implemented at the expense of registrants. The registry will charge any cost borne by the procedure. In

the event, arbitrage will be carried out by an experienced third party.

An auction will be made if all others means of resolution have failed.

During the landrush phase subject to third parties rights and during the general availability phase, domain names will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.

1.2 - Explain any cost benefits for registrants you intend to implement (e.g., advantageous pricing, introductory discounts, bulk registration discounts).

The goal of the proposed gTLD being to serve the Breton community, the objective of minimizing costs is a priority for the non-profit association that applies for the

gTLD. While ensuring high quality operation of the gTLD, transaction costs (i.e. social costs) will be kept as low as possible to allow optimum accessibility for

community members wishing to register a domain name.

The registry will carry out a posteriori checks on registrations. Procedures to ensure compliance will include thorough processing of complaints and random or semi-

random checks. Cases will be processed expediently and given publicity so as to deter abuse or unwanted behavior. The purpose of these checks is to curb bad behavior

cases that generate costs for the users.

The registry aims to implement a decreasing sales price policy so as to share part of the gTLD’s success with the consumer.

1.3 - Note that the Registry Agreement requires that registrars be offered the option to obtain initial domain name registrations for periods of one to ten years

at the discretion of the registrar, but no greater than ten years. Additionally, the Registry Agreement requires advance written notice of price increases. Do you

intend to make contractual commitments to registrants regarding the magnitude of price escalation? If so, please describe your plans.

The proposed gTLD will allow registration from 1 to 10 years so as to comply with the Registry Agreement.

The Dot BZH business plan is designed to prevent any future necessity to increase registry price in real terms. The fundamental principle is caution: starting from

conservative price levels and gradually lowering them. This method ensures sufficient financial reserves, favors optimal allocation of domain names, helps prevent

misuse and supports an orderly registration process.

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