
18(a) Describe the mission/purpose of your proposed gTLD

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.physioPhysBiz Pty
The .physio gTLD will be a new generation gTLD serving the interests of members of the physiotherapy⁄physical therapy (“physio”) profession, as well as internet users more generally. The .physio domain will provide an internet space for the physio community, not in the sense of representing the existing community, but instead through the creation of an online identity for members of the profession, professional associations, affiliated persons & entities in connection with the physio profession. PhysBiz Pty Ltd (PhysBiz) intends to create and authoritative internet space and verifiable resource for internet users to access information and professional services with the .physio gTLD. In making this application, PhysBiz has the support of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT) & intends to maintain an ongoing relationship with the WCPT to promote the global success of this initiative. The WCPT is the sole international organisation representing physio’s worldwide; with 106 national member organisations & a total 350,000 physios.
Registrations for second or third level domain names under the new .physio gTLD will only be available to those associated with the physio profession, namely qualified or registered physios, physio students, assistants, aides, professional physio associations, physio entities⁄businesses & universities that offer courses in or relating to physio. Imposing such criteria for registration aims to ensure that the .physiogTLD presents authoritative and verifiable information relating to the physio profession to the general public. Though it is a wide spread global occupation, the physio industry has limited avenues for its professionals & professional associations to interact with one another. . As such, physio intends to provide a space for a networking and enterprising physio industry to develop by providing online tools and business services to members of the profession and information to internet users.

The internet has created a means for global communication and interaction, allowing for greater levels of information exchange, as well as facilitating efficient business transactions. Information about the physio industry is increasingly presented and organised on the internet, allowing for easy interactions and transactions with customers and clients. .physio will also provide an authentic resource for members of the public in relation to physio, allowing for information and professional services to be accessed by end users in a simple and trustworthy way. The creation of an online physio community, through the .physio gTLD will increase utility, convenience and assurance of reliability in the authenticity of information to be provided. The .physio gTLD will continue to create awareness and to add legitimacy to the industry; instilling greater user confidence and trust in the profession.

The mission and purpose of the proposed .physio gTLD shares ICANN’s initiatives to promote the public interest. .physio is committed to contribute towards achieving such initiatives in line with ICANN’s Affirmation of Commitments, which includes:

- consumer trust: .physio will operate as a restricted registry, allowing only those associated with the physio profession, who meet the eligibility requirements, to register under the new gTLD, as specified in the .physio registration policy. Consumers will be able to act with greater confidence and assurance that the information that they are receiving from the .physio domain space is provided by professionals and related businesses in the physio industry. It is estimated that 60-80% of people use the internet to search for health information. There exists a large amount of unregulated information with significant issues with quality, accuracy and completeness of information (Choice Magazine, March 2012). As domain names within .physio will be subject to controlled registration standards, policies and procedures, internet users will have greater confidence in the information that they receive about the physio profession; and
- competition: the .physio gTLDis anticipated to contribute to the initiatives of competition and consumer choice through its operation focused on promoting consumer trust and convenience. It may have the effect of instilling such initiatives between prospective registrants in the physio profession who have a choice of gTLDs with which to register. Increased trust in .physio gTLD will drive existing and new top level domain (TLD) registry operators to make improvements in mechanisms to improve consumer trust of their TLDs; and
- consumer choice: the proposed new gTLD will enable user-driven improvements and innovations, with specific relevance to the physio industry and related services, with second and third level domains to be registered by those associated with the physio profession. This will allow consumers more choice for interacting with the physio profession, as well as encouraging competition between members of the profession to best interact with such consumers. The .physio gTLD will operate with a restricted registration policy to have effective control over registration and use of the domain names, which will also contribute towards general service innovations on the internet.
It is difficult to anticipate the number of registrations in the restricted registry for .physio as the number may be determined by the effectiveness of marketing and the reception of internet users to the new gTLDs more generally. Projections for the number of gTLDs to be registered under .physio are based upon an estimated potential registrant population of 700,000, consisting of 600,000 physios, as well as an additional number of students, assistants, businesses and affiliates of the profession. The minimum estimated number of registrations for .physio in the first 3 years is 22,500 registrants or around 3% of the estimated potential registrant population of 700,000. The minimum estimate of 3% is considered reasonable based on the experience of small registries, such as .pro & .cat, in their first few years. It is anticipated that no more than 45,000 registrants (7% of the estimated potential registrant population) will register domain names in the .physio gTLD within the first three years.
In its endeavour to promote and expand the .physio gTLD, PhysBiz will continue to comply with all operational, technical & policy requirements, as well as maintaining consumer trust & the stability of the internet. PhysBiz will keep ICANN reasonably informed of any material developments relating to .physio gTLD including compliance with the continued operations instrument obligations as set out in Spec. 8 of the Registry Agreement.
The .physio gTLD will provide the opportunity to create relevant domain names for use including product, services or geographic names in the second or third level domain names. In accordance with registration policies and the proposed measures for the protection of geographic names as outlined in response to Q22, the .physio gTLD will allow the use of geographic names to localise its websites. The use of geographic names at the second level will be reserved for use by the relevant national member organisations of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy Member Organisation, which intends toconnect internet users with relevant information as applicable to the territory and comply with required rules and regulations in the national territory.
At this stage, the .physio gTLD does not intend to utilise Internationalised Domain Names at the second level. However, as the use of the .physio gTLD evolves, IDNs may be utilised within the domain space to allow internet users to engage with .physio and the physio profession in their native language, creating a more positive user experience & encouraging diversity.
gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.weatherThe Weather Channel LLCweather.comView
The mission and purpose of a new restricted .weather gTLD is to benefit internet users by ensuring increased trust, convenience and utility.

The .weather gTLD will create a next generation gTLD serving the interests of end users. The .weather gTLD will provide an authoritative Internet space for weather content, where the trusted services and resources of The Weather Channel, LLC (TWC), its affiliates, and partners will be closely controlled and made available to consumers around the world. The majority of the anticipated domain name registrations in .weather will be used in the communication of TWC’s content and services, including accurate, easily accessible, and potentially lifesaving weather-related information. A subset of domain names has the potential to be created and used for personalized and hyper-local information purposes.

TWC is a wholly owned subsidiary of TWCC Holding Corporation (TWCCHC). Together with other subsidiaries of TWCCHC, TWC is a part of The Weather Channel Companies (TWCC). TWCC, through its subsidiaries including TWC, owns The Weather Channel television network, The Weather Channel digital properties and other weather-related businesses including WSI Corporation (WSI). The Weather Channel television network reaches over 100 million US households, and TWCC’s web properties (including receive 60 million unique users each month. TWC reaches 40 million mobile consumers monthly through its tablet and mobile telephone applications and mobile websites, with TWCC mobile applications being one of the most used on smart phones and tablets. WSI provides weather data and services to top companies in the local television⁄media, energy, and aviation industries. TWC was initially launched in 1982 to program and deliver a cable television network and today, TWCC is a leading global brand and a recognized world leader in weather forecasting capabilities with global coverage including UK, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, India, Brazil and other Latin American countries. In this regard, continuous innovations and improvements in weather forecasting technologies and reliable online presence are the main consideration in TWC’s activities. TWCC has approximately 1,100 employees and is headquartered in Atlanta, US with offices in global locations including New York, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, Detroit, Dallas and London.

Since the inception of the current domain name system, business activities conducted on the internet have been constantly changing and evolving with increased complexity. Internet innovation has brought benefits of simplicity and lowered transaction costs. However, criminal activities over the internet including data breach, hacking and phishing activities have also become more sophisticated, resulting in loss of consumer confidence. In addition, consumer trust has been eroded by unauthorized and inaccurate sources of information. The .weather gTLD will facilitate greater trust and assurance from internet users connecting with weather-related content online, while increasing the convenience and efficiency of their interactions.

TWC’s mission and purpose of the proposed new gTLD share ICANN’s initiatives to promote public interest. TWC is committed to contributing toward achieving such initiatives in line with ICANN’s Affirmation of Commitments, which includes:
- consumer trust: the .weather registry will be operated in a centralized manner with a restrictive registration policy. Registration of domain names will be available only to TWC and its affiliates⁄partners, which will provide added consumer trust that .weather domain names are trustworthy. As .weather domain names are subject to registration standards, policies and procedures under TWC’s control, this eliminates the possibility of malicious conduct within the .weather domain space;
- competition: .weather will spur innovation and competition in the weather media space by increasing the personalization and customization for consumers and providing weather-related information in a new and differentiated way. It will also spur innovation and competition among top level domain (TLD) operators by showcasing innovative, trustworthy, and compelling ways in which TLDs can be used to benefit consumers; and
- consumer choice: .weather will provide consumers with new, more personalized and intuitive options to navigate the internet to find weather related information. The .weather gTLD will provide consumers with more choices for interacting with TWC and weather-related content overall.

Given the restricted nature of the .weather gTLD, the projected number of registrations is likely to be limited. It is anticipated that a rather limited number of around 210 domain names will be registered in the first year to cover the US, the world’s largest weather market. However, over the next few years, the number of registrations is likely to increase to about 100,000 domain names as TWC develops and implements new services to cover weather markets worldwide.

As the .weather gTLD expands and evolves, TWC may consider offering the use of second level domain names to its global partners including distribution partners (web portals, mobile OEMs), B2B customers, advertisers, and other digital content publishers at a later date. In this endeavor, TWC will continue to comply with all operational, technical and policy requirements to maintain consumer trust and the stability of the internet. TWC will keep ICANN reasonably informed of any material developments relating to .weather including compliance with the continued operations instrument obligations as set out in Specification 8 of the Registry Agreement.

TWC intends to create relevant domain names for use including services, geographic and other place names within .weather to provide accurate and relevant weather-related information to its customers. In accordance with registration policy and the proposed measures for protection of geographic names as outlined in response to Question 22, TWC will use geographic names to localize its websites in the countries and regions relevant to its operation. The use of geographic names is intended to:
- connect internet users with relevant information as applicable to the territory; and
- comply with required rules and regulations in the national territory.

TWC does not intend to utilize Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) at the second level at the time of launch. However, as the use of .weather evolves, TWC may utilize IDNs within .weather to allow internet users to engage in their native language, creating a more positive user experience and encouraging diversity.

TWCC is a well-recognized global brand with registered and pending trademarks (through TWC) consisting solely of “weather” or “” in 36 countries and territories for (but not limited to) the following classes: 9 (instruments, pre-recorded audio and video recording), 16 (print), 35 (advertising), 38 (telecommunications), 41 (education), 42 (online publications; meteorological services), 45 (personal and social services).

TWC has an extensive domain name portfolio including existing domain names with an exact match to the “weather” trademark and the applied-for string in various domain spaces including, com, mobi, travel,,,,,, com, dm,,,,,, dm, gl, gy, kn, tv, uz

TWC believes that the .weather gTLD is unlikely to cause confusion with either a generic term or any existing TLDs. TWCC is a leading global brand and a recognized leader in weather forecasting capabilities. TWC is the owner of several trademarks worldwide containing or consisting solely of the term “weather” and has a strong worldwide reputation. TWC has used the term “weather” in conjunction with its core business since its establishment and reaches close to 100 million TV viewers, 60 million web users and 40 million mobile users monthly.