20(a) Provide the name and full description of the community that the applicant is committing to serve
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The name of the community that the Applicant is committing to serve is IEEE.
With more than 400,000 members around the world, IEEE is the world’s largest educational and scientific organization dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.
Pronounced ʺEye-triple-E,ʺ IEEE is an acronym for “The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Incorporated” – IEEE’s full legal name. Because IEEEʹs membership has long included more than engineers (e.g., computer scientists, software developers, physicists, medical doctors, and others – in addition to the electrical and electronics engineering core), the organization is known simply as IEEE, consistent with that breadth of community. IEEE no longer uses its full name, except on legal documents, and has been referred to simply as IEEE for many years. IEEE is known by this acronym around the world, as indicated in the attached news media reports.
IEEE’s roots date to 1884, when a group of electrical professionals met in New York in the first gathering of the group that would become the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, or AIEE. The Institute of Radio Engineers, or IRE, was formed in 1912 and was modeled on the AIEE, though its members focused primarily on radio technology and electronics. Both groups linked members – through publications, technical standards, and conferences – into a community of innovators.
The organizations grew and prospered during the next decades, which saw major advancements in electricity and electronics. It became apparent that the interests of each group were converging, and that a single organization might better serve members’ and public’s needs. In 1963, AIEE and IRE merged into a single not-for-profit corporation under New York law: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Incorporated, or IEEE.
In 1963, IEEE had 150,000 members, and 140,000 of them were in the United States. The next five decades saw continued advancements in the technologies on which IEEE’s members focus and the growth of the IEEE community around the world.
Today, IEEE has over 400,000 members in 160 countries, approximately half of whom are outside the United States. IEEE has become a truly global community.
1.1 Clear delineation
IEEEʹs core purpose – to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity – is addressed to all of the people in the world and is inherently non-exclusive. Furthermore, IEEE encourages the technology community at large to participate in its efforts for technological advancement, by, for example, reading and submitting articles to its publications, attending or presenting at its conferences, and applying or contributing to the development of its technical standards.
But membership or non-membership in IEEE is clear and straightforward. Only individuals who have met the membership requirements – education ( which also applies to current students) or experience in IEEE-designated fields (such as engineering, computer science, technology, and many others) – and who have actually signed up for membership with IEEE, are members. In short, the delineation could not be clearer. Every Internet user is either a member of IEEE or not, and the membership status of any individual is not open to debate.
1.2 Community Structure and Organization
1.2.1 Governing Documents
IEEE’s top-level governing documents are its Constitution, Bylaws, and Policies, along with its Certificate of Incorporation as a New York not-for-profit corporation. IEEE’s Constitution and Bylaws establish rules for membership in IEEE, dues, management, organizational structure, and so on. The IEEE Code of Ethics is a set of principles by which every IEEE member agrees to abide.
All of these governing documents are available at http:⁄⁄goo.gl⁄J4Q0R.
1.2.2 Structure of Leadership
IEEE is a dynamic self-led community. As provided by the IEEE Constitution and Bylaws, IEEE members elect a new President each year, to serve three one-year terms: as President-Elect, as President and CEO, and as Past President. The governing structure includes:
- A Board of Directors (“IEEE BOD”), comprised of the three Presidents, and leaders of IEEE’s Major Boards, geographic Regions, and Divisions
- An Assembly, comprised of the three Presidents, and Delegates from Regions and Divions, and the ten Division Delegates
-Six Major Boards
-Fifteen Standing Committees
Nearly all of the individuals in these bodies are volunteer members of the IEEE community. IEEE also boasts an 1,100-person professional staff, led by a full-time Executive Director. A Management Council consisting of the Executive Director and senior staff executives manages all aspects of IEEE’s operations.
1.2.3 Community Structure
IEEE has a dual, complementary technical and geographical structure, with organizational units based on technical area of interest and geography.
All of these organizational units exist as integral parts of one IEEE under the explicit authority of the IEEE BOD. The IEEE Constitution provides that the IEEE BOD “may authorize the establishment of groups of members for promoting the objectives and interests of the IEEE” and “may terminate the existence of any such group. The Bylaws shall provide for specifications and operating rules for any groups that may be established.” IEEE Constitution, Art. V, § 1. Interest-Area Groups
IEEE members may join one or more of 38 IEEE Technical Societies that sponsor IEEE publications, hold conferences, and promote the advancement of their fields of interest. Subject to the direction and control of the IEEE BOD, each Society is self-led by volunteer members and managed by IEEE professional staff. Further information on the IEEE Societies is at http:⁄⁄goo.gl⁄95OGo.
Groups of Societies work together in seven Councils focusing on broader areas of technology.
The IEEE Standards Association is a leading consensus-building organizational unit within IEEE that nurtures technological advancement by developing global standards in a broad range of industries. Its most famous set of standards is probably IEEE 802.11, better known as “WiFi.” Geographic Groupings
The IEEE community is also divided by geographic area to meet the needs of members living in proximity with one another.
The worldwide IEEE community is first divided into ten global Regions. These Regions are further divided into 333 Sections. Members of IEEE automatically become members of a local IEEE Section, each of which “is the basic operating organizational unit of IEEE constituted by a minimum of fifty (50) voting members.” IEEE Bylaw I-402.4
Sections may further divide into subsections, or combine with neighboring Sections as Geographic Councils, to meet the needs of the community. IEEE Bylaws I-402.5 and I-402.3
IEEE’s Societies and Technical Councils have interest area-specific geographic units known as Chapters, which are “subunit[s] of a Region, one or more Sections or a Geographic Council.” IEEE Bylaw I-402.06. Currently there are more than 2,080 chapters.
Affinity Groups are local, non-technical units existing around themes such as ”Women in Engineering” and “Consultants Network.” IEEE Bylaw I-402.9.
Finally, college and university students have formed nearly 2,000 Student Branches (student equivalent of Sections) and more than 530 Student Branch Chapters (equivalent of Chapters), as well as Student Branch Affinity Groups (equivalent of Affinity Groups), at institutions in 80 countries.
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