20(b) Explain the applicant's relationship to the community identified in 20(a)

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.IEEEIEEE Global LLCdorsey.comView

Applicant IEEE Global LLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Incorporated – the legal entity that is, in fact, IEEE. Applicant’s parent, IEEE, was founded in New York in 1884 as the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and it was officially incorporated under New York law in 1896. It changed its name to The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Incorporated in 1963, when it merged with the Institute of Radio Engineers, Incorporated. Throughout most it its history, it has been known simply as “IEEE.”

The community identified in response to Question 20(a) – the IEEE community – cannot exist without IEEE. It is shaped and defined by IEEE through its governing documents. Who can be a member and what sub-groupings of members exist is determined by IEEE, through its Constitution, Bylaws and other governing documents. There are no individuals or organizations that are part of the IEEE community except through the control of IEEE itself.

IEEE has absolute control over IEEE Global LLC, the entity formed to apply for and operate the .IEEE gTLD. IEEE is the sole “member” of the limited liability company that is IEEE Global LLC. IEEE Global LLC is managed for IEEE’s purposes by a Board of Managers that currently consists of IEEE’s Executive Director and two members of IEEE’s Management Council; IEEE, as the sole member, may change the composition of IEEE Global LLC’s Board of Managers at any time.

Due to this relationship, the accountability of IEEE Global LLC to the IEEE community could not be more direct or complete. As described in Section I, above, IEEE is governed, through its Board of Directors and other leaders, by and for the IEEE community. IEEE controls IEEE Global LLC. In short, the individuals that the IEEE community elect to lead and operate IEEE have control of IEEE Global LLC, and can ensure that it, and the .IEEE gTLD, are operated for the community’s benefit.

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