gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .普利司通 | Bridgestone Corporation | | View |
We have engaged ARI Registry Services (ARI) to conduct an investigation into the operational and rendering issues of our TLD. ARI has extensive experience in this area and they have launched several IDN ccTLDs.
We have also consulted DotAsia Organization, the Sponsoring Organisation and Registry Operator for the .Asia Sponsored Generic Top Level Domain. DotAsia oversees the policies and governance of the “.Asia”, including policies regarding IDNs. They are also well aware of many of the issues IDN domain names can face and have helped with section 5 of this answer.
Operational and rendering issues may arise with the delegation, and subsequent operation and use of a new TLD. Issues are described in the following sections. Besides this common set of issues, ARI has not found any issues unique to this application.
This has been established by:
– Testing of the TLD string itself
– Researching issues experienced by others
– Our understanding of published material
– Our own experience
Issue — Assumptions about valid TLDs:
May be experienced by users of applications that have made assumptions regarding the list of valid TLDs, or the composition of TLD strings. ARI will work with us to ensure that maintainers of such applications are made aware of this TLD. When relevant, we will refer the maintainers to the verification code produced by ICANN.
Issue — Non-IDN Aware Applications:
May be experienced by users of systems that do not support Unicode and⁄or IDNA 2008. ARI and us will work with maintainers of applications to provide subject matter knowledge where required, and provide directions to the tools provided by 3rd parties.
Issue — IDN Presentation Issues:
Some applications will present only the ASCII-Compatible Encoded version of an IDN. User education may be required. An informational section on the TLD website will be considered to address questions.
Applications that maintain IDN TLD white-lists, will need to be updated to enable the correct rendering of this TLD in its native form. ARI will work with relevant application developers to have this TLD added to the relevant white-lists.
Chinese characters are often typed utilizing multiple keystrokes on a standard ASCII based keyboard. The following includes the keystrokes for 3 common input methods:
Cangjie (倉頡):
TCA (廿金日) : 普, 㫷
HDLN (竹木中弓) : 利, 剁, 㓷
SMR (尸一口) : 司
YNIB (卜弓戈月) : 通
Wubizixing (五笔字型输入法):
ʺuoʺ, ʺ普ʺ
ʺtjhʺ, ʺ利ʺ
ʺngkʺ, ʺ司ʺ ⁄ ʺngkdʺ, ʺ司ʺ
ʺcepʺ, ʺ通ʺ
None of the input methods or the A-Label (xn--kcrx7bb75ajk3b) of the applied for string “普利司通” combine to form a string coinciding with any meaningful string.
The tests executed by ARI and DotAsia Organization identified that there will be some general technical acceptance issues, however none of these issues are new or unique to this TLD.
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .网店 | Global eCommerce TLD Asia Limited | | View |
The Registry anticipates the introduction of this TLD without operational or rendering problems other than general Universal TLD Acceptance issues.
The Registry engaged ARI Registry Services (ARI) and DotAsia to conduct investigation into the operational and rendering issues of the TLD. ARI has extensive experience having launched several IDN ccTLDs. DotAsia oversees the policies and governance of “.Asia”, including policies regarding IDNs, and have expertise in the issues IDN domain names can face.
Operational and rendering issues may arise with the delegation, and operation and use of a new TLD. Issues are described below. Besides this common set of issues, ARI has not found any issues unique to this application.
This has been established by:
– Testing of the TLD string itself
– Researching issues experienced by others
– Our understanding of published material
– Our own experience
Issue — Assumptions about valid TLDs: applications that have made assumptions regarding the list of valid TLDs, or the composition of TLD strings may disallow new TLDs. ARI and DotAsia will reach out to maintainers of such applications, and when relevant, refer to the verification code produced by ICANN.
Issue — Non-IDN Aware Applications:
Users of systems that do not support Unicode and⁄or IDNA 2008 may have problems operating, storing or presenting IDNs.
Issue — IDN Presentation Issues:
Some applications will present only the ASCII-Compatible Encoded version of an IDN. User education may be required. An informational section on the TLD website will be considered to address questions.
Applications that maintain IDN TLD white-lists, will need to be updated to enable the correct rendering of this TLD in its native form. ARI and DotAsia will work with relevant application developers to have this TLD added to the relevant white-lists.
Chinese characters are often typed utilizing multiple keystrokes on a standard ASCII based keyboard. The following includes the keystrokes for 3 common input methods:
Pinyin: wangzhan
Cangjie (倉頡): BKKIYR (VFBTVIYR)
BKK: 网 | VFBTV: 網
IYR: 店
Wubizixing (五笔字型输入法): MQQOHKD (XMUNOHKD)
MQQ: 网 | XMUN: 網
None of the input methods (for either the applied for TLD or the IDN Variant TLD) or the A-Label (xn--hxt814e) of the applied for the string “网店” combine to form a string coinciding with any meaningful string.
The Registry notes, however, that “.dian” should be considered a possible confusable string given that the pinyin representation of the character “店” is “dian” and that single character IDN TLDs are not accepted yet. Further explanation on this can be found in Q15c above.
The tests executed by ARI and DotAsia Organization identified that there will be some general technical acceptance issues, however none of these issues are new or unique to this TLD.