18(a) Describe the mission/purpose of your proposed gTLD
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .Weibo | Sina Corporation | staff.weibo.com | View |
The mission and purpose of .WEIBO Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) represents SINA Corporation’s (SINA) strategic and enduring effort on preserving Top-Level Domain resources for its existing and future businesses. It is also consistent with SINA’s existing corporate policy on international trademark and brand protection in the Internet domain name system. SINA plans to make every possible attempt to ensure its brand recognition, reputation, and user experience at the Internet Top-Level. Based on further research and findings in domestic and international marketplace, there could be other areas and goals that SINA may identify prior to or upon launching the TLD registry.
In addition to “WEIBO” (USPTO serial #: 85320366; 85264899) as well as its the simplified Chinese equivalent, “微博 (or .xn--9krt00a in punycode; USPTO serial #: 85264957; 85296605)”, SINA will be also filing for the “SINA” string (USPTO serial # 76694097; 76696855). .SINA, .WEIBO, and “.微博 (or .xn--9krt00a in punycode)” represent the ultimate brand value and core business competency of SINA Corporation. All three applications submitted by SINA are considered to be critically important to SINA’s existing and future businesses.
About SINA Corporation
SINA Corporation (NASDAQ ticker: SINA) is an online media company and Mobile Value Added Service (MVAS) provider in the Peopleʹs Republic of China and for the global Chinese communities. With a branded network of localized websites targeting Greater China and overseas Chinese, the Company provides services mainly through SINA.com (online news and content), Weibo.com (microblog) and SINA Mobile (MVAS). Through these businesses and properties and other business lines, SINA offers an array of services including region-focused online portals, MVAS, microblog, blog, video and music streaming, photo sharing, online games, email, search, classified listings, fee-based services, e-commerce and enterprise e-solutions. The Company generates the majority of its revenues from online advertising and MVAS offerings and, to a lesser extent, from fee-based services.
As of end of 2011, the aggregated number of daily unique visitors to SINA websites is around 70 millon people, with daily page views of exceeding 2 billion hits. SINA websites are able to reach in average of approximately 400 million Internet users per month. As of March 2012, www.sina.com.cn is one of the top 20 websites in the world, and one of the top 5 websites in China, according to Alexa.com.
Besides the above mentioned websites and channels, SINA’s Weibo.com (Weibo), a microblogging and social network platform launched in August 2009, has enabled its users to follow the hottest topics being discussed online as well as discussions related to people they know. As of end of 2011, Weibo has reached more than 300 Million registered users globally with more than 86 million microblog entries published every day. Weibo users consist of celebrities, commercial enterprises, government entities and grass root Internet users, who may send feeds in the form of text (up to 140 Chinese characters) and multimedia (photo, video and music) content to their opted-in followers. 96 out of Top 100 most popular government weibo accounts are active through Weibo microblogging platform, according to E-Government Research Center, CAG (http:⁄⁄www.chinaegov.org⁄publicfiles⁄business⁄htmlfiles⁄ChinaEgovForum⁄wbpg⁄index.html). Weibo enables Chinese communities to participate in open discussions on PCs and mobile devices around the world, allowing easier and more frequent interactions, expediting the spread of information and elevating the social media and networking experience to a different level.
SINA Corporation, a Cayman Islands corporation, was founded in March 1999 through the merger of Beijing SINA Information Technology Co. Ltd. and California-based SINANET.com. In April 2000, the Company completed its initial public offering and was listed on the NASDAQ market. With more than 4,000 employees now, SINA is headquartered in Shanghai, China and the principle place of operations is located in Beijing, China. SINA has offices throughout mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the U.S. Its latest corporation and financial information can be found at http:⁄⁄corp.sina.com.cn⁄eng⁄sina_index_eng.htm
To SINA’s best current thinking, all available second-level strings of .WEIBO (e.g. example.WEIBO) will be initially allocated only to eligible registrants and for internal corporate business purposes. SINA plans to adopt this approach and expects to maintain it for 6 to 12 months from the launch of the “.WEIBO” registry service. Such approach will be regularly evaluated and adjusted if appropriate and necessary.
The minimum requirement of a .WEIBO registrant is to have a verified Weibo.com user account or certified business account. SINA could place additional requirement (date of membership registration, length of membership, etc.) for the registrant in the initial period. All 2nd-level strings will be based on registrant’s real name (i.e. lastnamefirstname.weibo) or a registered alpha-numeric Weibo ID or other registrant categories which can meet and satisfy SINA’s policy and business needs. SINA itself could also be an registrant of .WEIBO domain name for its marketing or other business purposes.
The eligible registrant is authorized to be a user or administrator of a .WEIBO second level domain. Subject to operational requirement and other business factors, the eligible registrant should be able to register more than one .WEIBO domain names. Specific roles and responsibilities of a registrant will be defined prior to the launch of the .WEIBO TLD. SINA will ensure that its registrants are provided with clear guidance on registration policy, and the registry services are offered in a safe and trusted environment.
Depending a various internal and external factors, including market demand and user expectation, SINA may consider a phased roll-out approach for a broader commercial marketplace but will do so after the conclusion of the initial period. This conservative approach shall minimize potential technological, marketing and operational risks, and allow ample time for SINA’s management to evaluate best possible and long-term strategy of utilizing .WEIBO TLD prominently.
All three applied-for strings (.SINA, .WEIBO and .微博), once approved and delegated, will be under the management of a single business unit at SINA Corporation to ensure business sustainability, policy consistency, and operational stability of each TLD.
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