27 Registration Life Cycle
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .LAT | ECOM-LAC Federaciòn de Latinoamèrica y el Caribe para Internet y el Comercio Electrònico | cabase.org.ar | View |
eCOM-LAC will have NIC Mexico as the back-end operator for the .LAT registry. NIC Mexico has the required experience and skills to operate the technical infrastructure for a gTLD of the planned size of .LAT. NIC Mexico’s registry implementation has evolved over time following the development of technology and industry standards.
.LAT Registry will feature a Domain Registration Life-Cycle that is fully compatible with current industry practices. As such, .LAT registry implementation will consider different domain states to keep track of the domain name through the Life-Cycle.
.LAT Registry operations will be supported by NIC Mexico’s Operative Model, which is a fully EPP compatible Registry-Registrar model. This operative model has been proved and refined by NIC Mexico over the operation of .MX ccTLD, which as of today has more than 200 registrars working with its registry platform. About 20 of those registrars are ICANN accredited registrars that were easily integrated to the platform using EPP and the debit account scheme widely adopted by registries around the globe.
Domain states help to describe the different stages the domain name goes through during the Registration Life-Cycle. Domain States indicate the stage of the Life-Cycle that the domain is currently going through. The domain states are used as part of the business logic only and are not manageable by the registry or the registrar. They are used to support the implementation of the Registration Life-Cycle and describe it using consistent concepts and keywords. Each State defines the operations that can be executed on a domain name; an also considers specific events, automatic or manual to trigger the transition to another state.
Domain Statuses are used and managed by the registry and the registrar to indicate that the domain name has certain restrictions or has none, and also indicate that the domain name is going through a specific process within the Domain Registration Life – Cycle.
These statuses are defined by the EPP base standard, the EPP object mappings and the extensions to the protocol. .LAT Registry’s Registration Life-Cycle includes previsions to handle processes and statuses included in the RFC3915 that describes the Grace Period Mapping and a also the Administrative Status extension defined by NIC Mexico to describe additional processes that a domain name can go through, particularly off-line processes.
.LAT Registry’s Operative Model is described by the Domain States that are internal to the business logic of the registry, and are described as follows:
It is the default state of a domain name. When a domain is in the Registered State it is considered that it is within its normal registration period and there isn’t any administrative restriction applying to the domain name.
When a domain name reaches the end of its registration period, it is considered to be expired. In practice, there won’t be any domains in an Expired State, because the .LAT Registry will renew the domain name automatically upon expiration so the registration period will be extended, and the state of the domain will be restored to Registered.
If a domain name was deleted and wasn’t recovered or restored then it will enter into a Unavailable State. In this State, the domain name is not included in the zone file and also is no longer in control of the registrar of record; nevertheless it cannot be registered again, because it is not out of the Registration Life-Cycle yet. After a certain period (the pending delete period) the domain name will be released from the Registration Life-Cycle and will be available to be registered again.
This State is included for completeness as the State of a domain name that is available for registration, but because of the domain name does not actually exist, there isn´t really an Available State
Registration Period
The initial step to the domain name registration life-cycle is registration. First, the domain name must be available; this means that the domain name is not in any phase of the Registration Life-Cycle within the TLD. An Accredited Registrar can register a domain name for as long as 10 years, starting in one year and the following yearly increments, this is known as the Registration Period. The registration fee will be debited from the Registrar’s account (See attached Diagram LifeCycle .LAT)
The domain name will be added to the zone file once DNS delegation information has been provided. If DNS information was available at registration, the domain name will be added to the zone file in the next zone file update process following the registration.
Add Grace Period
Immediately after a domain name is registered it will enter into a 5 days Add Grace Period. In this period, the registrar can delete the domain name to get a refund of the registration fee. The domain name will be released from the Life-Cycle immediately, so it will be possible to register that same domain name again.
.LAT Registry will implement and enforce the AGP Limits consensus policy to avoid practices that abuse the Add Grace Period like domain tasting.
Auto-Renew Grace Period⁄ Renew Grace Period (See attached Diagram LifeCycle .LAT 2)
When a domain name reaches its expiration date, it is automatically renewed, and then enters into a 45 days Auto-Renew Grace Period. The domain name will continue to be in the zone file. If the registrar of record executes a 〈domain:renew〉 command on the domain name, then it enters into a 5 days Renew Grace Period. In both cases the renewal fee is debited from the registrar account.
In case the registrar prefers not to renew the domain name, he can delete domain name within this period to obtain a refund of the renewal fee. The domain name will enter into a Redemption Grace Period for 30 days. The domain is no longer included in the zone file.
Redemption Grace Period
When a domain name is deleted at any time outside of the Add Grace Period it enters the Redemption Grace Period for 30 days.
.LAT Registry will implement the Redemption Grace Period Extension described in RFC3915.
In this period, the registrar can restore de domain name sending an EPP extended domain update command with 〈rgp:restore〉 extension with the “request” option, which is a billable operation, to the registry. After the command is executed the domain name is put back in the zone file, but the restore will not be complete yet. Accordingly to RFC3915 the registrar still has to send an EPP 〈rgp:restore〉 extended update command with the “report” option to finalize the recovery process with all the required information as indicated in RFC3915.
Pending Delete Period
If the domain name is not restored within the Redemption Grace Period it will enter in a pendingDelete status for 5 days. At this moment, the domain name is not in the zone file and no EPP operations can be performed on it. After the 5 day period the domain name will be deleted and released from the Life-Cycle and will be available to be registered again.
.LAT Registry SRS and Registration Life-Cycle are fully compatible with standard EPP Status Values. According to EPP standards a domain name can have many EPP Status Values associated at a given time.
The EPP Status Values are self-explanatory:
It is the default status of a domain name, and there will be no other status values associated with it. A domain name in OK status doesn’t have pending operations of prohibitions, so it can be updated, transferred, renewed or deleted. If it has name server information it will be included in the zone file.
As the name indicates, these statuses can be set by the sponsoring registrar of the domain name only. clientHold means that the domain name will not be included in the zone file. The other values indicate that the referred action cannot be performed on the domain name; however, the clientRenewProhibited will not prevent the Auto-Renew operation.
As the name indicates, the above statuses can be set by the .LAT registry only. serverHold means that the domain name will not be included in the zone file. The other values indicate that the referred action cannot be performed on the domain name; however, the serverRenewProhibited will not prevent the Auto-Renew operation.
Other EPP statuses are:
Again, the statuses are self-explanatory. The inactive status refers to a domain name that is not associated with any host object, it means that it is not included in the zone file as it lacks of delegation information. The other statuses apply when there is a pending operation on the domain name. The only pending statuses used by the .LAT registry are pendingDelete and pendingTransfer.
.LAT Registry will have an EPP extension to add complementary administrative statuses to the SRS. These administrative statuses can only be set by the registry and will offer additional information for processes that are performed usually offline. The extension has been included in the response to Quesiton 25
This administrative status applies when a domain name is involved in an ongoing URS or UDRP. When a domain name is in this status it cannot be modified, transferred, deleted or renewed. The only possible operation permitted on the domain name is to release it from suspendedByExternalAuthority status and this operation must be performed by the .LAT registry. While the domain name is in this status the domain name continues to be published in the DNS but it can be removed by the .LAT Registry if required. When a domain name is released from this status the domain name is automatically renewed to extend its registration period to include the actual date if necessary
.LAT Registry will use this extension to provide information related to processes implemented as a result of new policy development.
A domain name can be updated anytime in the Registration Life-Cycle, except in the Redemption Grace Period, or during the Pending Delete period. The suspendedBy* administrative status and clientUpdateProhibited and serverUpdateProhibited statuses also prevent a domain name from being updated. All updates are applied immediately,
The Domain Transfer Process allows the change of the registrar of record of a domain name. The process is initiated when a registrant asks a registrar to manage its domain name, currently under management of a different registrar. The registrant must provide the AuthInfo of the domain name to the new registrar (the Gaining registrar) so it can make a request to the .LAT Registry in order to transfer the domain name from the current (the Losing) registrar.
Once the request is made, .LAT registry adds the pendiengTransfer status to the domain name, and sends a service message to the message queue of both registrars confirming the reception of the transfer request.
The current registrar has 10 calendar days to approve or reject the transfer request. If the current registrar rejects the transfer, it is cancelled immediately. If .LAT Registry receives an approve response from the current registrar, the domain name is immediately transferred. If .LAT Registry does not receive any response by the end of the 10 calendar days, the transfer is automatically approved. In all cases, .LAT registry will remove the pendingTransfer status and will send a service message to the message queue of both registrars to confirm the result of the transfer operation.
After requesting a transfer, if the registrant no longer wants to transfer the domain name, or if the registrar sent the transfer request by mistake, the Gaining Registrar has the option to cancel the transfer request as long as it is still pending. If that is the case, .LAT registry will remove the pendingTransfer status and will send a service message to the message queue of both registrars confirming the cancel of the transfer operation.
After a transfer is complete, there will be a Transfer Grace Period, where the Gaining Registrar can delete the domain name, entering into a Redemption Grace Period.
The Restore Process can be initiated during the Redemption Grace Period following a domain deletion. The Process allows a registrar to restore a domain name that was previously deleted. The Domain Restore is a billable operation and the corresponding fee will be debited from the registrar’s account. If no restore request is received at the end of the Redemption Grace Period, the domain name will enter in a Pending Delete Period and will be released for the Registration Life-Cycle and will be available to be registered again.
Once a restore is requested, the domain name will be in a pendingRestore status and the registrar of record will have 10 days to send a restore report to provide a brief explanation of the reason for restoring the domain name and also a statement that it has not restored the domain name for its own use or with the intention of selling it. If no restore report is received at the end of 10 days, the domain name will start a new Redemption Grace Period.
This process is included with all details in RFC3915.
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