20(a) Provide the name and full description of the community that the applicant is committing to serve

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.corsicaCollectivité Territoriale de Corsegmail.comView

The community to be served by the .corsica TLD is the community of Corsicans worldwide, whether they be residents of the island of Corsica, members of the Corsican Diaspora, or simply members of the wider community of Internet users with an interest in Corsica and the values that are evoked by the word ‘corsica’. It covers the global community of individuals, institutions and corporate entities that identify themselves with the island of Corsica (Corse), and⁄or any aspect of its cultural, historical or linguistic heritage.

It is anticipated, at least in the early years of the .corsica TLD, that a majority of domain name purchases under the .corsica TLD will originate from the population of Corsica. In due course, it is anticipated that there will be as many registrations made by members of the community spread around the world.

The community includes:

- The population of Corsica: 302,000 as of the January 2008 census.
- The Diaspora of Corsicans around the world is estimated at 800,000 (cosicadiaspora.com)
- Businesses registered in Corsica: 80,000
- Non-profit associations: 2300
- Corsican businesses or other businesses promoting Corsican goods and services in other countries around the world: harder to quantify but estimated to be many thousands.

But it also includes (among many other sub-communities):

- The actors of the Corsican tourism sector, who use the Internet to promote the island’s many tourist attraction.
- The wine producers of Corsica, and the global community of Corsican wine consumers
- The many Corsica enthusiasts who have visited the island and discovered a passion for a certain aspect of its culture or history.
- The promoters of Corsica’s unique musical heritage.
- The promoters and consumers of Corsica’s world renowned hams and cheeses.
- The organisers of trecks and sailing expeditions across and around the island.
- The societies of Corsican archeology, history, and the Corsican language.
- The promoters of Corsica’s youth culture.

In short, the .corsica TLD will be open to all bona fide individuals, business owners and corporate entities whether they be resident on the island or abroad.

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