18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?

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.公益China Organizational Name Administration Centerconac.cnView

18.3 Operating Rules to Eliminate and Minimize Social Costs
18.3.1Policy for multiple applications for a particular domain name
CONAC implements a “real name” policy, that is, all registered names must match the name of the applicant organization. In this way, costs arising from disputes will be greatly reduced. Furthermore, this policy significantly lowers the risk of e.g. cyber squatting, thus minimizing social costs.

To reduce disputes arising from multiple applications for a particular domain name, CONAC requires that in principle, each applicant add a full name or official short form of certain administrative divisions(at levels of state, province, and others) to the applied-for domain names. Disputes are reduced by the requirement that the applicant submit approved documents to show their legitimate right to the applied-for domain names.

To guarantee eligible organizations that have successful registration of the corresponding domain names, CONAC offers a Sunrise service. If disputes arise, the parties involved may choose CONAC to facilitate a resolution, or to file the case with a CONAC accredited dispute resolution organizations, or file the case with Chinese arbitration centers, or bring a lawsuit to a competent people’s court in China.

18.3.2 Cost Benefits
CONAC currently has no preferential price plans in place yet. CONAC will offer the plans in accordance with “.公益” domain name registration volume and will inform the registrars in a timely manner.

18.3.3 Notice of RRA Expiration and Price Change
CONAC will sign Registry-Registrar Agreements (RRA) with ICANN accredited registrars. As a non-profit institution, CONAC usually maintains a stable price level for “.公益” domain name registrations. According to ICANN’s requirements, CONAC will make contractual commitment to registrars regarding the magnitude of price escalation. In case of extreme situation (e.g. hyperinflation), in accordance with term 2.10(b) in the Registry Agreement, CONAC will post price increase notice on its official website 180 calendar days in advance and send the written notice to ICANN and all relevant registrars. However, the price remains unchanged for the duration of a domain name’s registration period.

18.3.4 Establish and Maintain a Reliable, Fast and Efficient Online Registration System
CONAC will require registrars to develop highly efficient online registration systems to meet users’ increasing demands, and save users’ time and money.

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