27 Registration Life Cycle
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .公益 | China Organizational Name Administration Center | conac.cn | View |
27. Registration Life Cycle
The “.公益” TLD supports all Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) statuses. To fully protect registrants’ rights, Redemption Grace Period (RGP) statuses are also supported. In consideration of the uniqueness of registrants for “.公益” domain names, namely, global public interest organizations that provide services in Chinese, CONAC also introduces a verification process named Pre-registration Qualification Procedures (PQP) in the registration lifecycle. PQP requires registrars to pre-verify the registration application and CONAC to re-verify the registration application submitted by registrars. For details about pre-verification and re-verification, please refer to section 29.2.1 of Question 29. Only after passing PQP, can a registration be valid.
In the Registry-Registrar Agreement signed with registrars, CONAC will commit to managing domain names in strict compliance with the domain name registration lifecycle policy. Additionally, CONAC has released a registration and management manual for “.公益” TLD as well as an implementing rule at http:⁄⁄www.conac.cn. The domain name registration states and procedures prescribed in these documents are consistent with what is stated here.
27.1 Domain Name Registration States, and Criteria and Procedures for State Changes
“.公益” domain name registration lifecycle will be extended with the extension of EPP statuses. At present, a “.公益” domain name has 12 EPP statuses, namely, ok, pendingDelete, pendingUpdate, pendingTransfer, pendingRenew, serverHold, serverTransferProhibited, serverRenewProhibited, serverUpdateProhibited, serverDeleteProhibited, pendingCreate, and inActive. Besides, there are 5 registrar statuses, namely, clientDeleteProhibited, clientHold, clientRenewProhibited, clientTransferProhibited, and clientUpdateProhibited. As per RFC 3915, a “.公益” domain name has 7 RGP statuses,namely, addPeriod, autoRenewPeriod, renewPeriod, transferPeriod, redemptionPeriod, pendingDelete and pendingRestore. The changes to domain name states not only apply to the domain name itself, but also its corresponding variant.
State diagram for “.公益” TLD registration lifecycle is shown in Figure 1 of Q27_attachment.
27.1.1 OK Status
Status Description
A domain name in this status can be updated, renewed, deleted or transferred, and can be resolved. The status is never shown alongside any other status. If other status appears, ok status is removed.
Criteria and Procedures for State Changes
1. Upon a registrar’s update request, EPP status changes to pendingUpdate. The update is completed within 3 days. When the update is completed, EPP status returns to ok or what it was prior to the processing.
2. Upon the transfer request from a gaining registrar, EPP status changes to pendingTransfer. When the transfer is completed, EPP status returns to ok or what it was prior to the processing. RGP status is set to transferPeriod.
3. Upon the delete request from a registrar, EPP status changes to pendingDelete, and RGP status is redemptionPeriod.
4. Upon the receipt of Notice of Complaint from Uniform Rapid Suspension (URS) provider or during CONAC’s handling of domain name abuse, CONAC sets EPP status to serverTransferProhibited, serverUpdateProhibited and serverDeleteProhibited.
5. 15 days before the expiration of a domain name, EPP status changes to serverTransferProhibited.
27.1.2 pendingDelete Status
Status Description
1. If the domain name in pendingDelete status is in Redemption Period, the domain name cannot be updated, deleted or transferred, but can be restored. The domain name cannot be resolved. For redemption, the registrar needs to pay a higher price than the usual renewal price.
2. If the domain name in pendingDelete status is in Pending Delete Period, the domain name cannot be resolved, and all the requests from registrars on domain name operations will be denied.
Criteria and Procedures for State Changes
If the domain name in pendingDelete status is in Redemption Period, RGP status is redemptionPeriod.
1. If the registrar proposes a restore request within 30 days, RGP status changes to pendingRestore.
2. If the registrar provides a formal restore report within 7 days, EPP status changes to ok or what it was prior to the processing, and RGP status is removed.
3. If the registrar fails to provide a formal restore report within 7 days, RGP status returns to redemptionPeriod.
4. If the registrar fails to propose any restore request to CONAC within 30 days, RGP status changes to pendingDelete.
If the domain name in pendingDelete status is in Pending Delete Period, RGP status is pendingDelete. The domain name will remain in the pendingDelete status for 5 days, after which time the domain name is purged, and available for any new registration.
27.1.3 pendingUpdate Status
Status Description
The update request is received, and the domain name can be resolved.
Criteria and Procedures for State Changes
Upon a registrar’s update request, CONAC shall complete the update within 2 days. Once the update is completed, the domain name returns to its previous status.
27.1.4 pendingTransfer Status
Status Description
The transfer request is received, and the domain name update, renewal, and delete are denied. The domain name can be resolved.
Criteria and Procedures for State Changes
Upon a registrar’s transfer request, RGP status changes to transferPeriod. CONAC shall complete the transfer within 3 days, after which EPP status reverts to ok or what it was prior to the processing, and RGP status is removed.
27.1.5 pendingRenew Status
Status Description
The domain name renew request is accepted, and the domain name cannot be updated nor transferred.
Criteria and Procedures for State Changes
Upon a registrar’s renew request, RGP status is set to renewPeriod. CONAC shall complete the renewal within 30 days. After renewal, EPP status changes to ok or what it was prior to the processing, and RGP status is cancelled.
27.1.6 serverHold Status
Status Description
The domain name in this status can not be resolved.
Criteria and Procedures for State Changes
If the domain name in serverHold status is suspended and enters Pending Delete Period, CONAC changes EPP status to pendingDelete.
27.1.7 serverTransferProhibited Status
Status Description
The domain name can be updated, renewed, or deleted.
Criteria and Procedures for State Changes
1. In Add Grace Period, EPP status is serverTransferProhibited, and RGP status is addPeriod. Upon a registrar’s delete request, EPP status changes to pendingDelete and RGP status is set to pendingDelete. When the Add Grace Period elapses, EPP status remains, and RGP status is removed.
2. Within the first 60 days of the Registered Period, EPP status is serverTransferProhibited. Upon the delete request from the registrar, EPP status changes to pendingDelete, and RGP is set to redemptionPeriod. When the 60 days elapse, EPP status changes to ok or what it was prior to the processing.
3. If the registrant prevails in abuse arbitration or the relief request from the complainant is denied in URS, CONAC changes EPP status to ok or what it was prior to the processing.
4. 15 days before the expiration of a domain name, EPP status is serverTransferProhibited. Upon the registrar’s delete request, EPP status changes to pendingDelete and RGP status is set to redemptionPeriod. When the domain name is expired, EPP status changes to serverTransferProhibited and serverUpdateProhibited.
5. In Renew Grace Period, EPP status is serverTransferProhibited and serverUpdateProhibited, and RGP status is autoRenewPeriod or renewPeroid. If RGP status is autoRenewPeriod, and the registrar does not delete the domain name at the end of 30 days, EPP status changes to ok or what prior to the processing, and RGP status is removed. If RGP status is renewPeriod, EPP status changes to ok or what prior to the processing, only upon receiving the registrar’s renew request, and then RGP status is removed. The registrar can delete the domain name, then EPP status changes to pendingDelete, and RGP is set to redemptionPeriod. If the registrar does not renew the domain name within 30 days, EPP status changes to pendingDelete, and RGP status is set to redemptionPeriod.
27.1.8 serverRenewProhibited Status
Status Description
The domain name can be updated, transferred, or deleted.
Criteria and Procedures for State Changes
In Registered Period, upon the receipt of registrars’ request to remove the prohibition of renewal, CONAC will remove EPP status of serverRenewProhibited.
27.1.9 serverUpdateProhibited Status
Status Description
The domain name can be renewed, transferred or deleted.
Criteria and Procedures for State Changes
1. If the registrant prevails in abuse arbitration or the relief request from complainant is denied in URS, CONAC changes EPP status to ok or what it was prior to the processing.
2. In Renew Grace Period, EPP statuses of serverUpdateProhibited and serverTransferProhibited are in co-existence, and RGP statue is autoRenewPeriod. For detailed criteria and procedures for state transitions, please refer to step 5 of 27.1.7.
27.1.10 serverDeleteProhibited Status
Status Description
The domain name in this status can be updated, renewed or transferred.
Criteria and Procedures for State Changes
If the registrant prevails in abuse arbitration or the relief request from complainant is denied in URS, CONAC changes EPP status to ok or what it was prior to the processing.
27.1.11 pendingCreate Status
Status Description
The registration application is received, but still under PQP, and the domain name cannot be resolved.
Criteria and Procedures for State Changes
The domain name is under PQP Period, and its EPP status is pendingCreate. If the domain name passes PQP, EPP status changes to ok. If the domain name does not pass PQP, EPP status changes to pendingDelete, and RGP status is pendingDelete.
27.1.12 inactive Status
Status Description
The domain name is not associated to hosts, nor deployed in the DNS server.
Criteria and Procedures for State Changes
1. For domain names that are pending for delete operation, EPP status is pendingDelete, and RGP status is pendingDelete.
2. For domain names that are pending for update operation, EPP status is ok or what it was prior to the processing.
27.2 Description of the Typical Lifecycle of a “.公益” Domain Name
The typical lifecycle of a “.公益” domain name includes 6 periods, Available Period, Pre-registration Qualification Procedures (PQP) Period, Registered Period (Add Grace Period included), Renew Grace Period, Redemption Period, and Pending Delete Period. The registration lifecycle complies with RFC3915, RFC5730, RFC5731, RFC5732, RFC5733 and RFC5734, and is developed on basis of EPP. The registration lifecycle not only applies to the domain name itself, but also its corresponding variant.
The typical registration lifecycle for a “.公益” domain name is illustrated in Figure 2 of Q27_attachment.
27.2.1 Procedures for Domain Name Creation
The procedures involve in Available Period, PQP Period, and Registered Period.
1. At receipt of the application, the registrar pre-verifies documentation provided by the prospective registrant. The pre-verification shall be completed within 3 working days. If the documentation provided by the prospective registrant fails to meet the registration criteria, the registration process is terminated.
2. Once the registration passes pre-verification, the registrar will notify CONAC through EPP interface. CONAC will re-verify the application within 2 working days, and deduct registration fees, after which time the domain name enters Add Grace Period, and CONAC sets EPP status to serverTransferProhibited and serverUpdateProhibited. If the domain name does not pass the re-verification, the registration process is terminated.
3. The registrar may propose to delete the registered domain name within a 5-day add grace period, in which case CONAC will refund the registrar and delete the domain name.
27.2.2 Procedures for Domain Name Update
The procedures involve in Registered Period.
1. Upon receipt of an update request, the registrar will verify the update request and relevant documentation provided by the registrants within 3 working days.
2. The registrar will send the registrant’s update request to CONAC through EPP interface. CONAC will verify whether the to-be-updated domain name has EPP status of serverUpdateProhibited or clientUpdateProhibited. If it has, CONAC will deny the update request. Otherwise, CONAC will set EPP status to pendingUpdate to show that the registrar’s request is received by CONAC.
3. CONAC’s re-verification is completed within 2 working days, after which the domain name may be allowed or disallowed for update.
27.2.3 Procedures for Domain Name Delete
A domain name may be deleted in Add Grace Period or Pending Delete Period. Procedures for Domain Name Delete during the Add Grace Period
1. During Add Grace Period, a registrant requires a registrar deleting a domain name.
2. The registrar notifies CONAC of the registrant’s delete request through EPP interface. CONAC will verify whether the to-be-deleted domain name has EPP status serverDeleteProhibited or clientDeleteProhibited. If it has, CONAC will deny the delete request. Otherwise, CONAC will delete the domain name, and refund the registrar. Procedures for Domain Name Delete during Pending Delete Period
1. A domain name in Pending Delete Period will be removed from CONAC registration system within 5 days.
2. After the deletion, the domain name is available for any new registration.
27.2.4 Procedures for Domain Name Expiration
The procedures involve in Registered Period, Renew Grace Period and Redemption Period.
Expiration procedures for the domain name in the Renew Grace Period are as follow.
1. CONAC requires the registrar to notify the registrant of the expiration 60 days prior to the domain name expiration date and 30 days prior to the domain name expiration date.
2. At the expiration date, the domain name enters Renew Grace Period, and RGP status is autoRenewPeriod or renewPeriod. Whatever the RGP status is, CONAC will verify whether the to-be-expired domain name has EPP status of serverRenewProhibited or clientRenewProhibited. If it has, CONAC will deny the renew request, and the domain name enters 30-day Redemption Period. Otherwise, EPP status changes to pendingRenew.
If RGP status is autoRenewPeriod, CONAC will deduct the renewal fees, and the domain name enters Registered Period after 30-day grace period, during which if the registrar requires deletion of the domain name, CONAC will refund the registration fees, and the domain name enters Redemption Period.
If RGP status is renewPeriod, at the receipt of renew request from the registrar, CONAC will deduct the renewal fees and sets EPP status to ok after the 30-day grace period, during which if the registrar requires deletion of the domain names, CONAC will refund the registration fees, and the domain name enters Redemption Period. If CONAC does not receive renew request from the registrar, the domain name enters Redemption Period 30 days later.
Expiration procedures for the domain name in Redemption Grace Period are as follow.
1. If the registrar fails to renew a domain name in Renew Grace Period, CONAC sets EPP status to pendingDelete, and RGP status to redemptionPeriod.
2. If the registrant wishes to restore the domain name in this period, it costs the registrant 50% extra of the usual renew price. If the registrar sends a restore command, CONAC sets RGP status to pendingRestore. At receipt of restore report within 7 days, CONAC restores the domain name to Registered Period. If CONAC does not receive the restore report within 7-day valid period and the domain name is still in Redemption Grace Period, CONAC will set RGP status to redemptionPeriod. When Redemption Grace Period elapses, the domain name enters Pending Delete Period. If the restore report from the registrar is not received within 7-day valid period, and the Redemption Grace Period for the domain name elapse, the domain name enters Pending Delete Period.
27.2.5 Procedures for Domain Name Transfer
1. The registrant requires transferring the management of a domain name from registrar A to registrar B.
2. Registrar A determines whether the transfer is allowed based on Registration Agreement signed between registrars and registrants.
3. Upon the registrar’s transfer request, CONAC will verify whether the to-be-transferred domain name has EPP status of serverTransferProhibited or clientTransferProhibited. If it has, CONAC will deny the transfer request. Otherwise, CONAC sets EPP status to pendingTransfer. CONAC also transfers the registrant’s domain name and name server from registrar A to registrar B, which is completed within 5 days.
27.2.6 Procedures for Locking Domain Name
1. Upon the receipt of Notice of Compliant from URS provider or during CONAC handling of domain name abuse, CONAC sets EPP status to serverTransferProhibited, serverUpdateProhibited and serverDeleteProhibited, but the domain name will continue to be resolved normally.
2. If the complainant prevails in URS, CONAC will suspend the domain name upon the receipt of Determination from URS provider. CONAC will not resolve the domain name to the original web site but redirect the name server to an informational website provided by the URS provider about the URS. EPP status of the domain name will remain unchanged. If the relief request from complainant is denied, EPP status returns to the status before the receipt of Notice of Compliant from the URS provider.
3. If domain name abuses are confirmed via a relevant verification process, CONAC will suspend the domain name, and add an EPP status of serverHold to the domain name.
4. The locking procedure not only applies to the domain name itself, but also its corresponding variant.
27.3 Resource Allocation
27.3.1 Human Resource Allocation
To support registration lifecycle, CONAC allocates 6 staff in terms of marketing and customer support to this area. The resource is sufficient for the initial implementation and ongoing maintenance, as is shown below.
1 marketing staff: (marketing staff role B: 1 staff), responsible for communication and outreach with end-users and registrars for CONAC registration lifecycle.
1 legal affairs staff: (legal affairs role B: 1 staff), responsible for settling legal disputes in domain name registration lifecycle.
2 customer support staff: (customer support role C: 2 staff), responsible for domain name registration, handling the complaints from registrars and registrants, and relevant domain name operations.
2 registration managers (registration management role B: 2 staff), responsible for the implementation of domain name registration policy in registration lifecycle, such as re-verification.
Detailed skillset requirements on the staff can be found in section 31.3.3 in the response to Question 31. All the aforementioned staff are currently in place.
CONAC will constantly monitor CONAC’s domain name registration scale. If there is any shortage in human resources, additional staff will be added well in advance.
27.3.2 Costs of Resources Allocation
Costs of resources allocation and capital expenditure are detailed in the response to Question 47a and 47b.
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