18(a) Describe the mission/purpose of your proposed gTLD

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.canonCanon Inc.web.canon.co.jpView

The corporate philosophy of Canon is kyosei. A concise definition of this word would be “Living and working together for the common good, ” but our definition is broader: “All people, regardless of race, religion or culture, harmoniously living and working together into the future. ” Unfortunately, the presence of imbalances in our world in such areas as trade, income levels and the environment hinders the achievement of kyosei.

Through corporate activities based on kyosei, Canon strives to resolve imbalances in the world. Truly global companies must foster good relations, not only with their customers and the communities in which they operate, but also with nations and the environment. They must also bear the responsibility for the impact of their activities on society. For this reason, Canonʹs goal is to contribute to global prosperity and the well-being of mankind, which will lead to continuing growth and bring the world closer to achieving kyosei

.canon is a domain for Canon Inc. and its stakeholders. The primary purpose of .canon is to consolidate Canon Inc.-related domain names registered under various TLDs into an official .canon extension. In addition, Canon Inc. aims to achieve the following goals with .canon:

1. Alleviating user confusion and improving convenience for Internet users
Canon Inc. is a global company in the fields of Office Business (Office Network Digital Multifunction Devices (MFDs), Color Network Digital MFDs, Personal-use Network Digital MFDs, etc.)
Consumer Business (Digital SLR Cameras, Compact Digital Cameras, Interchangeable Lenses, etc.)
Industry and Others Business (Semiconductor Lithography Equipment, LCD Lithography Equipment, Medical Image Recording Equipment, etc.).
The company has registered many domain names under various gTLDs and ccTLDs not only for actual use but also as a trademark protection measure. Despite these efforts, there exist many domain name registrations and websites that infringe Canon Inc.’s trademarks. As a result, Internet users often have difficulty differentiating bona fide websites from fraudulent ones. Positioning .canon as the official domain for the company, and unifying the company⁄brand’s web presence under .canon, would provide easy access and interaction, which the company believes would reduce confusion and improve user experience.

2. Marketing ⁄ Branding
Since .canon is a brand new TLD that directly represents the company⁄brand name, the Applicant expects it to be a highly effective marketing and branding tool. The Applicant believes that .canon will not only reinforce Canon Inc.’s brand on the Internet, but also attract people to visit the website because .canon domain names make it easier for Internet users to access to the information related to the company.

3. Simplifying domain name management
The third purpose for applying for .canon is to simplify the management of domain names the Applicant has registered. As stated earlier, Canon Inc. has many domain names under the various TLDs, posing a challenge in dealing with different registration and operation rules, log-in systems, etc. .canon would make it possible to manage domain names under the .canon rules and systems umbrella and would replace various Canon Inc. related domain names with .canon domain names. As a consequence, it will be safer and easier for the .canon stakeholders to manage their domain names.

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