18(c) What operating rules will you adopt to eliminate or minimize social costs?

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.jprsJapan Registry Services Co., Ltd.jprs.co.jpView

18.8. Our Premise
*We focus on becoming one of the first new gTLD accredited operators in Japan to utilize .jprs as the symbol specifically for the purpose of expansion and revitalization of internet community.
*JPRS will be the sole registrant of .jprs. Therefore, as an assumption, we anticipate no multiple applications for our second level domain names.

*We intend to provide the second level domain of .jprs for our JPRS partners, specific associated communities and other strategic partners.
Example:ʺaccreditedpartnername.jprs,ʺ ʺinformationproviderservicename.jprs,ʺ ʺtechnologycommunityname.jprsʺ

*As we have the liberty of selecting a Registrar for .jprs at our discretion, we plan to identify and appoint a Registrar for .jprs among the ICANN Accredited Registrars, which is capable of managing and operating our evaluation process to qualify the potential users and objectives, along with the operations of .jprs Registry. Please see #23 (Registry Services) for detailed description of our evaluation and qualification process.

*As a Registry providing services to Registrar for .jprs, JPRS offers initial domain name registration for a period of 1 to 10 years, complying with the Registry Agreement. We do not intend to charge for the registration for .jprs, but should we decide to charge for it, we will notify the Registrar in advance, complying with the Registry Agreement.

*Our measures regarding the registration of .jprs second level domain, in terms of the registration lifecycle as well as the policies to protect the registrants and proprietors of trademarks are described in the answers #27 (Registration life cycle), #28 (Abuse prevention & mitigation) and #29 (Rights protection mechanisms).

*Our measures to protect the privacy and confidential information of the .jprs users are explained in the answers #30 (a) and #30 (b).

*Our implementation of JPRS becoming the sole registrant, servicing⁄sharing .jprs with our internet community partners⁄users at no charge, should provide cost benefits, advantages and effectiveness. By achieving goals of .jprs, building objective relations, we believe that registrants and users will mutually enjoy the benefit. In terms our financial cost description, please refer to the answers in #46 (Projections template:costs and funding) and #47 (Costs:setup and operating).

*As described in #18.4 (Our Target Relations), #18.6 (Objectives and Purposes of Our Relations Symbol) and #18.7 (Our Efforts on The Relations Symbol), we believe our proposed actions, towards target relations, pertaining to outreach and communications are efficient and effective measures to achieve our projected benefits.

*We project that the .jprs second level registered domain names to be as many as 1,000 during the initial one to three years. As partially described in #18.6 (Objectives and Purposes of Our Relations Symbol), we currently have about 600 accredited business partners and several hundreds of associated communities and strategic partners (including potential ones as well). Based on those potential numbers, we estimate that the second level registered domain names will grow from approximately 300 in the first year, and then double to 600 in the second year, and reaching about 1,000 in the following year.

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