29 Rights Protection Mechanisms

Prototypical answer:

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.jprsJapan Registry Services Co., Ltd.jprs.co.jpView

29.1. A Tapestry of Rights Protection Mechanisms
.jprs proposes a tapestry of original Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs), which was envisioned by ICANNʹs Trademark Implementation Recommendation Team (IRT), and the purpose of the RPMs is to mitigate the potential abusive registrations.
29.1.1. Pre-Verification
As defined in the answer for #18 (Mission⁄purpose), .jprs intends to provide the second level domain of .jprs for our JPRS partners, specific associated communities and other strategic partners,, and JPRS itself will be the sole registrant of .jprs. JPRS will pre-verify, before registration takes place, the domain name (string) and the applicant (the representing organization) who will become the primary user for the applied domain name (more details explained in the answer for #23 Registry Services).
We believe that this pre-verification process, as the protection mechanism, is equivalent to one of the most effective RPM safeguards to mitigate any potential abusive registrations, and applying this proprietary evaluation⁄authentication process JPRS projects no more than 1,000 domain name registrations for .jprs.
29.1.2. Sunrise Services
.jprs is prepared to provide a Sunrise Service for .jprs, as set forth in the Applicant Guidebook.
29.1.3. Trademark Claims Services
.jprs is prepared to implement the Trademark Claims Services (TCS) for .jprs, as set forth in the Applicant Guidebook. Due to the restricted nature of the .jprs and the pre-verification of all domain name registrations (as described in the answer for #29.1.1 (Pre-Verification) ), .jprs does not foresee any difficulties in implementing a TCS. As identified in the answer #29.3 (Resource Planning) below, .jprs is committed to dedicating the necessary staff members and resources to ensure that all RPMs are implemented in a manner to match or exceed its exemplary track record in the operation of the .jp ccTLD Furthermore, .jprs is closely monitoring the work of ICANNʹs Trademark Clearinghouse Implementation Assistance Group, to ensure that JPRS implements a best-in-class service for .jprs.
29.1.4. Uniform Domain Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP)
Due to the restrictive nature of .jprs (as described in the answer for #29.1.1 (Pre-Verification) ), .jprs believes that the probability of dispute proceedings regarding .jprs domain names will be very low. However, .jprs will ensure that all registrant and registrar agreements will legally bind all parties to the UDRP. While the UDRP does not impose any specific requirements on the Registry Operator, .jprs intends to develop a constructive working relationship with all ICANN UDRP providers.
29.1.5. Uniform Rapid Suspension System (URS)
Although .jprs does not foresee any potential URS implementation issues due to the proposed restrictive use of the .jprs, we will be committed to allocating the necessary staff and resources to implement a best in class solution. Specifically, .jprs will ensure the following:
* All .jprs registrant and registrar agreements will legally bind the parties to the terms of the URS;
* All communication received from URS Provider (s) will be logged and sent to the .jprs support staff;
* .jprs will update the EPP status of the domain name to a ʺlockedʺ status within 24 hours of receipt of the Notice of Compliant from the URS Provider;
* The ʺlockedʺ status will enable continued resolution of the domain name, but there will be no changes to the registration data, including the transfer and⁄or deletion of the domain name;
* .jprs will unlock the domain name if the URS Provider notifies it that an Examiner has issued a Determination in favor of the Registrant;
* .jprs will immediately suspend the domain name for the duration of the registration term and update the name servers to point to an URS information webpage maintained upon receipt from the URS Provider that an Examiner has issued a Determination in favor of the Complainant; and
* .jprs will take appropriate actions with regard to the domain name in the event that a Notice of Appeal is filed.

JPRS has the experience in developing and implementing the JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (JP-DRP). Therefore, JPRS should not have any issues implementing the URS.

29.1.6. Trademark Post Delegation Dispute Resolution Procedure (Trademark PDDRP)
Although .jprs does not foresee any potential Trademark PDDRP proceedings due to the proposed restrictive use of the .jprs, we will provide this administrative proceeding as an additional RPM mechanism to trademark owners.
29.2. Technical Resources
29.2.1. Precise Administrative Structure for the Domain Name Registration Procedures
In 2010, .jp was recognized as one of the worldʹs safest country code top-level domains (ccTLDs) for the second consecutive year, see http:⁄⁄us.mcafee.com⁄en-us⁄local⁄docs⁄MTMW_Report.pdf
JPRS has structured a collaborative framework with security industry organizations that have resulted in significant efforts and accomplishments. Furthermore, JPRS has the precise administrative structure for the domain name registration procedures.
Because of the careful management of the domain name registration process within the .jp ccTLD there were a total of twelve (12) domain name disputes filed in 2011, among 1.26 million total registered domain names. In fact over the past eleven years, there have been a total of only 87 domain name disputes filed under the JP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (JP-DRP) which is administered by Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC)
29.2.2. Development and Implementation of the Uniform Domain Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP)
In 1999, JPNIC (Japan Network Information Center), the .jp Registry Operator at the time, created a Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy Task Force, which evaluated ICANNʹs enacted ʺUniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy,ʺ as well as WIPOʹs first report on the ʺInternet Domain Name Processʺ in modeling the current ʺJP Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (JP-DRP).

JPRS was established in the year 2000, by JPNIC, and after taking over the responsibilities of the .jp Registry Operator, JPRS has accumulated experience in operating and implementing the JP-DRP, over the next 10 years. Therefore, JPRS foresees no issues in implementing ICANNʹs Uniform Domain Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP) or Uniform Rapid Suspension System (URS) as required by the Applicant Guidebook.

29.3. Resource Planning
.jprs plans to implement necessary measures for the Rights Protection Mechanisms for .jprs. Nevertheless, the second level domain names of .jprs will be provided for our JPRS partners, specific associated communities and other strategic partners, and JPRS itself will be the sole registrant. Moreover, as stated in the answer for #18 (Mission⁄purpose), our projection of the registration volume for the foreseeable future is about 1,000 at maximum, and therefore we suspect that the actual corresponding actions for those measures required shall be limited.

JPRS will allocate one dedicated employee, with substantial experiences in the .jp operations, for customer support. The customer support staff member will enforce the measures for the Rights Protection Mechanisms for .jprs. Furthermore, the same staff member will support the inquiries from the .jprs users and from the Registrar. More detailed financial information about the allocated staff member is defined in the answer for #47.1.2 (Customer Support Labor).

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