18(a) Describe the mission/purpose of your proposed gTLD

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.allfinanzberatungAllfinanz Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaftthomsentrampedach.comView

Allfinanz Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft, a 100% wholly-owned subsidiary of the Deutsche Vermögensberatung Aktiengesellschaft (DVAG) is a stock corporation located in Germany. Its corporate purpose is the provision of financial advice and support in investments, particularly in the areas of state-aided capital formation and savings, as well as in matters of finance, insurance and asset protection.

Allfinanz provides investment consulting services through 1,200 commercial agents within the meaning of § 84 Handelsgesetzbuch (the German Code of Commercial Law). These commercial agents act independently, on a commission basis, but are assisted by Allfinanz by providing them with a common corporate identity and marketing platform, IT-Infrastructure, accounting settlement systems and comprehensive, quality education and training.

Allfinanz has current assets of $120 million and provides financial services for private and institutional clients.

A. The name and brand DVAG

Professor Dr. Reinfried Pohl, in creating the DVAG company, developed an innovative approach to client financial management known as the “ALLFINANZ-Konzept.“ The “ALLFINANZ-Konzept” is a holistic consulting approach that covers all economic and financial questions for DVAG’s private clients. The Allfinanz company has become the modern incarnation of this market-leading concept, which is the guiding principal behind Allfinanz’s unparalleled level of customer service and client satisfaction. Allfinanz assesses its clients’ individual requirements and uses these as a basis for long-term consulting in the areas of old-age pension provision, wealth management, health insurance, non-life insurance, loans and mortgages, and banking.

The “.ALLFINANZBERATUNG” top-level domain will enable Allfinanz to showcase its wide array of financial services and wealth management opportunities in a streamlined and consistent manner, and to communicate information about its investment and client advisory services on single and a unified platform. The “.ALLFINANZBERATUNG” top-level domain will further assist Allfinanz by providing a comprehensive nexus of websites where clients may locate and engage authorized investment counsellors and research the many products and services offered by the company. The “.ALLFINANZBERATUNG” space will provide the company and its agents with a single, mutli-functional and well-maintained forum through which to communicate to their clients and prospective consumers.

The TLD “.ALLFINANZBERATUNG” is intended to benefit Internet users by enabling DVAG to communicate more easily and effectively with all Internet users, and particularly with its many customers, clients and affiliates. As indicated above, the term “allfinanzberatung” is a combination of the generic word meaning “counseling” and the Applicant’s ALLFINANZ trademark. The use of the common dictionary term “counseling” will make the space readily-identifiable to German speaking Internet users throughout the world, indicating that the TLD provides information relating to the company’s extensive investment opportunities and financial offerings. The generic nature of the term will make the space accessible to all users searching for financial advice, interesting in locating an authorized investment agent, or looking to communicate with the Allfinanz financial office of their choice.

The “.ALLFINANZBERATUNG” Registry Service Provider will manage the Internet space under the direct control of Allfinanz. This will allow the distribution and exchange of information between Allfinanz, their authorized commercial agents, and their relevant stakeholders by means of, but not limited to, websites, social networks, email and other technologies that will reside within the “.ALLFINANZBERATUNG” domain name space.

Allfinanz envisages the TLD to follow a single-registrant model, wherein all registrations within the space are held by the Allfinanz company itself. Allfinanz’s commercial agents, appropriate corporate divisions, or other affiliated entities may apply to the Legal department of Allfinanz to request authorization to license such registrations for their own use. Allfinanz shall review such requests and, in its sole discretion, may grant such licenses on a case-by-case basis. In all cases, Allfinanz shall monitor the use of all “.ALLFINANZBERATUNG” domain names to ensure that the content of the associated websites remains current and appropriate to the “.ALLFINANZBERATUNG” space, and does not violate any third parties’ rights

All host records are to be approved by both the legal and the IT department of Allfinanz prior to creation.

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