18(a) Describe the mission/purpose of your proposed gTLD
Prototypical answer:
gTLD | Full Legal Name | E-mail suffix | Detail | .versicherung | dotversicherung-registry GmbH | dotversicherung.de | View |
The .VERSICHERUNG TLD is intended to serve the insurance community in the countries Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. The .VERSICHERUNG TLD and its domains names shall support suppliers with memorable domain names and facilitate consumers to intuitively find insurance information on the Internet and shall contribute to more quality, reliability and consumer trust in insurance topics on the Internet.
The new domain names available with .VERSICHERUNG are concise and create a unique and individual identity for the community’s members. Those providing and looking for information, goods and services can thus intuitively come together. The .VERSICHERUNG domain names strengthen the identification amongst community members, improve communication and make interaction easier, thus providing a stimulus for innovation and development. For both the insurance community as well as consumer .VERSICHERUNG domain names will become an attractive address to visit.
The allocation of .VERSICHERUNG domain names shall incorporate, in a fair and transparent manner, the many and varied interests of the insurance community in the top-level domain .VERSICHERUNG. The .VERSICHERUNG policies shall ensure that all community members may benefit individually by a unique identity with a .VERSICHERUNG domain name.
The registration of .VERSICHERUNG domains is restricted to eligible insurance community members. These members are registered insurance companies, registered insurance agents and intermediaries as well as governmental agencies of the insurance community.
The .VERSICHERUNG TLD is not a “financial TLD” as defined by the HSTLD group since it is not intended to be used primarily to perform financial transactions offered by recognized financial institutions including banks, saving associations, investment houses, and insurance companies. This has been discussed as well with the respective GAC representatives (from Germany, Switzerland and Austria). German authorities are involved in this TLD: In March 2012 the dotversicherung-registry GmbH received an award of the “initiative medium-sized businesses” for innovation and a high value of benefit for medium-sized businesses in Germany. The patrons of this initiative are IBM and the appointee of the German Government for information technology (Bundesbeauftragte für Informationstechnik der Bundesregierung, BSI) in Germany. This certificate has been awarded for the concept of a .VERSICHERUNG TLD to dotversicherung-registry GmbH.
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