20(b) Explain the applicant's relationship to the community identified in 20(a)

Prototypical answer:

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.versicherungdotversicherung-registry GmbHdotversicherung.deView

* Management are members of the community *
The executives and managers of the applicant dotversicherung-registry GmbH have been working for years in the German speaking insurance industry having business relations to all major insurance providers. The CEO of dotversicherung-registry GmbH, Axel Schwiersch, is a registered insurance agent at the official public insurance register.

* Relations to any community organizations *
The dotversicherung-registry GmbH is supported for its .VERSICHERUNG TLD application among others by the following organizations which are part of the insurance community:
- Bundesverband Deutscher Versicherungskaufleute e.V. (BVK) (the largest European association of insurance agent)
- Helvetia Versicherung (oldest Swiss based insurer, founded in 1858)
- DFV Deutsche Familienversicherung AG (German based insurer)
- Sueddeutsche Krankenversicherung (German based insurer)
- Provinzial Versicherung (German based insurer of the Sparkasse bank)
- Quantum Leben AG (Liechtenstein based insurer)
- Zurich Versicherung Deutschland (Major European Insurer)
- many other insurance agents and insurance intermediaries who give their support to the .VERSICHERUNG TLD through official statements or support-letter.(For statements online see: http:⁄⁄www.dotversicherung.de⁄was-ist-versicherung⁄wir-sind-fuer-dotversicherung⁄entries).

* Relations to the community and its constituent parts⁄groups *
The management team of dotversicherung-registry GmbH is community members themselves. The dotversicherung-registry GmbH is working for its .VERSICHERUNG TLD application with the following organizations and individuals being part of the insurance community:
- Prof. Dr. Schwintowski, Humboldt University Berlin, Institute of business law and economic law (the leading academic for insurance law topics in Germany) (http:⁄⁄schwintowski.rewi.hu-berlin.de⁄). Prof. Dr. Schwintowski serves as the patron to the .VERSICHERUNG TLD.
- The Advisory Board consists of senior representatives from the german speaking part of the Insurance industry. The advisory board has advised the dotversicherung-registry GmbH in the process of policy making. In particular, the registrant eligibility requirements policies were developed in collaboration with the advisory board.

* Award-winning concept*
In March 2012, the dotversicherung-registry GmbH received an award of the “initiative medium-sized businesses” for innovation and a high value of benefit for medium-sized businesses in Germany. The patrons of this initiative are IBM and the appointee of the German Government for information technology (Bundesbeauftragte für Informationstechnik der Bundesregierung, BSI) in Germany. This certificate has been awarded for the concept of a .VERSICHERUNG TLD to dotversicherung-registry GmbH.

* Accountability mechanisms of the applicant to the community *
The dotversicherung-registry GmbH has already introduced or plans to establish mechanisms to be accountable to the insurance community. These include:
- A multi-stakeholder Advisory Board (already existing)
- An ombudsman (already existing, Stephan Michaelis, professional lawyer specializing in insurance law, http:⁄⁄www.kanzleimichaelis.de)
- Distribution of annual reports of the company and the .VERSICHERUNG TLDs within the insurance community (planned)
- Educational papers, speeches and other public awareness on the .VERSICHERUNG TLD (already existing)

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