
16 Describe the applicant's efforts to ensure that there are no known operational or rendering problems concerning the applied-for gTLD string

gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.GCCGCCIX WLLsedari.comView
There are no known issues, specific operational or rendering issues with the applied for string. It is a Latin alphabet based string that conforms to the specifications laid out in RFC 1035.

As with all new TLDs there is the potential for legacy applications to fail to recognize the new TLD string. Some older applications may have hardcoded lists of ʺvalidʺ TLDs or, worst case, assume anything that isnʹt ʺ.comʺ, ʺ.netʺ or ʺ.orgʺ is not valid. There are existing initiatives, including The Public Suffix List operated by the Mozilla Foundation, which we will work with to help educate the broader Internet Community.
gTLDFull Legal NameE-mail suffixDetail
.CIMBCIMB Group Sdn Bhdipmirror.comView
There are no known issues, specific operational or rending issues with the applied for string. It is a Latin alphabet based string that conforms to the specifications laid out in RFC 1035.

As with all new TLDs there is the potential for legacy applications to fail to recognize the new TLD string. Some older applications may have hardcoded lists of ʺvalidʺ TLDs or, worse, case assume anything that isnʹt ʺ.comʺ, ʺ.netʺ or ʺ.orgʺ is not valid. There are existing initiatives, including The Public Suffix List operated by the Mozilla Foundation, which CIMB will work with to help educate the broader Internet Community.